Most White people have a tough time putting themselves into the headspace of another racial group. To be fair, it’s not like these other groups bother doing it, either. As a man capable of tremendous empathy who abhors racism, I myself attempt the procedure.
Blacks think everything is about them, the most important and capable group of people on this planet. So, for the same reason he’d be defeated by a 6th grader’s math homework, a black man will surmise that his forebearers built the pyramids, which are sublime achievements of engineering and have mathematical proportions of symbolic significance coded into the structures.
Blacks are programmed by DNA from a pre-hominid ancestor shared by nobody else on the planet. Accordingly, their physical features trigger the White pattern recognition algorithm as alien. So, for the vast majority of White men, the concept of a sexual relationship with a black woman is akin to bestiality. I’m not being racist, just pointing out things that are true. Thus, for the same reasons they built the pyramids, black women find the scenario of a White man prowling around for them as plausible.
After all, the media does put this idea in their heads. I can’t remember where I read it, maybe it was The Atlantic magazine or Slate, but there was an article about how redneck men tell each other they should try a black woman at least once, so they prowl around looking for one to rape. In case you’re wondering about the tribal identity of the author, don’t bother.
It shouldn’t therefore be a surprise that an Alabama woman believed this was a plausible scenario to fake in order to drum up attention and money. She claimed a White man with orange hair (we refer to it as “red”) abducted her to take nude photos. This of course never happened, which she was forced to admit pretty fast.
I’m not sure how much black women do the fake kidnapping after which she escaped / was released thing, but I’d suspect it’s quite a bit. I was on the jury for a trial where a black woman claimed her ex-boyfriend did this to her without any evidence whatsoever to substantiate the claim. He spent about a year in jail waiting for his day in court, so I suppose she got him pretty good for finding a new baby momma.
Black men do lots of abducting and raping. Anybody who’s ever seen their local news knows that the victim will be killed either before or afterwards and then the car or home will be set on fire. They don’t get released to go and file a police report. However, the media puts out these absurd narratives about how black people are victims and they believe it and go on to make stuff up that never happened, which they think sounds plausible based on the ridiculous media narratives which only they find plausible due to their totally illogical nature. Even affluent, proper White people don’t actually believe these narratives.
That’s how we got the Jussie Smollett saga. He was an actor on some black television show most White people had never heard of who thought that White men in MAGA hats prowling around Chicago on a freezing cold night to put a noose around his neck and then just let him go was a plausible scenario.
The funniest part was the Nigerian bodybuilder he hired to do the hoax claiming he didn’t realize that going to a private room in a bathhouse to masturbate with Smollett was a homosexual activity. Most people don’t even take baths in Nigeria, so maybe he genuinely didn’t understand what was going on. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Blacks have what could be politely described as a tribal concept of morality or perhaps more specifically as retarded childish narcissism. It’s always about them, when in reality everyone is trying to get away from them. The areas they occupy deteriorate into decrepit warzones, as forests and farmlands one exit down the interstate are constantly being plowed under for new communities where Section 8 vouchers can’t be used. Sometimes, they’re kicked of these areas which are bulldozed for trendy young White people and then they go to ruin someplace else as the cycle begins anew.
For the same reason they’ll come from someplace else they’re currently living at the expense of White taxpayers to harass White taxpayers about how they used to live in a particular location, they can’t see the hypocritical irony of their behavior. White people used to live in Baltimore. It was a thriving municipality where homes weren’t caving in, and nobody was shooting each other. They sure as hell don’t return to harass the current residents about how they used to live in Baltimore.
I know I’m beating a dead horse here, but we all belong in our own countries or in the very least communities. Black people are incompatible with our religion, our social values, and pretty much any form of civilization. When left on their own in Africa, they develop basically nothing at all, and this doesn’t stress the locals out or strike them as unsuitable.
For the same reason a White man will see open arid land with water nearby and want to put in an irrigation system for agriculture so the land can support more White people, a black man will find enough to eat lying around and enjoy the rest of his day. He won’t impede his enjoyment of life by stressing himself out that his kids could be eaten by predators, either. Something not directly in front of him is an abstraction, which his mind doesn’t process.
When slavery ended, blacks wanted segregation. They feel much happier and comfortable around their own kind, just like we do. We have this in common, so it seems like everyone could easily come to a settlement on this matter if some other parasitical third party wasn’t in control of America. They’re really the only reason we got jammed together in the first place.
A good start would be getting white people to collectively acknowledge (they already do, just not out loud) that blacks are a problem, and that this problem can’t be solved by giving them things to make them grateful or treating them the way we’d like to be treated. This works on White people, but they have to try and put themselves in a black mind.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Saw a documentary last night about a black being killed in Valdosta Georgia. They were totally aware of their blackness. Some of their comments would be considered taboo if the races were reversed.
Why do you abhor racism? It’s as instinctual as that of the survival instinct. The true definition of that word is not what we’re told it means. Like many other words, it has been co-opted and bastardized by our enemies. Racism is simply being proud of one’s race, and that should be embraced, not abhorred.
Even if that word meant what you think it meant, why do you feel the need to insert that qualifier into your article? One should not have to feel the need to prove they are not a bigot. One’s default position should be they are not a bigot until proven otherwise, not that they are a bigot until proven otherwise. We need to all stop letting our enemies put us in their box.
I recently saw a Fox News article from 2016 about latino gangs assaulting and harassing blacks around L.A. while trying to drive them out of southern California. It seems as though “negro fatigue” not only affects us Whites. Everyone seems to favor segregation except for the investment banks who own shares in corporate chains and franchises. Corporations acquire market share by putting locally owned small businesses out of work. Therefore, they won’t tolerate any segregation of consumers or the autonomy of states, counties, and cities.
Oh no. They’ve once again set their sights on Alabama. Circle the wagons Dixie. The worst is yet to come.
“Blacks are programmed by DNA from a pre-hominid ancestor shared by nobody else on the planet. Accordingly, their physical features trigger the White pattern recognition algorithm as alien. So, for the vast majority of White men, the concept of a sexual relationship with a black woman is akin to bestiality. I’m not being racist, just pointing out things that are true.“
White women, typically of suburban extract, seem to have lost this instinct nowadays. It’s pretty common to see attractive White females pursue Negroes. It’s a very jarring trend to see.
Actually many times lying in bed before I drift off, I think how I would engage the world if I were Jewish, Black, or Hispanic. If I were Jewish what would concern me is the higher birthrates of Arabs in Israel as well as the higher Palestinian birth rates outside of Israel. I would want separate states for Palestinians and Jews, and I would want an all-Jewish state! I would also want a ban on Jewish and Gentiles marriages. If I was Black, I would be more drawn towards Malcom X than I would be MLK and would realize Black on Black violence is the main problem facing the Black community not feral police officers. If I was Hispanic, I would want to come to America to better my financial state. I would also want the Southwest to be part of Mexico. But I am none of these things and so I realize the Ethno-State resolution is the only solution!
To be fair, pretty young white women have been known to pull this stunt, too; to accuse members of another race as their “abductors,” and to “go the extra mile” to give off the appearance that their half-baked stories are true. Then to deny that they masterminded the whole thing all the way to the bitter end. As my step-mother says of such women, “they’ll lie when the truth sounds better.” See e.g., Sherri Papini, et al. Not that I’m saying it is as commonplace among white women as it is among their black counterparts.
But this is all too reminiscent of a certain people group’s propensity to vandalize and paint swastikas and other “symbols of hate” on their homes and places of worship, then to scream “anti-semitism” and “white racism” from the rooftops. I think they call themselves “Holocaust Survivors,” or something like that. And in many of their cases, I really believe that they’ve told the lie to themselves so many times that they actually believe their own bullshit.
“The truth is so precious that it has to be protected in a bodyguard of lies.” –Winston Churchill
“Some events do take place, but are not true; others are, although they never occurred.” –Elie Wiesel, ‘Europa Part 8, 1:44.46’
(If you still don’t understand, you may need a COVID booster).
“They feel much happier and comfortable around their own kind”
Not sure I can agree with this. If it were so, we WOULD have complete segregation, and likely much of the strife we endure today would not exist.
Rather, they follow us, wherever we go, not unlike feral coyotes who learn that human society means food, sustenance, comfort and safety. On some level, blacks recognize that they are helpless, clueless fish out of water in a modern, technological world. White guilt is the coin of their realm, and without it, they will wither and die. They won’t ever admit it, but they know it, even as they bite the hand that feeds them.
Much as I loathe them and their entire demographic, I realize that they are not the real problem. I might as well loathe coyotes for acting on instinct as coyotes will. The real problem is the enablers – the liberal, bleeding-heart White women (and womanly men) who deny their own strong natural aversion to blacks and allay their guilt by virtue signaling to us race realists.
Our “elites” live in protected communities behind gates and surround themselves with bodyguards while lecturing those of us unable to afford self-segregation about getting along with the ferals they distance themselves from out of stark terror. Yes, separation is the only answer, but before that happens, I hope to see those who created this mess pay dearly for it. I want to see their precious pets turn on them like they have turned on us.
Great comment Moe Gibbs!