This is an old story, so old I wrote about this very same conflict in college, back when the weapons of choice were swords and slingshots, not cluster bombs and white phosphorus incendiaries. So, excuse me if I’m a little exhausted on the whole subject of sand people fighting each other. The only exception on this matter are my Palestinian Christian brothers, their wives, and children suffering because of this conflict. I mean really suffering, life and death, no water, electricity, food, and with the eminent threat of watching their families eliminated before their very eyes. Our ancestors watched this play out in real time, as Sherman marched his devilish army to the sea, unleashing his godless murderous rage against our people; a rage he would continue against the native tribes of the western United States, during and after Lincoln’s War. And make no mistake, if this is left unchecked, the fantasy of a Greater Israel will continue to proliferate, just as the imperial lust of the Yankee has expanded all over the world.
Who will be the victor, or the vanquished, in this battle for control over Palestine is something that our Heavenly Father has determined in His perfect providence, and I will make no moral judgment, for the voices of Christian martyrs continually cry out before the Throne of Heaven to make such accusations. But as a Southerner, I completely understand the plight of those held captive by foreign occupiers in a land that has been theirs for hundreds of years, some still having deeds to property their families owned since the Ottomans. They are systematically being displaced, vilified, and, if I may use a term with which our people are well aquatinted, reconstructed.
Of course, living in the South, a hot bed of heretical dispensationalist eschatology, you’re probably conversing with some of your brothers and sisters that are deep within a fantastical wet dream, truly a religious pornographic experience. It’s like the Left Behind series is happening in now, and right before their eyes. I’ve already had conversations with dear friends that are in a frenzy, full of blood lust, calling for the genocide of Muslim “terrorists,” in order that “God’s Chosen People” will possess all the “holy land.” Ironically, a land that they were divinely expelled from almost two millennia ago after crucifying the Son of God, cursing themselves and all their heirs to damnation, and willingly (Matthew 27:25). Both of these terms, “terrorist” and “chosen,” with regards to these combatants, are false; the Palestinians aren’t terrorists, and Israeli’s have zero connection to the God of Abraham, and His chosen seed, Our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 3, John 8).
So, most of these combatants are Christless, and our Christian Southern nation has no dog in the fight, we gain nothing from sending our wealth, nor our children, to fight for either side. Now, if this conflict goes sideways, and we see an escalation with the Arab nations coming to the aid of their brothers, which, shame on them if they do not, our people must show great restraint and resolve when the American Empire comes to kidnap our children for its janissary services. For too long have we fought these foreign wars, and only enriched those whose loyalties are to nations and peoples other than our own. No, if the United States wars for Jewish interest, which it is likely to do, and its forces are depleted, we must let the Empire starve for replacements and deprive it of the presence and fortitude of our progeny.
With all that being said, I sincerely believe we should pray, and our prayers should be directed to fulfilling a more righteous destiny for the current state called Israel: that it be dissolved and returned to pre-1948 Palestine, and those left with some semblance of intellect form a responsible government that respects the humanity of all those that inhabit the region, and until all nations embrace the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, we must push our people to gravitate, to refocus their eyes homeward, to a spiritual heritage that is more consumed with seeing our Southern nation flourish in a golden age of Christian morality and governance. Expelling and breaking this current enchantment, the idolatrous spell that has bewitched them for so long into worshipping foreigner peoples and gods, is critically important for our people.
Even come Lord Jesus! Amen!
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
When israel is dissolved, where do you think all those jews will end up? Yep! Right here in the Good Ol’ USA.
An excellent article! When you wrote of many of our people being under an “idolatrous spell that has bewitched them for so long into worshipping foreigner peoples and gods” I thought of Galatians 3:1, where Paul asked the Christians “who hath bewitched you”. The minds of evangelicals have been seized by a Jewish delusion, a literal bewitchment.
Earn an exemption from conscripted military service with these simple tricks:
1. Have DIXIE installed as the ringtone of your phone.
2. Have a copy of MEIN KAMPF installed on your phone.
3. Wear a Battle Flag t-shirt to the induction center.
4. Upon arrival at the induction center, ask when breakfast will be served and say: “I’m hungry enough to kill a mandingo fighter for a Hardee’s biscuit!”
5. Greet any colored officers and ncos with the phrase “hey boy”.
6. Whistle at any attractive female officers.
7. Tell anyone who’ll listen that the holocaust never happened and even if it had you’re sure that the Jews asked for it.
8. Tell anyone who’ll listen that the American Colonists were right to burn homosexuals.
9. Tell anyone who’ll listen that you hear voices who tell you to do “bad things man”.
10. Request to be deployed to the Southwestern Border to machine gun down the Mexicans and all other invaders.
This is good. Have not laughed so hard in a long time. Actually these should work in practice.
Put this gem up at my blog. Thanks for the side-splitter!
Parts of your article put me in mind of Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 speech given at the Willard Hotel in Washington, wherein he lambasts the so called “Jews” for having stolen the land of Palestine from its rightful owners (with the help of the Western powers and the secretive Balfour agreement, of course). Anyway, I was surprised to find the speech still available on YouTube, but in fact it is currently available through that source. Here is the link for anyone interested and who has not yet heard it, or even heard of it:
If you’ve never heard it, it is worth your time to listen.
I’m very thankful for the few dissident jews like Benjamin Freedman, Harold Rosenthal, Brother Nathanael, Gerard Menuhin, Henry Makow. And yet there are still stupid goyim who refuse to believe the testimonies of those who were once a part of the conspiracy!