The Cost of Being a Coward Has Never Been Higher

In economics, we often perform cost-benefit analysis to determine a logical pathway forward.

It’s a fairly simple process for economic functions: you sum the potential earnings (benefit) of an action and subtract the costs that occur from that action. If the net gain is large enough for the time and resource investment, you take it.

It gets a bit more tricky when we apply it to our personal lives by bringing in intangible/non-priced items, but the same concept applies. You consider the benefits versus the costs of any action. You then determine how you should proceed, given that information.

I wish more people would perform a cost-benefit analysis on the current political landscape and their current involvement within it. Because if this were to be done, I feel nearly everyone would understand the need for some form of involvement, given the state of our decaying system.

If a society is prosperous—or even average—there is a serious net gain to sitting on the sidelines regarding politics. You get to enjoy the functioning society with minimal input or effort. But once that society is in decline, and especially when it is terminally ill as we are now, the sideline gain is not quite as thrilling. There is little true gain in our current society for the average person.

We could consolidate our main two contrasting situations as follows:

  • The cost of high involvement in a prosperous society is low, but the benefit is low. Gain from low involvement is high.
  • The cost of high involvement in a terminally ill society is high, but the benefit is high. Gain from low involvement is low.

Note: that benefit might not necessarily be for us directly. It could be for our future descendents or for our overall nation. It depends on the situation.

Therefore, if a prosperous society is already prosperous, there is not much to gain through political involvement. Whether or not the cost is worth the struggle is debatable.

However, if we went from our current situation (terminally ill) to another Christendom, I’d say that benefit would be near incomprehensibly good. The cost is there, but it is not nearly as uncertain as to which approach is better.

In sum, what I’m getting at is that if we did a cost-benefit analysis in a prosperous society, it would not be clearly evident which route for us to take. But if we do a cost-benefit analysis on our current situation, it is very obvious. The benefit of resisting clown world is worth the cost.

Taking that logic further: the cost of being a coward has never been higher than it is right now. The cost of being a fence sitter while the Western World crumbles around you is higher than it has ever been in our past. The loss of our people will be the loss of your generational identity, your kids’ future, and our people’s hope. In my opinion, stopping this is a benefit that outweighs any cost.

In no way can a Westerner claim that this “doesn’t affect them,” even if they flee the States, hide in the woods, or otherwise abandon the fight. Only traitors ignore these realities in favor of their individualist selfishness.

Those that try to mentally hide away from this fight, or to distance themselves, are just coping. But it is an unhealthy form of cope; one that denies reality. I mention these types in my article Pathological Cowardice:

These people are far too afraid to fight, so they run. They then try to twist this into somehow being an “intelligent” response. Hint: if everyone did this, we’d all be destroyed tomorrow, including those hiding in the woods. The only reason these individuals aren’t destroyed yet is because the courageous—like us—stay and fight. Their existence depends on us. Yet, they claim superiority to us. This is typical gamma, pathological cowardice, and projecting behavior.

You see this manifestation often online in the versions of “I fled the country” (often to some dumpster-fire Asian country which is hilarious), “I’m dropping out of society”, or “I have my own land and my own resources. I don’t care what’s happening to everyone else now.” These people are some of the highest cowards who will hoard their own resources in our people’s time of dire need or directly flee and leave us to fight alone.

But make note: if we were to win, these cowards would surely be on the first plane back into our traditional civilization and proclaim they were always on our side. They’d likely even say they somehow fought for it, given the gamma behavior. Stolen valor and all.


This manifestation of individualistic corruption is especially dangerous compared to the other two. It is so because they are destroyers of brotherhood; the weakeners of the vanguards. Their proclamations encourage others to not resist while also subverting other dissidents to not want to fight because these individuals abuse their bond and trust.

They are also horrifically idiotic, because they do not seem to realize that if we, the front-liners, are destroyed—they are next. Their woods, their new country, or their resources won’t save them forever. This centralizer quest for hegemony will come for all unless we stop it.

They are about as brave as a man that proudly proclaims leaving his own wife and children to die at the hands of home invaders, because he’s too afraid to fight (the nation is an extended family, after all). The traitorous hermits are no different, but replace their wife and children being slaughtered with the national remnant that depended on them.

Replace “national remnant” with “the entirety of Western Civilization,” and then you start to realize the gravity of the situation, and why I say the cost of being a coward has never been higher.

If you are European, you are a piece of Western Civilization. It’s in your blood. If the West falls, so do you.

Western Civilization is not some obscure symbology—it is us. It is who we are. We are the West. The degeneration of the West starts inside each of us, and the plagues that are destroying the civilization piece are the same spiritual degenerations that are destroying the individuals (tolerance for evil, pathological cowardice, individualism, secularization, materialism, et cetera).

Individualism is a weaponized lie; you are part of your people, and they are a part of you. You do not get to run or escape it. It is, quite literally, your DNA. Hiding in some other continent or forest changes nothing. It only demonstrates your own character: one of cowardice and abandonment of duty. Doing so may save your body (temporarily), but at the expense of your soul.

Many people claim that a dystopian nightmare is coming. I disagree. A dystopia is already here.

Our entire society and civilization has been infested with corruption and wickedness. Good is bad; bad is good. Truth is fleeting. Our history is crumbling. Our faith is being decimated and pushed to the side. Materialism is overtaking everything.

I believe that this dystopia is one of the worst that any humans have ever faced. Our entire society is designed to be anti-human; to degrade what it means to be who we are. It is the complete opposite of Christendom. (Sidenote: which is hilarious, as the Enlightenment claimed to be “humanists” in opposition to Christendom; but their beliefs lead to the most anti-human engineered society of all time).

This anti-human approach has removed us from our people and our land. Which is why individualism and civic nationalism are even a thing. None of our ancestors could have comprehended such insanity. Our nation is our people; and our country is our land. This new approach has rendered us individually abandoned and lost.

Never before has our civilization been in such a horrific decline. The Muslims at the gates of Europe amid the Christendom Wars were far lesser than this, because now we just let the barbarians in willingly!

You live during one of the most important times for our civilization’s continuation. What people like you and I do will determine what happens with the entire multiple millennia history of the West. This is not something to push to the side, or to abandon, or to mistake the importance of.

The cost of losing this fight is the thousands of years of history and heritage that allowed us to have everything that we had. The legacy that made us the leading civilization throughout history. We give it up, for what? Fear? Selfishness in not wanting to take up our sword for others? Because we’re apathetic? Because we’re blackpilled and think it’s already lost? Horrible excuses; all of them.

The benefit of fighting back is being a leading figure, even in a minor role, for setting the framework for another multiple-millennia reign once we correct the ship. The benefit is giving our people that chance to taste victory. And maybe even experiencing it in our own lifetime, God willing.

As I said, high cost. But a much higher benefit.

The Christian realizes this fight is bigger than just the one individual participating. There is a community battle, a national battle, a civilization battle, and even a faith battle—all forms of battles. Do not run from them. We are men. We are called to fight them, not flee from them.

If we lose this battle, we lose everything.

It is truly incredibly to consider, but God has placed us in a time where the cost of being a coward has never been higher than throughout the entire rest of human history. The West and her various national peoples have never been on the brink to the point they are now. We face complete obliteration, yet God put you here for this exact time.

Now is not the time to run. The cost is too high. If we fail here, there will be nothing for our people to return to. We won’t even have the same people to return to, because they will have been lost to history. Now is the time to fight. Stop being a coward. Start making moves, even if they are in the shadows.

God placed you here in this time for a reason, and it sure as hell was not to run away and hide.

The cost of fighting for our people is massive, but the benefit is even higher. Never lose sight of this.


  1. Another excellent article from Kaisar. Excellent points. Something I have sensed since the crash of ’09. Someone’s vision of the future will become dominant as a result of this crisis. It may as well be ours.

  2. Individualism will reign until necessity makes otherwise.

    All stripes of the dissident right remain locked in self-interest, rationalized by scripture, duty to their family, and all matters of pride.

    Not that different from the blind sheeple. Just oriented toward their own purpose.

    Many are rightly tasked and busy doing good works but they remain rigid in their calculation of beneficiaries and altering course; divorcing from the system, compromising in any meaningful way.

    The cooperation and sacrifice and compromise required for actual community to rise up in an environment of high downside risk are limited to some venn overlap of happenstance and fleeting alignment of needs. That’s more than nothing but it should not be romanticized into something it is not.

    I have seen this time and again as a dissident working to carve a life out of the wilderness of self-banishment from the system that wants us dead.

    Nobody cares. Nobody is leaving a dime on the table nor altering their personal plans without some immediate benefit.

    The rural environs are not any more hospitable toward this cause. In fact, the economic and social drag should not be underestimated.

    I enjoy the philosophical approach to our present condition but we also need to be very clear about the reality on the ground.

    Especially for those like me and mine who have given up money and comfort and security for some supposed community of like minded that does not in any practical terms exist beyond blogs and events designed to sell things.

    We are a marketplace. Destroying your ability to make money to join some movement is not rewarded in any way beyond the spiritual gift of living the truth. And that is a very isolating road.

    No, the path ahead is going to be littered with people giving their all and getting very little in return. Also littered with opportunists and war profiteers. Always the way always will be.

    1. I appreciate the realist take on the article. However, this:

      “I enjoy the philosophical approach to our present condition but we also need to be very clear about the reality on the ground.”

      I just don’t see. In my community and in my networks, I’m seeing the exact opposite. Lots of goods guys putting in a lot and moving forward. People getting saved and moving away from the marketplace belief. Finding and speaking truth on a level that did not exist even ten years ago.

      Our present condition is nothing compared to eternity, and I have hope that even this present condition will vastly improve for our future generations. We must go forward, pain and all.

      But you are dead on when you say: “Individualism will reign until necessity makes otherwise.”

      Which is when we must destroy the individualist mindset once and for all.

  3. Another convicting piece Kaiser. The situation today reminds me of Hezekiah’s reply to the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 39:8 and 2 Kings 20:19.

  4. Let’s be real though, this hyper-individulist attititude is here to stay as long as there are Boomers still breathing. They all have this fanciful attitude that if someting does kick off, they can be a mix of Rambo and Kevin from Home Alone, where they’ll just wait in their house for the some Federal agents to show up and they can pick them off one-by-one as the agents file inside in an orderly line – as if the Fed’s wouldn’t just bomb the place or shut off the utilities. Try telling a Boomer relative about the need for collectivizing along racial or national lines – you’ll be denounced as both a Communist and a Nazi.

    1. COMMUNITY is the answer. Community … properly coordinated, can control the utilities and make sure everyone has at least mobile solar and 6 months supplies in their homes. There are drone defense weapons that disable incoming “bombs.”

      It’s not time for excuses, or, as some suspect contributors here attempt, watering down of great solutions with pseudo intellectual diarrhea of the word processor. No. It’s time to unite. Not talk talk talk while even going so far as to assist the enemies by always casting doubt on anyone presenting real solutions.

      Ignore those who ALWAYS cast doubt on, and NEVER themselves present any “solution.” When you hear them attack … think “traitor, mole, troll and possibly even agent provocateur.”

      Roll up your sleeves and start recruiting like there’s no tomorrow … cause there might not be!

  5. Watch the video and ask yourself, who on a site like this would “always” be against solutions?!! Is it time to attack each other or is it time to recruit fellow white southern patriots from your neighborhood and pool of family and friends. We can’t talk our way out of this. It’s time to move to the whitest rural area of your choosing and create SANE militias to unite and be deputized by the local “white patriot” law enforcement officials. It’s way past time for action like this and you need to condense into areas of like minded kith and kin –

  6. It’s interesting (and annoying) to me how those who hold a post-mil triumphalist eschatology will brand everyone a coward who doesn’t share their Polyanna view. I can’t help but wonder if their ‘courage’ will be as stout when they’re languishing in a FEMA camp. I find the most inspiring examples of courage are those who remained constant in lost causes.

    “The men, who stuck to their colors to the last, are the noblest and best the sun ever shone upon, and can be trusted to carry out honestly and honorably any obligations they may have taken upon themselves. Those who had too much principle to desert a cause because they saw that it was a failing one, have too much honor to violate a compact.” p. 67.

    D. H. Hill, ‘The Haversack’, ‘The Land We Love’, Vol. 1

    “I am only too well aware of the inadequacy of all human endeavor not to recognize the mistakes we made and my own shortcomings. At a difficult time, a prince of my royal family once sent me a small portrait of Frederick the Great on which he had inscribed these words … when his own defeat seemed imminent. ‘Nothing can alter my inner soul: I shall pursue my own straight course and shall do what I believe to be right and honorable.’ … If, despite everything, I could not prevent the defeat of my country, I must ask my readers to believe that this was not for a lack of a will to do so. This book is intended as a token of gratitude to the dead and to my old soldiers, and as a monument to preserve their fame from oblivion.” p. 466.

    Heinz Guderian, ‘Panzer Leader’

    1. I can’t help but wonder if their ‘courage’ will be as stout when they’re languishing in a FEMA camp.

      I reckon not.

    2. “I can’t help but wonder if their ‘courage’ will be as stout when they’re languishing in a FEMA camp. I find the most inspiring examples of courage are those who remained constant in lost causes.”

      Hilarious piece, German Confederate. As T’ Morris said, I also reckon not.

      As for the second part, very true—The best examples of courage truly are those who fight on, against all odds.

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