I’m not really surprised by anything anymore to the extent it could disturb me; however, I still entertain nagging concerns about my personal safety as well as that of my friends and family. As you may have noticed, safety has become a rather tenuous concept at this late stage of America. We’re told that the Pentagon spends exorbitant amounts of money on various weapon systems to keep us safe and then they need help finding an F-35 after the pilot ejects over South Carolina.
Airplanes and the crashing of these airplanes aren’t really my thing, but this particular incident aroused my curiosity. First, when a pilot ejects isn’t this because his plane is about to crash? Thus, shouldn’t the plane crash in the general vicinity of where the pilot lands? The news was saying it could’ve flown for hundreds of miles further. So, it could’ve flown into anything, right? For example, an elementary school, a nursing home, or perhaps my living room.
I suppose everybody has to look out for #1, so I can appreciate why the pilot would eject without regard to the poor bastards below, but still, this doesn’t give me much confidence in the state of the U.S. military. What was going on, exactly? Why did they just lose track of this thing and ask the public for tips? This seems rather extraordinary.
Although, in the context of a nation on the verge of blundering its way into World War 3, such incidents make perfect sense. If your end comes in a hot flash or an empty F-35 plunging out of the sky, does it really make a difference? Sooner or later, I suspect everybody’s number is going to be up, as far as being a poor bastard is concerned.
The terminal logic of America is to double down on whatever is going wrong. It would appear the situation in Ukraine isn’t much different from our border, the black crime rate, or regard for the perception of democratic norms. Zelensky is saying he won’t accept any terms that don’t include the complete expulsion of Russia from Ukraine’s former borders. Stoltenberg is saying that NATO needs to settle in for a long war, and the Biden Administration is refusing to make any public concession to reality as well. Seems like a coordinated PR push.
The F-35 that crashed originally cost around 160 million dollars but apparently it can now be replaced for about half that much. In World War 3, it would be intercepted by a Russian plane that costs about less than ten cents on the dollar. We’ve already sent more money to Ukraine than Russia’s annual military budget and there’s no end in sight as long as there are Ukrainians left to be slaughtered. The conflict in Ukraine was initiated as a pretext to collapse the Russian economy, which was an idiotic proposition, but maybe they’re still hoping that will happen.
If not, then what are they stuck with? All of their expert predictions were wrong, that they were lying the whole time? Accepting that Russia and China have set up a viable new order? That the entire global domination project that was supposed to move from collapsing the Russian Federation into China has failed? That countries which used to be under our grip are realigning themselves as the result of a failed gambit to control every nation on the planet?
Pretty much any country with the freedom to make a decision would rather go with the Russia/China deal for economic cooperation and respect for sovereignty in contrast to the endless migration, war, usury and LGBTQI+ deal. That’s what the Saudis are doing, for instance. Russia and China aren’t harassing them about turning children into trannies or hanging the threat of regime change over their heads. They solved the Saudi problem with Iran, which the U.S. would never do unless this involved using it as a proxy in a war on Iran.
The conclusion of this conflict would demonstrate to these other countries that the Russia/China alliance has the power to brush off U.S. sanctions and successfully confront the U.S. at great scale with military force. Nobody has done this before, which makes smaller countries fearful of the consequences of getting on Uncle Sam’s bad side. What sorts of decisions do they make when their security is no longer contingent on obedience to Uncle Sam? This has to be floating around the heads of people in DC.
Europe is coming apart at the seams from mass migration. How many of these countries would rather have cheap energy again and close their borders? What sort of impetus would comprehensive defeat in Ukraine provide to the upheaval of the domestic political order in these countries? How long can voters be mollified by ostensibly right-wing leaders who get elected and then increase migration? This bait and switch screwjob has been going on since Brexit. It won’t work indefinitely.
In Taiwan, much of the enthusiasm for a standoff with China is based on the perception the U.S. can protect the island, just as the Taiwanese public is being told it’s doing successfully in Ukraine. How do they consider the prospect of a deal with China, which has offered extremely generous terms, after it’s clear Ukraine was a disaster? I’m not really sure about such matters, but I’m sure Biden’s string pullers don’t want to find out.
There’s literally the world at stake right now. Ukraine was chosen as the rock on which to break the Russian Federation but it’s turning out that what’s getting broken is this entire neocon (Zionist) project to enslave everyone on the planet. What’s worth considering is that failure doesn’t deter these ghouls. Look at what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. The exact same ghouls are behind all of it. Did a string of defeats stop them from pulling the trigger in Ukraine?
The point of desperation will probably come when it’s clear that Russia is going to pursue all of its political and military objectives in Ukraine rather than accepting yet another deal negotiated in bad faith to freeze the conflict so that the U.S. can claim it prevailed and begin preparing to revive hostilities at a later date.
Armies often fight until the day everything falls apart. That could come quick when it dawns on Ukrainians that victory in any form is impossible. If the average soldier realizes he’s being sent to die for nothing, the conflict is going to reach a new dimension. The Kaiser’s fleet mutinied in response to this treatment back in 1918. Ukraine’s prospects aren’t very good if history is a lesson.
It’s a matter of U.S. doctrine that the existence of the Russian Federation is illegitimate so it must be broken up. Moreover, the Russians have made it clear that they don’t plan on making another agreement that the U.S. will simply break in pursuit of this outcome. The notion that the Biden Administration will be able to salvage the narrative on Ukraine, while putting the conflict on hold to rearm, is a fantasy.
What happens when it has to confront the reality of losing? That’s probably going to be the great question of 2024. Like I said, it’ll be losing far more than just Ukraine. For the Ukrainian military, defeat is inevitable, so we’re going to find out.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Carefully choose your preferred rural WHITE area / county etc., and make preparations to move. Get settled in and start a mini farm and get a remote job with a good job outlook ( Google it ), and stock up on everything. Then begin recruiting to create a SANE militia to be deputized under local white patriot law enforcement officials. Get ready!!!
I think there is an ongoing project in “Ozarkia” to do exactly what you said. (Ozarkia being the name of a hypothetical White Ethno-State formed out of counties from North Arkansas and Southern Missouri the majority of which are 90 White or higher. It’s no secret north Arkansas is a majority White Flight zone. (As is eastern Tenn.)
“Doesn’t give the impression they’re willing to make any concessions to reality.”
They’ll keep doing that right up until the moment they reverse course. I wouldn’t be too surprised if “Biden” suddenly ordered an end to it, declaring “peace with honor” or similar. Then the jabbering classes will be talking about how “Biden” lead us to victory, that we always intended for [whatever Putin makes happen] to have happened.
Making concessions to reality is easy when you think reality is malleable with the right messaging.