This country has been demographically and culturally dumbed down past the point of no return. For example, when I was a boy, we’d eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken but that was just too complicated so now it’s KFC. There was too much information about a place nobody can find on a map in that name. Most patrons at this point probably don’t even know Kentucky is a state and probably aren’t really familiar with the actual legal concept of a state until there’s a warrant they’re trying to dodge. If you’re immediately dismissing me as a doomsayer, well the following scene sums up my rejoinder:
In the late hours of my evening, I do actually watch television sometimes. I’m aware this isn’t based behavior, but I just need to relax in a non-mental mode. For countless millennia, people used to do that staring at the embers of a fire. I flip around, but often I end up watching The First 48. A better title would be Bad Things Happen to White People on Drugs or Blacks Will Confess to the Murder If You Get Them in a Small Room. It’s actually one of the more uplifting shows because it comports with reality.
Most documentary shows, however, will end up pissing me off, especially anything produced recently by Americans. The British will still actually make a documentary about nature which is just one long piece of footage about nature while some old guy narrates. I enjoy watching them. At the end of every single one will include some blather about global warming, but you know it’s coming so you can flip to something else when the last five minutes come around.
Both nations are screwed, of course. However, the American contrast to the quality documentary style described above is absolutely disturbing. The way a documentary show is produced in America is that no more than two minutes of footage on the subject is shown at any given time. There is no single narrator, either. Constantly spliced in are various people sitting in a chair commenting, often stupid celebrities or mulatto females who have no grasp of this subject whatsoever.
The producers understand that the viewers are so vapid and lacking in attention span they’re unable to focus on one voice going over a single piece of footage for 45 minutes straight, whereas the Brits still seem to uphold higher ideals. We used to do the same thing. For instance, I remember watching the one below on a school field trip. Single narrator, solid soundtrack. I recall enjoying it quite thoroughly.
I’ve been all over the world, and I must confess that it’s a distinctly American thing to see reality shows on television about hunting for ghosts or outer space aliens or treasures underneath an island that never get found, ever. Every time they give the viewers the dramatic impression a discovery is about to be made, it cuts to commercial. The poor, fat, stupid bastard sitting at home keeps tuning in.
Next up is a show about storage lockers. What serious country makes a show about fucking storage lockers? You know what they’re not watching in China? A show about morbidly obese blacks trying to stop stuffing their faces long enough to get stomach surgery. “Oh lawd, I gots ta get dis weight offa me or imma gonnna die, sheitt!” Honestly, they were better off when a man on a horse road up to their quarters and announced “Cotton needs a pickin’” or being chased by a predatory cat across the Savanna.
I recently crossed paths with a former comrade possessed of the grim determination to pursue a career. We just laughed about old high jinks and talked about our families. I didn’t have the heart to ask him “Bro, what’s it like to command a battalion with literal retards in it? Lol, anything gone fatally wrong yet?” The quality of the television shows reflects the declining quality of the people. That’s the real problem for the military, which depends on an annual crop of somewhat fit, mentally competent White males.
The sub replacement birthrate in China and Russia is often touted as evidence they’re on the decline so we can take them on. Sure, that’s a big problem for them. Ours is much worse, however. It’s as if the neocons at their think tanks genuinely believe 4′ 8″ Mayan women from the jungle will be successfully landing jets on the USS Queso Taco. Truly, this is madness. In the U.S. Army, Fat + Stupid now equals Future Soldier. This place is so beyond saving.
As a nation, we’d be better served by recognizing what the television producers already have and dismantling wide swaths of the education system along with the armed forces. It’s not doing the majority-minority youth population any good because it’s offering most far more than they can take in. Most black students aren’t even literate by White standards. What meaningful information about history or chemistry could they possibly be absorbing? Since we’re stuck with them, I’d structure a curriculum for blacks exclusively on basic literacy and arithmetic.
Eventually, we’ll have a system were even the teachers can’t read too good. Teachers take all sorts of tests, but our diversity can’t even get past the basic literacy test to get to the tests to prove that they know the academic content they’ll be hired to teach. Paying them billions of dollars to fail isn’t a sustainable proposition. Maintaining a modern civilization with creatures incapable of establishing a modern civilization isn’t a sustainable proposition, either. The issue is really quite simple.
Standard political jargon is to talk about how much potential a politician sees in America. In reality, our potential is growing more limited by the day. We can see it all around us and it’s easy to quantify through standardized testing. The parasites who hijacked America from us believe they can change the demographics and somehow keep utilizing it as a functional tool for their agenda. That’s unbelievably naive, but such is the nature of evil.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Movies and shows have become more and more PC from about the 80’s on. used to be say … one out of 3 or 4, but it got worse and today it’s basically 90% of all new movies & shows are a woketard agenda with a plot and some special effects tossed in. It mostly the “possessed” Jews doing this but they’re not alone.
Most common are blacks browns and women representatives, judges, police and in charge of men in prisons or military. How many black women judges could there be in America? Based on modern movies and shows you’ld think it’s about 7 out of 10!!! Yet they’re only 14% of the population. Is there a movie or show with a white male boss anywhere?
Another favorite is to “rewrite history.” They inject black police into stories from the 1800’s and older! How about an upscale ball in 17th century England … and there’s 3 or 4 black men dancing with white ladies!!!!
CSA 2 is the answer, but when creating it we’d have to be very careful to make perfect laws and a perfect Constitution to make sure none of this can happen again.
Oh, also notice when you go to any movie app as you scroll down the rows mostly you see black black black … yet ( again ), they’re only 14% of society.
The best thing would be for the entire country to break up into sections. The debt could be left with a rump United States consisting of the District of Columbia. It could be a combination of tiny country, theme park and museum. The Negro Hall of Fame and the Abraham Lincoln Cultural Center could be there. However, as Mr. Shackleford pointed out, it won’t happen because the useless eaters greatly outnumber the rest of us, and most of us don’t have the sand do what would have to be done. The only hope I see is system failure, or possibly the Last Judgement.
As far as documentaries are concerned, I believe the absurdly short videos and glimpses of photos with multiple narrators makes it easier to push propaganda. Fast imagery with very little context from the actual moment given with all of it explained to you by “professionals.”
Also, “USS Queso Taco” lollll
The best I’ve heard lately is the ethno-grammar renamed punctuation referring to an apostrophe as “comma to the top”, which perfectly coincides with the lack of plural possessive in the same ignorant dialect. As far as defending out country, just remember that us old guys will have to hold down the fort while our younger prodigy is exported to the country in conflict. That being said, we have every right to bring back Western Settler laws and expedited justice tactics. After all, the deferrals for criminal record disqualifications needs to be balanced off with something, and good old open range principles would surely apply to the benefit of the remaining upright citizens who will sacrificing their sons and daughters.