Worldwide Caution

Business has me traveling a lot, and also on embassy email lists. Sometimes they’re helpful for people who don’t check the local news for inclement weather events, local uproars, etc. Some can be a bit more cryptic.

From one I received this morning (October 20th): 

Location: Worldwide Caution

Event: Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.

How generic, it’s the usual hating us for our freedoms, maybe. Somebody did something, I guess. You don’t need me to translate, but I’ll do it anyways:

Location: Worldwide Caution

Event: Due to a massive Zionist bombing campaign in which thousands of tons of explosives are being dropped on Gaza with the intention of exterminating or ethnically cleansing its residents, people across the world, particularly the Islamic regions, have become irate. 

Tensions are greatly exacerbated due to the Jews deliberately striking a crowded Christian hospital in the strip with a huge JDAM, resulting in a mass casualty event. This may result in unfavorable situations for American citizens, whose government funds and facilitates this ongoing massacre. 

They’re not incorrect that an American in the wrong place at the wrong time could get killed or kidnapped over this carnage which isn’t his/her fault, but why is still some important context. What’s interesting is that Israel appears to be reaching an inflection point where it can’t just do (mostly) whatever it wants under the cover of Uncle Sam anymore. 

By giving missiles to Iran, Russia could get a lot of payback for a little. Remember that phrase about Ukraine?

If Iran decides to fight, there’s little the U.S. military would be able to do to block incoming missiles into Israel, particularly when these barrages would be coming from Hezbollah as well. Moreover, the size of the Israeli military is deceptive, as most of them are soft, cosmopolitan reservists, and around 40% are female. 

They wouldn’t be able to battle their way through the ruins of Gaza the way Russian volunteer units fought in Mariupol against the Azov Battalion. In tough bastard terms, that was a pretty evenly matched fight although the Russians had overwhelming firepower. 

In Gaza, Hamas wins on ferocity and commitment to die in jihad defending their home turf. Hezbollah, in Lebanon, is a much bigger and better armed opponent with far more space to operate. The IDF is going to take them on as well, while Iranian missiles are striking? It’s an infeasible nightmare scenario. 

Of course, there’s Uncle Sam. The thing is Putin has warned against escalation and now Kinzhals are circling over the Black Sea in striking distance of our two carrier groups as a distinct threat to the U.S. not to intervene. The situation is quite volatile and unprecedented. 

The Israelis have backed themselves into a corner by starting from the presumption it would be business as usual. The retarded extremist Jews in Netanyahu’s coalition take it for granted their right to slaughter and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians. They don’t seem capable of grasping that the rest of the world finds this appalling and, by doing so, they’re creating a justifiable pretext for Iranian intervention.

So, right from the start they announced that the mobilization was in order to subdue and reoccupy the Gaza Strip, which everyone outside the West understands is just naked ethnic cleansing in direct contravention of the two-state solution, international law, and common morality. Outside of Israel and global Jewry, only specific American demographics, such as Evangelicals, approve. Nearly everyone else on the planet does not approve. 

Israeli leadership is now faced with the prospect of a brutal quagmire in Gaza as global anger grows, and Iranian and Hezbollah intervention if they even try to get an operation underway. They did this to themselves with their hubris and hatred.

I’m not sure what Israeli leadership is going to do, but tensions seem to keep rising. Probing attacks against U.S. forces in the region have also begun. It’s doubtful that refraining from a ground invasion and instead methodically bombing the strip to rubble would be less of a red line for the Islamic world.  My speculation would be that something has to give. Either Israel backs off, or conflict erupts.

It’s pretty telling that Jewish commentators are harping on the “Samson Option” to deliver nuclear devastation to humanity if Israel is losing. An evil parasitical state founded on lies is unsustainable, especially since the ethno-religious group responsible is killing off the hosts that keep it alive. It was always coming to this, even if the final showdown is later. Hopefully later, so I can get my bunker complex completed. Lots of women will need to be captured rescued in the ensuing catastrophe that will bring an end to this age of civilization.

Jews can’t help themselves, it’s in their nature. The creation of the Israeli state was an evil triumph over humanity, but their triumphs merely serve to advance their own demise. There’s no use imploring them to be reasonable like the Russians and Chinese have been doing. 

It’s inevitable it would come down to such threats as the final showdown looms rather than accepting a lasting peace that would require defined borders for Israel and recognition of the Palestinian right to exist in their ancestral land. All we can do is wait, it’s not like we’ll be voting for anyone to sort this out in our favor.


  1. I was 19 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and I remember it well. The fear of nuclear was intense. But in Kennedy and Khrushchev we had two leaders who wanted peace, and they brokered a deal.

    It might be noted that the US military and CIA wanted a war with the Soviets, and the deal was one of the reasons the CIA/FBI/Pentagon/Secret Service killed JFK.

    Today, Israel and our leaders want a war to eliminate Hamas and Hezbollah. Biden has green-lighted Netanyahu Excellent Adventure, and all Hell will follow.

    The utter stupidity and recklessness of our leaders is mind boggling. They are taking us into a nuclear war with eyes wide open.

  2. I did not know the hospital 🏥 was a Christian hospital

    Interesting how the Zionist-Evangelical US media left that out

    1. I’ve also read that it was a Christian cathedral in Nagasaki that was the epicenter of the blast. The Samson Option provides an interesting study in contrasts in this excerpt by Otto Skorzeny, who was an intimate of that man called a ‘monster’ by the media presstitutes:

      “In August 1945 I heard that two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Unnecessary bombs, by the way, for the Japanese emperor had already asked the Americans for their peace terms. p. 162. Hitler’s stance on this question was, I believe, determined primarily by a type of instinct, a revolt against the human nature that wants to destroy itself. Hitler, who had been gassed during the First World War, always banned chemical warfare. Our chemists had discovered a new gas, against which, as we know today, there was no defense: the nerve gas “Tabin.” p. 163.

      Otto Skorzeny, ‘My Commando Operations’, trans. David Johnston

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