The Mirage of a Republican President

Another presidential election cycle is upon us, and already many within the Dissident Right as well as average conservatives are throwing their support behind their preferred candidates, chief among those being Florida Governor Ron Desantis and Donald J. Trump. There are, of course, other candidates in the Republican primary, such as Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) and Vivek Ramaswamy, all of whom are vying for the nomination and, ultimately, the presidency of the United States of America.

However, as things currently stand in 2023, the likelihood that any of these candidates will be elected in 2024 is very low. There are several reasons for this, which range from ever-changing demographics to voter fraud. One of the main reasons is that the GOP has ceased to operate as an effective political entity at the national level. The Republican Party does not have the infrastructure or a strategy to place their nominee in the White House. Should that nominee be Donald Trump, we can expect the GOP to do next to nothing to ensure that he wins, just as they did in 2020.

The Republican Party, as we have seen many times over, is not inclined to provide genuine resistance against the radical Left. Rather, they mostly vote along the same lines as their supposed democratic opponents and only put-up feigned opposition when it is convenient for them to do so. A recent example would be the twenty congressional Republicans that aligned with the Democrats in refusing to censure Adam Schiff. They are not looking to win victories for you, only elections and endless patronage for themselves.

The 2022 midterm elections heralded the end of the Republican Party. The much anticipated “Red Wave” was a mere ripple because of the fact that, with the exception of Florida, no real effort was made to win. With the loss of crucial swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, the avenues for a Republican presidential victory are nonexistent. Moreover, due to an increase in immigration into North Carolina, we may very well lose that state, too.

As for Trump in particular, the elites and their establishment lackies, in both parties, are most likely either going to: (a) ensure he goes to federal prison or (b) pressure him to drop out of the race. The latter scenario will probably be their choice for removing Trump. The 2024 elections will be heavily rigged by (and for) the Democratic Party, and Joe Biden will be handedly reelected as a result.

Free and fair elections no longer exist in the United States, certainly not at the national level. For this reason, Southerners should ignore the 2024 elections and focus on electing local officials who will truly represent them, improving their communities and perpetuating their culture, honoring their heroes, and raising their families. These are the things that we can win on. And unlike a presidential victory, these victories will actually matter and ensure the survival of the South.

God bless you and God bless Dixie.

-By Southern Filibuster


  1. The West is dying. Young people should emigrate to Russia, which, ironically, is actually a functioning representative democracy with traditional values.

  2. Martin Armstrong has postulated that the Presidential elections will be rigged from here on out.

  3. Anothe take: “Oh I’m a good rebel. That is what I am. For this yankee nation I do not give a damn. I glad I fought agin her, I only wish we’d won. I do not ask a pardon for anything I done.

  4. Free and fair elections no longer exist in the United States, certainly not at the national level. For this reason, Southerners should ignore the 2024 elections and focus on electing local officials who will truly represent them, improving their communities and perpetuating their culture, honoring their heroes, and raising their families. These are the things that we can win on. And unlike a presidential victory, these victories will actually matter and ensure the survival of the South.

    This situation dates way back to, at least 2002. Many of us, yours truly definitely included, have been talking about it and advocating the same tack for … decades. People always seem to get the wrong impression, though; we’re talking about handing the national elections back over to the people to which they belong. When it comes to state and local (mostly local) elections, well, now, that’s another story. I thought this was a good and timely post, all said.

  5. Let me let you in on a little secret. Your vote has never mattered. Presidents are SELECTED, not elected. It’s all Kabuki theater, and it always has been. Republicans and Democrats are two cheeks on the same ass. It’s one big show to give the illusion that you have a choice. You don’t. It doesn’t matter anyway, they, and all politicians for that matter, are merely puppets of the central bankers. The sooner people realize this, the sooner we can save ourselves (if it’s not already too late). Voting is nothing more than the adult version of writing a letter to Santa Claus.

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