One of the foremost problems to confront as dissidents is that, as a collective, White people have a natural inclination towards sustainability and decency. This is reflected in our religious values and cultural traditions. For example, we’re not supposed to steal so most of us don’t loot stores. Moreover, we understand that stores can’t exist for long if they’re being looted. This means we wouldn’t have anywhere to shop, lost employment opportunities, implosion of the tax base, etc.
However, we have melanated counterparts who place no value on being facilitated with the opportunity to participate in a First World society and reap the benefits. Therefore, once we cease to enforce the law against them or they begin to prevail in numbers at a particular location, they’ll rapidly bring this First World functionality to an end.
To blacks, everything is there to steal. Their minds can’t accommodate the larger picture and their tribal morality doesn’t allow them to take whether or not they’d appreciate having their merchandise stolen into consideration. It’s my personal spiritual suspicion that Christianity doesn’t apply to blacks, although I wouldn’t purport to be a theologian. I have no clue how anyone can observe their behavior and think there’s a copy of the Ten Commandments taped inside their skulls whereas most of this guidance comes naturally to the vast majority of us.
Collectively, blacks lack our functional perception, and yet many of us think that somehow this isn’t the case and wonder why they do what they’re doing. Yes, you, dear reader, aren’t wondering about shit when it comes to blacks but we’re the fringe. Moreover, the notion that blacks have been deliberately encouraged and empowered to do what they’re doing strikes complacent White Americans as far-fetched. To them, pointing this fact out makes you sound like a nutjob extremist.
Laws aren’t enforced, standards that kept blacks out so they couldn’t do this stuff in the first place were declared unconstitutional and the concept that their privileges take absolute precedence over our needs and rights was introduced. Our rights were officially abolished by the Civil Rights Act decades ago and the outrages continue to escalate. The trend is easy to discern and can be documented both legally and culturally.
This was all done by a specific group of people for malicious purposes. The problem is that the malicious purposes of these specific people are self-destructive, and we’ve never done anything to them to justify their hatred. So, complacent White Americans can’t wrap their heads around it even though many seem to sense darker influences are afoot than simple red vs blue politics.
The situation in Ukraine illustrates this principle in an alarming fashion. The entire project has been unbelievably stupid, short-sighted, murderous, and reckless in the extreme. It wasn’t a response to “one man’s war of choice.” This was a long-planned operation to destroy the Russian Federation undertaken at the behest of an even more specific group of specific people behind all of our other failed wars since the first Bush Administration. More respectable dissidents are still calling them “Neocons” but they themselves have moved on from that disguise.
However, because our own people can’t put themselves in their evil headspace, they can’t conceive of something so monstrous. They therefore conclude the MSM isn’t lying when it claims our involvement is a forced reaction to “Putin’s unprovoked invasion.” It never seems to dawn on these Whites that schemers, who constantly harp about democracy, our values, liberalism, human rights and a rules-based international order, are being utterly disingenuous.
These schemers are pursuing a psychotic agenda of total world domination and transformation. Their Satanic religion delineates it as a birthright and the rest of us as soulless disposable cattle. Almost none of them ever serve in the military, of course. Alexander Vindman is the only one that comes to mind but he’s a peripheral member.
Moreover, White people are mostly held accountable for their actions and failures. They don’t comprehend that somebody like Robert Kagan can mislead America into a multi-decade campaign of horrific failure that killed millions, wrecked thousands of American families, cost us trillions of dollars, and squandered our prestige with around 80% of the world’s population.
After all of that, he remains at the highest echelon of influence directing a far more colossal failure using the exact same pallet of facile dishonesty. You can explain this to sophisticated Whites in under two minutes and they’ll often give you a look of incredulity. It used to be a given with these types that the GWOT was a bad idea started on a faulty premise.
My point is always: if you now acknowledge these same people lied to you back then, and that the GWOT was a disaster, why do you believe them now? My suspicion is that mustache man nailed it when he observed that our people will tell small lies in their personal lives, but they’d never engage in the sort of staggering, comprehensive dishonesty with which they’re being bamboozled. Therefore, they find it plausible.
Thus, these schemers have found that opting for the largest possible metric of mendacity is an effective tactic against us. In World War One, the Germans weren’t trying to take over the world while they raped little girls and bayoneted babies. That wasn’t any more real than Saddam’s WMDs or the Taliban’s responsibility for 9/11 but most people believed in both instances because they couldn’t conceive of telling such incredible lies that would eventually be exposed. Or, perhaps it’s just in the nature of the schemers to tell these lies. From a spiritual perspective that would make a great deal of sense.
Our cognizance of sustainability is of fundamental importance to our ability to establish and improve civilization. That’s in sharp contrast to the two demographics mentioned above who are capable of neither constructive undertakings. We know that a civilization can’t be built on animalistic behavior or evil and lies. In the end all lies will be exposed, they can only doom not save.
Unfortunately, when presented with schemers pursuing a set of conflicting goals, it’s easy to fool oneself, on this basis, that they’re not deliberately pursuing these goals. With Kagan’s ilk, a nation hollowed out of industry in the interest of financial parasitism and diversified into something which lacks a coherent demography with traditional values and relationships are exactly the goals they’ve been successfully pursuing.
The notion that an opposite direction was possible made them shriek with rage about fascism. Meanwhile, they want America gearing up to engage in either direct or indirect conflict on three fronts: the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and China in order to finally bring the globe under their heel. The average White person wouldn’t want any of this, but would find reconciling it all to be a lunatic proposition. Meanwhile, that’s exactly what’s happening.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Over the years I have tried to come up with a clever acronym for the antiwhite oligarchy that rules over us. I tried JLC (Judeo-Liberal Coalition) but rejected it as I thought it isn’t only a certain sect of Jewish activists that is causing the extinction of our people but also a White liberal contingent suffering from Pathological Altruism. But that left out the Marxist elements as in Cultural Marxists. it also left out Transnational elites (AKA Globalists) who want a New World Order that transcends nations and nationalism. (The “Rules Based Order” or more correctly the “Liberal World Order”) Globalists want a World State something like the United Nations but with its own army whose laws and edicts takes precedence over national laws just like federal laws supersede laws of individual states. So best I can do is Judeo-Liberal-Marxist Globalist Cabal. (JLMGC) But that leaves out the non-white elements that the powers that ben has weaponed against us. Some hopefully someone can do better at coming up with a clever acronym.
John 8:44
“Money, press, and votes determine life and death in a democracy. The Jews control all of them. … So that we who had begun fighting the Jews find ourselves all at once fighting the government, political parties, local authorities, [and] the army, while the Jews sit quietly on the side. p. 108. I wonder, when will that day come, when every Romanian will understand the lies and perfidious argumentation of the Jews and reject them as something of Satanic origin?” p. 109.
Corneliu Codreanu, ‘For My Legionaries’
“It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical.”
Winston Churchill, ‘Zionism vs. Bolshevism’, 1920
We’re fighting Satan and the African species of humans are just another tool he uses. A lily white Confederacy 2.0 CAN be the answer if we’re very careful how we structure it and run it. Satans illuminati will try very hard to infiltrate even as it’s being set up. We need white hats in intel ( among others ), to help design it.
“These schemers are pursuing a psychotic agenda of total world domination and transformation. Their Satanic religion delineates it as a birthright and the rest of us as soulless disposable cattle. Almost none of them ever serve in the military, of course.”
Isn’t that the truth. The normal, Southern, white, middle-class always have to go die for *their* wars. It’s never them or their kids.
Good piece, Tom.