Birth of a Moral Nation-State

Happy Easter! Jesus Christ suffered, died, and resurrected for your Salvation. Be joyful that you enjoy eternal life through Him.

There is a seismic shift that can be felt throughout both the South and the North within these United States. It is very clear that distinctions are being drawn on virtue, morality, and Western order. From the punishment of Disney by Florida’s governor over its attempt to interfere in political decisions to the expansion of “gender affirming care” for toddlers in New York, these United States are rapidly disintegrating into two camps. The South is embracing its Christian roots. The North is embracing its militant egalitarian ideological origins. The two will not find common ground. They are diametrically opposed to one another, and that is beautiful. We are witnessing the birth of a distinct moral Nation-State: Dixie.

When two of three Tennessee legislators were expelled on Thursday, 6 April 2023, for using disruptive practices that broke decorum rules, it was not merely a political show of force by Tennessee Republicans. It was an affirmation of long-standing Western discipline. Acting like a petulant child is bad enough. Ignoring the psychosis of a transgender terrorist who murdered Christian children in an attempt to call for gun control was unforgiveable. Tennessee put its foot down. God Bless them! Other Southern states should take similar measures if they have the legal means to do so. It is not simply that we should seek the punishment of Marxist and irrational rabble rousers. Rather, we should seek means to set clear distinctions between the South and the rest of “those” United States.

First, it is important to understand what a “Nation-State” is; then understand why you should have hope. There is much confusion regarding the term “nation” and “state,” largely because the United States applies different uses to their actual definitions. The term “nation” means a unique people. The term “state” means a defined geography with independent governance. In the U.S., nation is often confused with these United States – a country – while state is a section of these United States that enjoys semi-autonomy (e.g., Florida, New York, Texas, etc.). The Treaty of Westphalia determined the definition of “nation-state” in 1648, at the conclusion of both the Dutch Revolution (“Eighty Years War”) and the Thirty Years War. In essence, it became the nearly permanent alignment of European territorial boundaries (countries) that have changed somewhat since then, but very little and often temporarily. Those geographies were largely drafted along national lines – i.e., people who shared cultural, historical, and linguistic heritages. The emergence of the “Nation-State” led to one of the most powerful, transformative historical concepts in world history. All countries since that Treaty have largely applied its definition to create distinct and free countries, especially in the post-colonial era of the 1940s through the 1970s.

By definition, the United States is not a Nation-State. It is a collection of states that have gradually ceded their authority to federal actors. In this regard, the United States is the European Union in two-hundred years. Furthermore, each state has distinct cultures that form national identities. The South, as a region, enjoys a number of countries – i.e., American states – that share cultural, historical, linguistic, and even genetic similarities. New England is yet another distinct region. The Midwest is less severely distinct, largely because there was a collective commitment by Nordic and German settlers to embrace an “American” identity that avoids regionalism. This is no doubt a function of the times and philosophies that drove them to the U.S. in the mid-19th Century. Still, the Midwest knows it is neither Yankee New Englanders nor Southern Dixians. They have their own national identity, albeit less wedded to sectionalism.

This is important because it all circles back to the possibility of a Southern Nation-State emerging as a Christian moral epicenter. The South will not need to physically fight its way out of the Union in the 21st Century. It will be kicked out of the Union for its Christian intransigence. With every outrageous Northern state’s legal, political, or social policies, Southerners must remain committed to countering these immoral steps with the most hardline-Christian reaction. In so doing, the South does two things. First, it enrages an emotionally unhinged rest of those United States in such a way that Dixie becomes wholly unacceptable to the Left. Many leftists will self-exile, as we have seen with the plethora of LGBT students and their parents who recently fled Florida. The rest will simply pass ever increasing counter-laws to create a sharper distinction between them and us.

When the South outlaws transgender surgery for children, the Yankees will pay for it… when the South punishes black criminality with lethal force, the Yankees will effectively handcuff their own law enforcement… when the South restricts infanticide, the Yankee will fund them and expand the right to include children several days after they are born… when the South passes measures to fund Christian schools through choice, the Yankees will effectively make them illegal, pulling their certifications (as New York did to many Catholic schools) … These divisions will exacerbate a growing divide. We should keep pushing.

Second, the South implores God through its increasingly stronger moral stance. There are some who say that God does not interfere in the political machinations of mankind. Those people have never read a Bible. The Lord blesses Nation-States who hear His Word and implement legal systems to adhere to it. These United States have lost God’s favor, as evidenced by its lost wars. The South should depart from it, as warned in the Book of Revelation (a topic I have covered before).

What we are now witnessing is a total moral secession in real time. There is a South that is beautiful, Godly, and seeks to preserve Western traditions and culture. That is a manifestation of its people. By definition, that is “nation” personified in policy. We are a Christian nation. The contrast is a North that becomes exceedingly more degenerate. It rejects God. It rejects Christianity. It rejects Western traditions and culture. That, too, is a manifestation of its people. By definition, that is “nation” personified in policy. They are an antichristian people – not all of them, but enough that they enjoy political power, thus making them the majority within their lands. They are “antichrists” as explained in the first epistle of John. They are not a Christian nation.

Now comes the “state.” We have the geographical confines to determine what is “the South.” It is a land below the Mason-Dixon. It is a collection of states that once fought an expansive federal government that invaded them in the mid-19th century. It is well defined. That which is needed now is to create a bloc of states that becomes so abhorrent to the antichrists of the North that they extricate us from their union in an attempt to create the Bolshevik dystopia they seek. Let them kick us out. We can and should depart peacefully.

With every pro-Christian, moral counter-policy that is raised in Dixie, a new Nation-State emerges. You are witnessing it in real time, even if it is hard to see at times. The crystallization of an independent Christian country is in its infancy, but it is there. You are watching the birth of a moral Nation-State in real time. Celebrate its birth.


  1. He is risen! May the same be said of the Christian South of which you’ve written. I’ve found great encouragement from Matthew Henry’s exposition of Psalm 12 this week.

    1. Happy Easter, German Confederate! I will read Henry’s exposition when I have a moment.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  2. Outstanding essay, fine points,
    Thank you, Sir, loud n clear in north
    Rocky Mountains…

    1. Thank you for the compliment, Baja.

      I hope you had a great Easter.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  3. Happy Easter. But if you mean the misguided and non sensical “School Choice” whereby hard working parents pay for private school tuition and the so called “deserving” poor go for free, forget it. This will be the ruination of what’s left of private schools. The worst idea I have ever heard of. It will flood the last bastion we have for sensible societal protection from all the blessings of integration, wokeness, and secularism and leave us no choice at all. When schools are funded by the government, they become government schools. Run from this.

    1. You have a valid point, but the more refined strategy is not school choice as you define it. And you are correct, this has the potential of destroying private schools that bend to accommodate state oversight.

      The better solution is direct payments to the families of school age children that could be used for homeschooling, tutorials, private schools, etc. It reduces the tax burden on the county in most areas, as the need for building more schools ends, along with busing.

      For instance, the projected spending in South Carolina is moving toward $ 16,000 . If that money was directed toward families of those children, a family with 3 children gets $ 48, 000 non taxable dollars in the per family, leaves mom at home to homeschool her children, or send them to a tutorial, still leaving a sizable positive cash flow for the state. Or they could use the money for private or public education. ( my hope would be public education ends, at least until college)

      It will eventually slow the growth of increases in educational spending on a state level , while improving the quality.

    2. Hello Lisa,

      As Father Dabney explained, I propose a choice for children to leave the public indoctrination camps in their entirety. It is not solely for private schools. In return, I also support Florida’s version of these laws which places no limits on the type or method of education, provided they cover fundamental basics at each grade level, such as Florida History Grades 1 – 6, Math, Science, etc. This new law empowers Christian schools to place an emphasis on faith-based education slots… homeschool parents to use funding for martial arts as a means to expand the child’s network of friends and exercise… private schools to discriminate based on a child’s learning capacity… etc. In effect, I support taking the money away from the teacher’s unions/governments and placing it in the hands of the parents to make choices for themselves.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  4. Happy Easter to all you Southerners, may Gods Grace be with you all.

    Love from out west.

    1. Thank you for those kind words. I pray you had a Happy Easter.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  5. VERY good sir! Might I add –
    Our slow secession must include defining the enlarged new borders of “the south,” and how do we get ALL non whites to “exit stage south” 🙂 on their own … as quickly as possible? This continuing divide is multi pronged and so must be our strateg(ies). There’s no time for vagueness. We must define our culture our plan / manifesto and ( as you mentioned in your last post ), OUR Constitution. You are the administrator.


    1. Thank you, Stonewall.

      This is a good point and it is often asked of me. I have written on the topic before, but I believe the short answer is that non-Whites will self-exile when federal subsidies end. Yankee “blue” states will undoubtedly offer more freebies to “people of color” – such as that which we saw in San Francisco’s recent $5 Million reparations bill. As the South becomes stingier with its hand-outs, the North will become more liberal and that will draw out non-Whites, sending them outside of a free South.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

      1. This is why even geniuses like you need to be part of a “patriotic southern think tank,” when drafting founding documents. No human has “all” the answers. I can tell you with 1000% certainty that for a thriving super south to be born there could be NO – blacks browns muslims satanists gays or men in womens bodies ( eg., women doing mens jobs like representative, judge, prosecuting attorney, police of any kind or in charge of men in military or prisons. ) If these were not some of the “pillars” holding up our civilization … all we’d hand our kids is some wet noodle excuse of a Confederacy with a bandaid on it.

        Think things through. Visualize it. Walk through and drive through a new south in your mind. We can’t control the chimps with their pants down their butts doing what they’ll always do because that’s what their “species” do. And are we to allow them to be police judges and representatives???!! To rule over US? 🙂 It won’t work. Back to the drawing board.

        1. to Stonewall J – You demonstrate a severe lack of imagination and willingness to confront reality.

          First – nobody in their right mind wants to recreate the Confederacy. The idea that Christians would insist on a “racially-pure” state is both ridiculous and repugnant. For various reasons which should be obvious to the thoughtful person.

          2nd – There will be a number of “blacks/browns” etc. that will be wholly able and willing to support such a Christian South as PM envisions. Most others would naturally self-deport as it took shape. The dregs that cannot do so on their own can be assisted to do so, or gradually rehabilitated in coventries. Racial characteristics generally immaterial.

          3rd – (special case) Muslim structures must be disbanded and outlawed. Individuals must be able to practice their beliefs privately, though.

          4th – Stringently-enforced public decency laws will take care of your other objections. For a guide, look at the success Singapore has had at keeping the streets clean.

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