When somebody meets their gruesome demise, the last thing I’d ever remark is that he had it coming. Just like employing racial slurs, this would be beneath a gentleman such as myself. Bad guys getting what they deserve is just something for the movies. They used to make good action movies. At the end of these movies, the villain would die a horrific death.
For instance, in Con Air, the ringleader, Cyrus “The Virus” Grissom, was stabbed through the leg, handcuffed to a firetruck crane, flung through a pedestrian overpass, electrocuted on power lines below, and in his final moment of agony, had his head crushed with a hydraulic press. It was almost like those really cruel, multi-stage medieval executions. I’ve included the clip below for your edification.
I’d liken America to more of sick comedy or maybe just an unconventional horror flick, but folks around here are also suffering these sorts of deaths. One guy who definitely didn’t deserve it would be Ryan Carson, the self-styled “COO of Antifa” and personal friend of Chuck Schumer. He was also a poet, so I’m assuming he was able to express the beauty of a can of bear mace paired with a crowbar in iambic pentameter.
He was stabbed to death by a random “belligerent suspect” in NYC while waiting for a bus. Carson’s girlfriend handled the situation admirably, watching him bleed out on the sidewalk rather than immediately calling the police. That can be a death sentence for a Person of Color, so she learned her lesson from the George Floyd moment well. A life cut tragically short, but well lived.
A bit further south, another tragedy was suffered in Philadelphia. Things are going great in Philly, but tragically a homosexual journalist who loved to point this out won’t be rolling with the good times anymore because he was shot multiple times in his home. To be clear, this might not have been the result of a scholarly interaction. Homosexualism isn’t a safe sexuality, these guys kill each other on the regular, diseases and drugs aside.
Well-informed in his righteousness, Josh Kruger rabidly condemned anyone who mused about a lack of safety in his city. Retard conservatives often rile each other up with news about urban crime rates, herds of drug addled zombies, etc. and congratulate each other for not living in such locales. Josh played his intellectual and moral upper hand while mocking them for their ignorance.
I’m not sure what’s less fun: seven rounds to the chest or AIDS, but Josh won’t be finding out. Of that much, we can be certain. That’s more of a qualitative question, while it would appear that Josh excelled at interpreting statistics in an honest manner that comported with reality.
The problem with statistics is that people are free to interpret them however they want, but eventually these statistics can end up interpreting them. I’m not sure how much gloating there’s left to do after you’re writhing on the ground. Is there enough time to note the irony? Does one, in these final terrifying moments wonder if this is just a preview of what lies ahead?
Back on the horror movie theme, reading about these super sad tragedies reminds me of the flick Hellraiser. If you open the box, the demons come to take you. It’s pretty much your fault.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
It’s hard to feel sympathy for these people who, with every hurricane season, celebrate and gleefully cheer the death of Floridians and other southernors, saying that they deserve it for not believing in climate change and for voting for Trump. While we, as Christians, are called to love everyone (arguably the hardest commandment to follow), there is a certain schadenfreude in watching these people choke on the rotten fruits of their labor.
Not to be a “wise-ass,” but can you cite a Bible book & verse” commanding (or, “calling”) us, as Christians, to “love everyone,” including (since “everyone” means, well, everyone) those who hate the Lord and His people?
I’m personally not into hating anyone for any reason, but, I mean, “loving” my mortal enemies and thereby assisting them in destroying me and my children (and my children’s children)? Well, now, that’s even taking “love your enemies; do good to those who despitefully use you” to the extreme, is it not?
Well said, sir!
I don’t think that philosophy does appear in The Bible. I think it just comes from the movie BEN HUR which was produced by MGM and directed by a member of the “chosen ones”. I watched it yesterday during Heston’s birthday celebration.
Correct! We’re to love our neighbor AS ourselves, not MORE than ourselves.
T. Morris, Matthew 22:37-39 would be the verse you would be searching for.
As for loving everyone, I ought to have clarified what I meant by that. I meant love in the Biblical sense, which means “wanting what’s best for another person.” To love our enemies does not mean we have to like them, but to wish them the best, i.e. converting to the faith and renouncing evil. I’m no theologian, but I doubt that Jesus – He who whipped the moneychangers out of the temple – would be terribly thrilled to watch his disciples bend the knee and willingly let the faith die out by the synagogue of Satan.
This is all wonderful news. Finally, those of the Gawdly Hue, are acting in a pro-social manner. They should be celebrated and encouraged. Belligerent Suspect, you GO Hommie!! Keep on keepin’ on.
I just hope Scott Adames keeps the faith and does not backslide.