Hope is best left abandoned. If the vaccine saga taught me anything, it was that a grim sense of resolve is most important. The vaccine stuff is now no longer an electoral issue with the general public, as RFK Jr and Ron DeSantis are finding out the hard way. The public is still dropping like flies, but it has moved on.
This is what the public does and thus why it doesn’t have any power and how democracy could never be an expression of its will. However, I still find the need to vent on these matters; so, today I’ll present a contrast for your edification if you weren’t paying attention seven years ago. You won’t believe whom I find to blame, either. Here we go:
2016 was quite an optimistic year. For those of us in the sphere of dissident and alternative media, the election seemed to be a proof of concept that in a democracy information could be presented along with a revolutionary choice and then a change of course could occur, just as advertised. This came with all sorts of pleasant implications which soon turned to the taste of bear mace in our mouths.
We quickly found out that democracy had to be secured because alternative choices were presented by Vladimir Putin, who stole this election and that we’d have to be cleansed from the internet because we, either as paid or useful idiots, were working for him. No plausible explanation or credible fact to substantiate these absurd canards has ever been offered. To what cogent purpose he’d even seek to steal our election was never obviated, either.
The first evidence introduced to substantiate the theft of the 2016 election was the “Prop or Not” list published on a sloppy website (free WordPress version with maybe a weekend’s worth of work put into it) that claimed to be using a proprietary blend of anonymous expert analysis to show which publications were working for Putin to steal the election. The Washington Post eagerly published it as gospel.
This was absurd, but democracy had to be secured. Therefore, an alliance was formed with Bill Kristol at the helm. If you’re unfamiliar with him, he’s one of the most odious ghouls currently in existence who came out and literally said that the White working-class deserved to be replaced after putting them through a meat grinder of Zionist warfare. He’s also part of the clique behind the current horror in Ukraine. Pretty much every single problem we have, you’ll find these people who murdered Christ and blaspheme His message. That’s not a coincidence, but please let me keep on topic.
The Alliance For Securing Democracy did the same thing as this free website but with a much better funding and an official veneer of the highest level. Using a dashboard labeled Hamilton 68, it claimed to do the same thing as this website which was probably cranked out by some cat lady in a stupor from boxed wine and Xanax. Hamilton 68 was purported to be tracking Russian disinformation using an elite secret algorithm and expert analysis, from whom and of what nature was never, of course, disclosed.
Much like the Institute for the Study of War (also Bill Kristol) promulgates nonsense for the MSM to cite about the Ukraine horror, Hamilton 68 was what the media cited as proof that something was Russian disinformation. I covered this extensively for a different publication that was labeled Russian disinformation and banned accordingly. Gradually, I began to hate them.
By the time 2020 swung around, the exact same creatures who said that the 2016 election was stolen were now saying that it was treason to even question the outcome of an election if Biden won this election. These same creatures told us ahead of time that Trump would appear to win on election night, and then Biden’s victory would be mailed in. Therefore, a media campaign coupled with censorship was required. This combination of voter fraud, censorship, and propaganda was introduced as “fortifying our democracy.”
Everything with these offspring of the devil is an outrageous lie. I swear, with every single one of their rocks you overturn, you’ll find another of these lies. When they tell a lie, they speak of themselves. The reason they fixate on Putin is that most of them originate in the former Russian Empire or came directly here to plague us from the Soviet Union.
They have almost no genetic connection to the people documented in the Bible, and you must not worship them as chosen. They’ve received no dispensation whatsoever and endorsing them constitutes denying Christ. I believe that the fires of Hell could await those who opt for this course of action. I’m not joking around about this one.
The Russians view themselves as the third Rome, and thus Kristol’s Satanic religion, which has little to do with The Old Testament (it’s not what they’re about, look up the Talmud for starters) and was formulated much later, has an intense hatred for whom it views as the Czar, the last of which they murdered along with his entire family.
Since they control the media, it serves as a medium for their antipathies and obsessions. That’s why we’ve had hyperbolic coverage of Putin’s villainy for over a decade while he remains nobody in the life of an average American, who has a pressing set of concerns which have nothing to do with the President of Russia.
This isn’t a useful marketing approach, so now there’s a slew of organizations, masquerading as grass root vehicles for Americans to express their concerns. They’re condemning the notion the 2020 election was stolen and rooting for the slaughter of Ukrainians. Shockingly, the exact same creatures are behind all of it with Kristol as a ringleader.
There’s always a bunch of organizations behind what they do with the same creatures at the bottom of the rabbit hole. This tactic is as predictable as them lying on a monumental scale. This is how we find ourselves stuck with Defending Democracy Together and Republicans for Ukraine which are showing off American retards supporting Kristol’s evil deeds. Nowhere on these websites will you find anything about Bill Kristol, just a vague statement about a “coalition of Republicans.”
If you’d like, you can upload your testimonial to their websites so they can show you off as a retard. How they got the first batch of retards to upload, I’m not sure, but I guarantee it wasn’t through some grass roots effort. Most of them are elderly, so I do feel bad about using such strident language towards them to some extent. Whatever though, that’s just the nature of launching into a polemic. You’ve got to roll with your emotions.
Defending Democracy Together acts as an umbrella for a bunch of projects from the exact same creatures. Using all of these different groups and projects is a traditional tactic to deceive the public that all of this isn’t coming from the exact same creatures. This is how we get an “accountability” project to hold Republicans like Ted Cruz accountable.
The sad reality is that every single one on this list would immediately get on their knees outside the Synagogue of Satan if so ordered and eagerly await their opportunity to crawl inside, lick feet, and beg for scraps from the table. The reality is that everybody in DC works for these creatures, who exist above criticism and accountability. That’s how we keep moving from one disaster to the next at their behest.
The gist of this commercial is that lies were told, which led to violence. Huh? Sounds like the history of America’s wars. Who could be responsible for telling those lies? The level of projection these creatures will engage in at the drop of a hat is truly something to behold.
We’re never going to vote our way out of our existential problems, of that much I’m absolutely certain down to the darkest depths of my heart. Whatever solutions might present themselves are going to be deeply unpleasant, if not downright terrifying for most of us. Have a wonderful day because they’re not going to last.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Good article or aggravated rant. I recommend Tucker Carlson’s latest interview of Colonel Douglas Macgregor. The Colonel stops just short of naming the neocon goblins and shares similar frustrations with the national uni-party. Most every conservative media group such as The Blaze, The Daily Wire, and Fox News seem to be controlled by the same neocon war mongers. Even dissident organizations such as Amren and Vdare won’t dare name them. Anyways, Mike Huckabee told me to take sleeping pills and send more money to Israel so I can’t worry about foreign intrigue right now. The NFL season is starting, The PGA Tour Championship is this week, and the blue crabs are running along The Gulf Coast.
I saw that interview. He said something like” they came from there and have ill will toward Russia”.
I wonder if these retarded Republicans would support drafting their grandsons for duty in Ukraine ?
I loved your use of the descriptive, “Retarded Repubicans,” dogface. It put me in mind of an article Prof. Smith wrote some time back, and that I thought you might enjoy and relate to. Just remember that it’s “retarded liberals” we’re talking about, not retarded Republicans.Here is the link:
P.S. Paul Ryan – I mean, I have to “brush shoulders” with this idiot, and/or his inlaws, from time to time. There is literally no getting through to these abject morons, take it from one who knows. …
Thank you for the link Mr. Morris. Have a good day sir
I always appreciate your unflinching honesty, however unpleasant, Mr. Shackleford.
“Seen in the light of day, the unrestrained, stupid greed of the capital giants is a disease, a certain kind of insanity. … In truth, a trait of human hatred against man, of hostility against life, expresses itself in this appetite. … It means an advance burden of future production, simultaneously a mortgage on the productive energies of nature and man. … Theft is already bad, but worse is advance theft, which already takes away what should first emerge. It is simply devilry. … Through the invention of “eternal interest”, all human productivity – and likewise that of nature – is beset with an advance burden, which allots the future yields in advance to the usurer. p. 14.
The degenerate who does not want to admit his inferiority … seeks to portray honorable, laborious productivity as an act of stupidity, and to praise as higher talent slyness, [and] “intelligence” which manages to benefit without effort from the performance of others. p. 91. Is it a testimony for intellectual inferiority, if the honest and unsuspecting person, who all his life has directed all his thinking only toward honest work, falls to the assault of cunning crooks? To present swindle as a sign of intellectual superiority means a falsification of the yardsticks, which only an unprincipled or feeble-minded person can approve. … In truth, the so-called Jewish religion is only a means to cloak purely material and political intentions. … Honest people cannot imitate this kind of cohesion, for it rests on denial of the feeling of right, of morality, and of personal honor. Whoever helps to protect deceivers, becomes a deceiver himself.” pp. 81-2.
Theodor Fritsch, ‘The Sins of High Finance’ (1927)
*Note: to give this quote relevance for those in the Southern Movement, I believe John Taylor of Caroline (Tyranny Unmasked) would say a hearty ‘Amen’ to the ideas expressed by Mr. Fritsch.
Mencken described them well:
“The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display.“