It would appear the Israeli solution to Palestinian discontent is to level the Gaza Strip safely with bombs and then conduct a ground incursion. The fate of its 2 million residents is of no concern. Israeli officials have been referring to them as “human animals.” According to their religion, we’re all human animals to whom they can do whatever they want, as only Jews have souls. So, we’ve got that in common with the Palestinians.
The people who violently ethnically cleansed them into the Strip and have been keeping them under blockade are just so evil and fundamentally at odds with reality that they believe themselves to hold the moral high ground in this matter. Accordingly, as a matter of law, it’s their right to expel all of the Arabs from Israel, which has no defined borders and in aspiration, would encompass much of the Middle East.
The operation by Hamas has been described as an attack on Israel but the reality is that Hamas soldiers are fighting on land where their families had dwelled for centuries or perhaps longer. Many of them still have the deeds for their houses. The Ottoman Empire, dismembered following WW1 in exchange for bringing the United States into the war on the side of the British Empire, had respected the right of all three religions to live in Palestine, as did the British when it was their mandate.
In other words, Palestinians weren’t interlopers in Israel. Most of the Jewish population arrived from Europe after WW2 and none of them were the Jews of biblical times, neither genetically nor in their horrific religious doctrine which didn’t exist at the time of Christ. These evangelicals who worship them have probably never even heard of the Talmud.
Greater Israel aside, the shorter-term goal of Netanyahu’s coalition is to get rid of all the Palestinians. For years, they’ve been talking about annexing the Gaza Strip for Jewish settlement. Unlike the West Bank, which is being digested piecemeal, a Jewish settler wouldn’t touch Gaza due to their militancy. These people are craven, not courageous.
Russia and China have been urging progress on the implementation of the “two state solution.” The creation of the state of Israel wasn’t reasonable in the first place, but this is the only reasonable way establish a lasting peace given the facts on the ground. That’s largely the international consensus.
Only the U.S. and its vassals recognize Israel as the single valid state, it’s not much different than the Ukraine situation. The rest of the planet recognizes the Palestinians’ right to sovereignty. The Arabs mostly only recognize Palestine unless, such as in the case of Egypt and Jordan, they’ve been massively bribed by your tax dollars to do otherwise. That’s pretty much what keeps these governments afloat.
When one lies, these lies can cover a great deal of ground, but eventually nobody believes you anymore. This is the problem that Israel now faces, which is the same problem for the United States since Jews are pulling the strings. Putin has noted that the U.S. will negotiate agreements in bad faith under the premise that it has a right to the entire planet (part of their religious doctrine), and these agreements are simply to buy time in order for it to find a way to stick a knife in you. Everybody gets that now.
Hamas understands that there’s no agreement to reach with Israel that doesn’t keep it from moving towards its goal of getting rid of all of them, alive or dead. So, yeah, it sounds rather extreme to strap into a paraglider and infiltrate enemy air defenses under the cover of a rocket barrage, and that requires a great deal of courage, but there’s also the fact that they’ve got nothing to lose. Israel always intended to level the Strip anyways.
Jews just don’t seem to understand that when you back an animal (remember, that also means you and everyone you love) into a corner, it will either curl up and die or fight to the death. It’s as if they never think the latter option is an actual option. The Palestinians find themselves in a corner. There’s been talk about getting their own state for a century, but always they keep getting driven out, abused, and murdered en masse. There’s no deal with the devil’s children.
The walls always close in on the Jews. It’s amazing how organized and sophisticated the Palestinians have become. My attitude towards them was always “poor bastards,” as they just seemed to be dumb, brown, rock-throwers with no chance. Now, Israelis are cowering in fear of their rockets and they’re taking out really expensive tanks with cheap drones. They’d make Israeli conscripts pay a savage price in Gaza.
A question looming in the background is what Russia and China are seeking because they know Israel will never negotiate in good faith any more than the United States. They’ve been establishing consensus across the Islamic world as their new global system is unveiled. They really don’t need a conflict, and the timing is interesting as the Ukraine debacle seems to be culminating.
However, they can’t just let the Israelis clear out Gaza. A couple of key reasons are that, for Iran, protecting Gaza is a matter of religious duty, and the Saudi government really doesn’t want to deal with the public backlash. The Arab public isn’t nearly as practical in their view of this matter as their governments. They want Jewish blood.
China brokered a peace deal between Iran and the Saudis. To keep this together, they need something that satisfies both parties. For instance, the Jews leave Gaza alone and Iran persuades Hamas to release the hostages. Obviously, that’s not what’s happening.
The Israelis are leveling whole apartment blocks and they’ve cut off the power, water, and imports of any kind. They also told Gazans to leave and then blew up their only exit, which is on the Egyptian border. This is going to reach a crisis point, especially if they try and enter the strip to wipe out Hamas, which they’ve promised will happen. Jews always lie and often indirectly move towards their goals, but when they feel threatened, it’s mask off and full genocide.
This probably isn’t really what the Jews running things in DC wanted. Their thing is gay parades and to gradually get rid of all the Palestinians and collapse Iran. However, Netanyahu’s coalition includes the really stupid, extreme Jews who have all the children. They’re the ones who stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque, setting all this off.
Their stated intention is to demolish the third most holy Muslim site in order to rebuild their temple. That’s insane because it would involve a declaration of war by every Islamic country on Earth, so the smarter gay parade Jews are naturally highly alarmed. Demographics are on the stupid side, which is why the country was nearing civil war over its supreme court, which is a mitigating influence on the legislative efforts of the emerging majority.
What’s wonderfully ironic is that the Jews who didn’t want this conflict are the ones stuck doing the fighting since the extreme Jews are exempt from mandatory military service. Anyways, if Israel doesn’t stop the process of annihilating Gaza, Iran will have to do something, and Russia and China probably won’t be able to hold it back. Two carrier groups will be in the Mediterranean. If Hezbollah steps in, and then Uncle Sam enters the fray on behalf of his master, then oh boy…

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
That third temple they want to build is that where the Anti-Christ proclaims himself God and the majority of Jews worship him as God. That makes me think the Anti-Christ will not be a Western Europe and but a Talmudic Jew.
Friday, the thirteenth could get interesting. Where is Jason Voorhees when we need him? The government is thirty-five trillion dollars in debt but they want to borrow more to buy arms for “the chosen ones”. Why can’t Israel borrow the money on their own credit lines? Also, why won’t they let the Palestinians flee to Egypt? I once got a fortune cookie which said to always leave an enemy a path of retreat or they will have no choice but to fight no quarter. Now I couldn’t care less if all of the sand negroes killed each other off if only they would be kind enough to do so in The Middle East where we won’t get caught in the crossfire. It’s funny how the U.S. froze the six billion dollar payment Iran had expected to receive for the oil they shipped to China, but still wonders why other countries have lost all faith and credit in the petroleum dollar. Talk about “them” crying out in pain as they strike and rape you.
“Why won’t they let the Palestinians flee to Egypt?”
That’s only something an honorable foe would do.
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”
Menachem Begin, ‘Speech to the Knesset’, quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, 6/25/82
You guys should rename this site IdentityShackelford, he’s by far the best and most enjoyable to read writer here
A very poweful and very well written article! A tip o’ the hat to Mr. Shackleford.
Just like the Hollywood production Ukraine wargame hoax. This is a hoax as well. Haven’t heard anything about Ukraine for awhile, they needed to move onto something else. And when this fades, there will be another event. Fake mall and school shootings in between. All paid for by you the tax payers.