China and Russia certainly face significant challenges. However, in sharp contrast to the West, the legitimacy of authority over these nations isn’t one of them. Western media would like to have us believe that the Chinese are clamoring to overthrow the CCP and have pride parades, but this just isn’t the case. One of the narratives we’ve been hit with for the nearly two years is that Russian oligarchs will overthrow Putin in a coup, which is absurd.
People in these countries have concerns, but they’re satisfied in terms of the general direction of economic development and confronting the U.S. military, for example. That’s not to say some things are done which are deeply unpopular with the average citizen. So, in other words, there’s a legitimacy of authority confirmed by most of what the authority is doing with its authority.
The power structure over the West, however, maintains a fiction that the will of the majority is expressed through democracy. The problem with this is that existentially bad things are being done to every population for which no democratic will was ever expressed.
In fact, voters continually back candidates who promise to do the opposite of these existentially bad things. Case in point, mass migration. This was never something demanded by voters anywhere. Here in the United States, there was never any electoral mandate for the Hart-Celler Act in 1965. LBJ told the public it wouldn’t accomplish its actual purpose of changing our demographics and look where we’re at.
Moreover, voting for the Right in the hope to stop migration just increases the flow. We got even more under Trump than Obama. Even the Left doesn’t campaign on opening things up full throttle. Biden didn’t run on the total dismantlement of the southern border but now it’s gone all the same.
It’s the same situation everywhere. Brexit was about migration, and now they’re getting dramatically more than before the referendum. In Italy, Meloni came to office promising to stop the migration and then authorized even more and they’re still getting hit with African D-Days as well. One recently hit Lampedusa greater than the island’s population. Anyone can begin to envision how a country will be transformed as this process continues indefinitely.
The existentially bad things being done to the West are considered non-negotiable imperatives by our power structure. It’s becoming obvious that nothing can be done about these things by voting and many dissidents are noting that voting in the hope of stopping these things provokes rage and a doubling down on whatever voters wanted stopped. That’s a big problem when our power structure is trying to obscure itself by claiming decisions are made via democracy.
The arrived-upon solution is to label fact-based discontent as disinformation, misinformation, or hateful ideology for the purpose of chaos. These are threats to democracy, and thus a justification for shutting dissent down. In the clip above, the horse-human female hybrid notes how challenging it is for a government to get people to go along with policies if they don’t agree with the government about these policies. Specifically, she references a war with Russia and immiserating our lives over Climate Change.
A rational actor might raise the following question: if in a democracy, the people vote for the government to do their bidding, why then isn’t the government doing their bidding but instead formulating methods of coercion to silence discussion on these things the people never wanted?
The answer is that our democracy selects for politicians who are both totally amoral and laughably incompetent. So, there’s basically just a cesspool of these archetypal characters to offer a facade for the actual power structure. Also, the structure itself is just a series of outrageous deceptions, some of which are pretty obvious. For example, Trump was in office because MAGA voters wanted a border, but Sheldon Adelson wrote the biggest checks, so he got what he wanted for Israel instead.
Jacinda Ardern is a proven liar who subjected her country to dystopian insanity and coerced injections during COVID. I know Kiwi libtards (some now sick) who thought she was a tremendous leader following the science. Now, she’s trotted out for this push. She’s just as good as the next one, quite frankly.
Rather ominously, she states that they “have the collective means” to shut everything down but “they just need the collective will.” This part I really doubt. The couple minutes of speech I bothered listening to references employing algorithms. This would imply that her version of false information, which is falsely labeled as false information, can be filtered from her masters’ version of the truth, which is patently false.
What she’s calling for seems like a tall order. While you might feel self-conscious for saying something so dishonest and stupid, Western democracy politicians concern themselves with the given narrative and nothing more. Like I said, they’re not in front of us parroting nonsense because they’re the most ethical and rational among us.
Everything people are mad about is actually true and most of it is as obvious as a boatload of Africans. People are mad about problems that plague their daily lives. Pretending our grievances are as wacky as outer space aliens isn’t going to work indefinitely. The people responsible probably think it’s plausible to dismiss these grievances as false, since to them what they inflict on us are abstractions in terms of their daily lives.
This is a terrible strategy, but there’s really no correct strategy for keeping an evil sham going indefinitely. One thing dissidents have in their favor is that as the disparity between what people need and what they’re receiving becomes increasingly intolerable, the facade of the democratic process continues to lose viability.
Was a single MAGA voter swayed by squawking about Russian disinformation? How many of them think elections are illegitimate despite being told that’s now a treasonous conspiracy theory? We’re entering new territory in terms of the public consciousness. That’s a positive development in a deeply unpleasant time.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
The Fascist were right.
I do not know if I could refrain from violence if I found somebody doing that to a pet of mine. Watching it filled me with homicidal rage. Meloni has certainly been a disappointment as Trump was during his first term. When Golden Dawn become close to close to power the powers that be declared them a criminal organization. Now that Alternative for Germany is making headway many German politicians are urging parliament to declare them a criminal organization also.
PS: Just returned from Biloxi. I did not see a single house flying a Confederate flag or the old state flag. All I saw was that new hideous magnolia flag everywhere. But in souvenir stores nobody is buying the new state flag whereas all the old state flags are sold out. That is how democracy works in America. In the previous two elections, the people of Mississippi voted hands down to keep the state flag. The last election did not give them that choice. Instead, Mississippians got to vote on what their new flag would be! The powers that be unilaterally removed the old state flag, people be damned! That was not one of the choices before the people.
Watch the movie : High Plains Drifter. It’s like watching a version of what’s happening in America. A tiny handful of scumbags are heading towards the town to rape pillage and burn. The sheeple could EASILY and quickly defeat them by simply uniting. If even “1” person in the town went around explaining this and “recruiting however many townsfolk they could,” the threat would be snuffed out and life liberty and the pursuit of happiness would continue. But what do they do?
The same thing the sheeple in America today do. Talk. Attack each other. Be lazy cowards and look for a superman to save them.
There’s no high plains drifter coming to help us … so that ONLY leaves allowing the tiny handful of scumbags to destroy us, or recruit, train and unite.
That would require new habits and the shutting off of TV., especially sports.
Speaking of old westerns, a common plot in a lot of the old cornball shows was some bad guy killed an innocent citizen and practically the whole town united against the bad guy … even formed a posse to go after them and dealt with the BS right there. It seems we’ve done a 180 since then and now bad guys get away with anything while we sit back like homo’s and “talk.”
If any of this commentary , which is long suffering or objective surprises or disturbs, then you have not been paying attention children!