I’m not really sure what’s happening in the Middle East at the moment, nobody in the dissident sphere seems to, either. The best anybody can do is speculate. What I would note is that this concerns the literal children of the devil so there’s nothing too dishonest, nefarious, or surreptitious to put past them. Anything they do or say I’d approach with the credulity of a Spanish inquisitor.
The state of Israel is a Satanic entity brought into existence through an endless catalogue of lies, bribery, coercion, manipulation, death by the hundreds of millions (WW1 + 2), ethnic cleansing, and pretty much every other evil under the sun. It’s way too much history to document in an article, so for our purposes I’d note that what it is currently is a parasitical and unsustainable project.
In other words, it’s not an organic country like Denmark or Japan capable of being honest about its past or why it exists, and conducting this existence indefinitely. The foundation of its existence is its control over the United States, which provides protection and massive subsidies much to our detriment. It also subsidizes countries like Egypt and Jordan to cooperate with Israel.
Israel isn’t popular anywhere except the American Empire. In Europe, everyone has been brainwashed into thinking it’s not okay to be racist and that they have to accept the abolition of their countries because they can’t be racists. Then, there’s this country across the Mediterranean where citizenship is based on genetics, and founded on ethnic cleansing which officially designates people as undeserving of humanity based on race and kills them accordingly.
The insane hypocrisy means nothing here, but among Europeans it’s well-noted and now their countries have been flooded with Muslims who militantly don’t like Israel. Only basically in the U.S. is there a large constituency of evangelical morons who’ve been fooled (look up the Scofield Bible for starters) into believing that slavish adoration for Jews and support for Israel are core tenants of their faith.
So, what I’m saying in this regard is that the only base of popular support for Israel is here and the less White this place gets, the less there’s going to be and there’s nothing the ADL will be able to do about it. I’ll have to admit that whether we survive or not is an open question, but not the fact that Jews are destined to fail, and that their various contradictory and malicious efforts will lead to this collective failure.
It’s difficult for normal people to understand something like why they’d destroy America when they depend on it to exist, but there are many such dynamics at play. It’s not possible to understand what’s going on in purely rational terms. So, what’s going on?
Well, one thing to note is that the sort of Jews who brought Israel into existence are long dead, their descendants are arrogant, incompetent, entitled, and lacking in the self-awareness to comprehend the tsunami-sized backlash they’re bringing against themselves. Moreover, they’re not exactly producing many descendants.
The demographic destiny of Israel is really inbred, stupid Jews totally incapable of doing the “my fellow white people” act. They don’t make any pretense of their belief that only they have souls, and the rest of humanity is unclean meat unfit to be touched unless it’s some poor woman who’s been sex-trafficked. They’re having lots of kids. These aren’t the Israelis doing the gay parades in Tel Aviv. They’re the ones spitting on Christians, murdering Palestinians, driving them off the land, etc.
They stormed into the Al Aqsa mosque and trashed it, which set this whole thing off. The U.S. media is trying to pretend this conflict erupted from a terrorist attack out of the blue but that’s quite far from reality. Who directed this attack and why it was allowed are very pertinent questions, but not the fact that they wanted to do it. If it was up to them, they’d bring the temple down on their heads overnight. They’re just that stupid and hateful. Nobody likes them, not even other Jews. It’s impossible not to find them utterly distasteful, and they’re the future of Israel.
I’m genuinely curious if these Jews just got out of control and did this red line mosque attack on their own, catching everyone else off guard. Israel won’t be able to prevail in a conventional conflict if Hezbollah and Iran decide to throw down as well.
They’ve got enough firepower to level cities and most Jews would rather flee than fight to the death. They don’t have a culture or disposition of courage and martial enthusiasm. If Israel wanted to go in and eject the Palestinians from Gaza once and for all, it’s been announced that would trigger such an intervention. Israeli officials have said they’re going in, which is alarming.
So yeah, it seems like an Iranian-Hezbollah intervention is imminent. Israel has already cut off the food, water, and electricity for one of the most densely populated areas on Earth and they’re leveling whole apartment blocks. There’s a couple million people in Gaza, and sure killing all of them is a morally acceptable Jewish course of action, but the rest of the world isn’t going to tolerate it, just America.
Israel has pretty much no ability to damage Iran with anything but a nuke. Meanwhile, Iran has invested heavily in missile technology to specifically deliver devastation to Israel. It’s probably got Hezbollah well-stocked up on all sorts of cool stuff, too. It already defeated the IDF back in 2006. This seems like a nightmare situation for Israel and not something they’d initiate thinking it could possibly work out in their favor, but like I said, this is all speculation.
There’s always the golem, Uncle Sam. However, we don’t have the ability to prevail in a conflict with Iran either. The unhinged homo Lindsey Graham is calling for the destruction of Iran’s oil infrastructure. That’s a perilous proposition for American planes and would lead to all sorts of retaliation, like Iran shutting down the Strait of Hormuz with swarms of drones and small combat vessels that would be really hard for the U.S. Navy to take out. Prices are already spiking up.
We could be in for the sort of disruption nobody has yet experienced in our lifetimes unless some third party is able to broker a ceasefire. If it goes on, it seems like escalation would be guaranteed. They’re already bombing Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. When Jews are in the driver’s seat, calamity is guaranteed so perhaps we’re really screwed.
I could certainly be dead wrong, but my impression is that they don’t know what to do. There’s really no way to handle this situation that makes Israel look good on the global stage or projects an image of strength to the Islamic world, which would like to finish it off. If they opt for war, the only chance of success comes from direct American involvement.
This brings us to our big problem, which is that our politicians are willing to do whatever Israel wants. Congress is nothing more than a menagerie of traitors completely owned by Israel. If Netanyahu decides to go to war with Iran and Hezbollah, I think it’s a safe bet that’s what we’ll be doing, too. Since we have no representation and we’re along for the ride, we’ll just have to wait and see. Might want to stock up on supplies, though.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
“Itâs difficult for normal people to understand something like why theyâd destroy America when they depend on it to exist, but there are many such dynamics at play.”
It’s not really that difficult to understand. It’s what parasites do to hosts. When the host is sucked dry of vital juices, the parasite simply looks for a new host.
Nail head, meet hammer!
Exactly German Confederate,the Satanic Jews want all White Christian nations and cultures forever ruined.These literal children of Hell want murder and more murder.They love death on all sides.Great article Tom,one of your BEST.It gives me hope that we may live to see the beast beaten.Our beautiful South was laid to waste by the Jewish hidden hand and I will forever despise them.Our Lord was murdered by them and they are the enemies of the Cross.I still can’t believe so many Christians are fooled by false doctrine.But the Devil is very smart and powerful that’s why we must rebuke him in the name of Jesus and command he stay away from us.Thanks for the article and great commenters,God bless and protect us all.Christ is Lord!
No offense to Netanyahu, but if I were in charge, this simply would not have happened – built different, you see.
I think you missed the point in that it wasnât Israel dropping the ball and thatâs why it happened. It happened because Israel was directly behind it happening. Stop being played by the same tricks over and over again.
Have you seen Nikki Haley’s speech on Hamas and Israel? It is disgusting. On the other hand, Tucker Carlson nailed it! Lindsey Graham also called for the assassination of Vladimir Putin! What is wrong with South Carolina? Launch a vote recall and consign him to the dustbin of history! Media personalities are crying over 40 babies allegedly killed by Hamas. These are the same people who want abortion legal right up until delivery day! Norice how they equate all Palestinians with Hamas. I am willing to bet Hamas is a minority of the Palestinians. But they want them all eradicated terrorists along with normal peaceful Palestinians. I will say some of the Israeli girls in the military could pass for white Gentiles. I guess that is the Ashkenazim. (Stange, they have “Nazi” in that word.) Most of the Palestinians I have seen are very dark. I don’t have a problem with a Jewish Ethno-State. But I believe in universal sovereignty. If Israel can have one, then so can Palestinians. Most of the Jews in Israel are secular non-religious and are not holy people or prophets like Christian Zionists believe. Secular jews do have a below replacement birthrate but such in not the case with Orthodox Jews. The problem with Christian Zionists is they cannot tell the difference between the good figs and the bad figs, the wheat and the tares. Revelations does not end well for the Jews because out of several million only 144,000 survive.
Lindsey Graham, the neocon warmonger (who, like practically every member of congress -receives thousands upon thousands of dollars from the war profiteers for his re-election campaigns), can forget conscripting my Rebel sons for his war on Iran….ain’t happenin’.
Unfortunately, Mississippi has two Graham clones as senators – Wicker and Hyde-Smith.
And the congressional district I reside in has a neocon also – Ezell. We replaced Palazzo with another Palazzo. I have no plans to vote in another federal election. They’re all in bed together.
âIf Netanyahu decides to go to war with Iran and Hezbollah, I think itâs a safe bet THAT AMERICANS WILL FIGHT THE WAR AND NOT ANY ISRAELIS.â There, I fixed it for you.
Whatever else we know of the current fighting we *can* be certain of something: Jews were surreptitiously selling Hamas the weapons they used in their attack. After all, who funded Hitler? Same as it ever was.
I don’t believe Hitler was funded by speculative capital. His economy broke away from the global finance system and was based on the productive capacity of his people. It’s why they’re still slandering him.
The Myth of Big Business Funding Hitler
There’s Gods chosen people Jews … then there’s deep state / possessed / political Jews. The ones running the show are the latter. Your first clue is the vaxx push and LGBTQ celebration. Non Christian Jews are never to be trusted and they’re the ones running Hollywood. However, our o0nly concern now should be forming militias in our communities, prepping and building CSA II. NOT focusing on other events the controlled media wants us distracted with.
The alt media that’s 100% right 95% of the time =
* Banned.video
* Hagmannpi
* Usawatchdog
Here’s what’s happening in Israel and yes … the Jew deepstate let it happen just like we let 911 happen –
The controlled media needs you to be distracted … look over here not over there kind of thing. This time it’s Israel. Never mind (((their))) distractions. You better prep, recruit and get the CSA II conversation going yesterday!!! Here’s what (((they))) don’t want us looking at :
I think Mark Dice on You Tube had an excellent response to all of this.