You may not like what I’m going to tell you. But as Napoleon is supposed to have said, “Truth alone has the power to offend.”
About a year ago, I was finally able to move back to the South after a long search for property. The criteria was probably similar to anyone looking to escape from another part of the country: close to family, a little land, right demographics, good Church, and not an outrageously inflated price tag.
It took three years of lengthy and thorough visits crisscrossing Upstate South Carolina, North Georgia, Southwest Virginia, and most of Alabama and Tennessee. We settled in middle Tennessee but far away from the sad sprawl of Nashville.
Let me tell you what I saw over the last several years.
Everywhere we visited, we spent time chatting with locals and going out of the way to shop and eat off the main drags, as well as working only with independent real estate agents and family referrals who live throughout Dixie. It was an eye-opening process on many levels. If your only travel through the Southern states is limited to the interstates, I’d encourage you to take the scenic route next time.
It’s no surprise to confirm that the number of non-Southerners moving to the South is significant. While the percentage of the transplant population in any of the Southern states is only a single digit, in real numbers it is well over 100,000 in any given state with these newcomers not being evenly dispersed throughout, but concentrated in a small handful of areas. And not just the urban hotspots.
The big cities are growing ,of course, and attracting a middle to left-of-center mostly White population. But with remote work now a fixed reality, small towns are where the newcomers are targeting as well and it’s these new neighbors out in the country I want to talk about.
I’m in a rural area, about 20 minutes out of a town of 12,000. Of all my immediate farms and neighbors, maybe 70% are Southern going back generations. Expanding the radius into the community of other homeschooling families and other like-minded people, not one is originally from the South.
Here’s a sample of who they are:
- A successful businessman and Vanderbilt grad from Connecticut. Homesteading, five children, church going, American patriot with sons in the military.
- A government employee from Arizona with a black wife. Homeschooling four young kids, homesteading and trying to organize a Christian Nationalist group in the area.
- A software engineer running his own company from Pennsylvania with a Chinese wife and three children who tells me he’s been red-pilled and is now Far Right and an extreme prepper.
- An insurance adjuster from Texas homeschooling seven kids, homesteading and a Trad Catholic.
- A highly entrepreneurial farming family from North Dakota. Homeschooling five children, co-op farming, and trying to form a church.
- A successful land developer and entrepreneur from Indiana. Homesteading, runs a construction business with his family, homeschooling nine kids, runs a home-church with several other families.
- Army vet from Ohio. Single, entrepreneur getting into concrete and light construction.
Plus multiple young families from California, all church going, conservative, almost all homesteading and homeschooling.
All these families talk about the networks of people they’re developing with most also being from other parts of the country. These are objectively good people and fine neighbors. They have quickly become active and entrepreneurial. They are making their mark and establishing legitimate communities of like-minded people who regularly get together to do real things that matter: supporting each other, improving the land, providing and producing for themselves and others, going to church and raising big families. They are conservative and conventionally pro-American but appropriately critical, even cynical. They have rejected much of the status quo and are retreating to God, family, and very local communities. For them, the South is a new frontier and a chance to start over in a comparatively unspoiled region.
I ask them about Southern identity: did it play a part in your decision to move? Do you think Southern independence is a good idea? Is it possible? Is it something you’d want to be part of?
While there have been no negative comments, they are not attracted to or terribly interested in Southern heritage and supporting its future. They are neutral.
And why is that?
Sure, there’s a lifetime of anti-Southern propaganda. But as has been regularly discussed here at ID, the effort to project an attractive Southern identity outside of a Civil War context is sorely missing and urgently needed.
But there is something else that does come up as an obstacle harming the ability to win-over the people setting new roots in Southern soil and that’s what is often a negative presentation of native Southerners. I regrettably must affirm.
The Deracinated Southern Man
In all the places we spent time considering, no matter the state, there is the sad phenomena of urban and rural Southerners who are no longer Southern at all but instead a commercialized, emasculated, cartoonish rendition. They are the Deracinated Southerners.
Young or old, this is what I saw throughout the South:
- Almost everyone is tatted up like a sailor or look like they’re part of the Motely Crue road crew. None of the newcomers have visible tattoos.
- There’s a noticeable negative sentiment about being decently educated that manifests in the ability to articulate and express themselves.
- Obesity is the norm. I’ve written about this here as well. With the newcomers, even moms with five or more kids, they are fit and healthy looking.
- Too many of the properties are a mess, some of the worst I saw were throughout South Carolina. It’s embarrassing and has nothing to do with income. My weekend routine includes picking up White Claw empties and beer bottles thrown along my fence line.
- Young Whites, male and female, have embraced black culture, its music, attitude, and dress. It’s revolting.
- In restaurants, while shopping, or at public events, too many people of all ages dress like vagrants. At a large get together of the newcomers (easily 100 people), everyone was presentable and clean.
The majority of native Southerners are not like this, but a large minority are, enough so that it is frequently talked about with people moving in and who are not yet desensitized.
We need to do better. We need to practice fraternal correction. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard and actively promote and enforce a Dixie First mentality. Let it fuel a pride that manifests outwardly in every way. In our politics, our behavior, in how we engage with and treat our community and neighbors. In how we educate, start and run businesses, in our marriages…in everything we need to always be asking, is what I’m doing, presenting and saying benefiting my homeland and bringing honor?
Our new neighbors are quickly forging their own identities. And it’s not Southern. They are going to soon be a felt force and it is essential that we incorporate them into an attractive cause led by noble Southern men and women.

‘Cause down in Alabama, you can run, but you sure can’t hide.
Excellent. We need to do it for its own sake. It’s the right way, and that’s why we do it. But, as you say, people are coming, and our civilization be such that it attracts desires for assimilation.
The South is beautiful. Our lives should be that without copping materialistic ideals. Yankee converts needs something to convert to.
“Yankee converts need something to convert to.”
Why don’t you try writing speeches for the GOP. I see you have great potential.
Well, sadly I am going to have to agree with much of what you wrote. But I am not sold on us having to incorporate the newcomers. They will never be us (which is why they are not sold on our identity or political independence) and if we intermarry with them we will just be watering down our own race.
I think our solution is in better organization and higher fertility, not in just opting for a slightly softer form of genocide. Think in terms of mustard seed, not casting a wider net.
If we welcome “copperheads” and “Southern at heart” types then we are on the same track as those welcoming “natural conservatives”.
Yes, Southerners must set the tone for those coming in to our society, and especially we must win their children with evangelistic fervor. It starts with a new positive vision, and no apology for the past. On point , all Southern, all the time. Americanism needs to die a hard death in the South and the quicker the better. This next election will help immensely.
As a native Southron, complete with bloodlines back to the colonies, command of the native language, connoisseur of Country music and even a very Southern surname, I would like to step up to set the tone. As you say, it’s my job.
The tone is: “Don’t get used to it here, go back where you came from and don’t intermarry with any of our strays.”
Good “on point” points. ( If that’s grammatically acceptable. ) This is more important than you might think just blowing through the post. Remember, all those big southern families that went without a father after Civil War I … and in some cases without a mother ( because they were raped and killed – especially by Shermans goons ), and even without food. Their demise was followed by “reconstruction,” which basically finished them off. Now, generations later and with all the chem trailing, fluoridation, GMOing, 5 G’ing, media brainwashing and dumbing down in schools … this is what we have.
We need books and videos training people on how to conduct proper southern upbringings and what it means to be southern. A lot of you here are GREAT writers and content creators. You can do this.
We’ll NEED fresh white “relocations” even from Europe to build up the south and they’ll all need the above mentioned instructions. We can do without types like the one married to a black but at this time we have no say in that.
Good post. Quality southern instruction is what the brainwashed sheeple need now, which must include an understanding of how the CIA ( deep state ), CREATED hip hop at the same time they cancelled rock. Look into it. It started in the 80’s.
I’ve always enjoyed how your articles hold Southerners accountable and find this one excellent. However, I still adhere to the belief that the best course of action is to form our own town. It’ll never happen, but it would be ideal, kinda like Orania but for Southerners.
I believe Bill Hill is correct. If the South, or part of it, gets its chance, what will be the good of it if it ends up like a GOP wet dream of America with a different flag? The South 3.0 should be mostly a British-American/European-American ethnostate composed of people who are part of the Southern tradition. Those of us who are not part of that tradition have our own rows to hoe. Northerners, even with the best will in the world, will change what remains of the South to suit themselves. They should be driven out to face the problems they left behind.
How would you suggest our youth achieve this when they are programmed solely by Jewish TV,Jewish dominated education at all levels,Jewish music industry,Jewish controlled lawmakers/judges?Those of us on this site, I guarantee,had nothing like this onslaught in our formative years.I had teachers who pushed the race-mixing and evolution but now it has gone into overdrive.There are no examples left for our youth.The Jews have destroyed our culture.I’m not sure what your point is about race-mixing or Catholic Yankees moving here,to me they are the enemy.They are not my culture or people.I couldn’t care less if they go to church or homeschool.They are race mixers,Yankees,and have an alien culture I want no part of.Why insult our beaten down and brainwashed youth and praise those that are not us?Our children are a product of a Christ-hating Jew society formed in Hell.Some do resist mightily(like I did as a youth),but can we condemn those not built to resist the most perverse society in all of history.I say not.It is just sad that what we love is lost.But all those things will be ours again in Heaven,I know this.The victory is already won by Christ’s sacrifice.I say let the newcomers and this Earth rot,our great and glorious Southern people live yet in Heaven.No need to compromise here on Earth.Christ is coming very soon and all will be judged and then we live like God intended.I appreciate your writing and enjoy it even if I have a different line of thinking.Some may call me defeatist but I really see no way to revive our prospects as a race and culture.I see the perfect White man in God’s own image at Eden and the decline since.We now enter the Satanic Jew One World stage the Bible told us was coming near the End.I’ll end by saying that Southern youth and adults still hold more pride and value than nigger/gook loving Yankees.As my old hero J.B.Stoner said “All I need is the White race and the Jesus keys”.Devout till the end,his crowns in Heaven are no doubt many.
I’m glad someone else is also noticing this. I think I’ve broke ground with a woman from Pennsylvania who is having trouble planting her garden in Alabama. She has no clue. I seriously think my lack of visible tattoos, my southern drawl, and use of the word m’am is attracting them to my business. Gonna ask if they want to trade veggies soon. But I am appalled at how these subdivisions popping up are destroying the land of my childhood. All the good fishing spots are gone and most of the cow pastures have given way to cookie cutter homes. I’m trying to make the best of it but damn is it hard