“The Emperor’s New Clothes,” written by Hans Christian Andersen, is a fictional tale of two traveling swindlers that convince a gullible emperor and his entourage that they can weave special clothes that only the truly enlightened can see. But not just any clothes, but magnificent ones, playing to the vanity of the emperor. More importantly, the swindlers have the ability to embellish a fiction so enthralling that it sways the emperor’s subjects into also seeing clothing that does not exist. Worst, a great many clearly know it is a fraud, yet they go along with the charade, fearing they will be considered stupid or backward. Staying in good graces with imperial rule is much more important than truth, until a child shouts from the crowd, “The emperor has no clothes!” Out of the mouths of babes comes truth. But there is no deterring the emperor, and he just keeps moving through the streets as if the naked truth has not been revealed. We are in such an era as depicted in this lovable tale, only it’s real and rather disturbing.
Let’s examine a few invisible, magnificent garments the American Empire and its hordes of sycophants are praising in their narcissistic parade of patronizing foolishness.
For instance:
- Joe Biden is senile – we all know it, his family knows it, his cabinet knows it, and the entire cosmos knows it! Biden and his family are completely corrupt, sexually degenerate, and everyone knows this, too. The diary of his daughter and the infamous laptop of his ne’er-do-well son, Hunter, confirms it. Every child that godless bastard has sniffed knows it, and they shout it with their uncomfortable body language when he gets near them! But the mainstream press and the Left just ignore it, as the naked figurehead of the Empire ambles through countless presidential events.
- Trump’s indictment is a political witch hunt. I’m not even a Trump fan, and I can see it. Every politician knows it. And truth be told, all of them have violated some rule, regulation, code of conduct, etc. over the course of their careers. If there was justice in these United States, every last member of Congress would be sent to prison by some ambitious and determined prosecutor. Perhaps, Trump’s arrest will prompt a wildfire of belligerent prosecutions, and crack this facade of a country even further (not holding my breath). If so, I won’t be calling from the crowd in an attempt to stop the perp walk parade. Nope, wouldn’t be prudent, to channel King George Bush the First, who has gone on to his reward, and given account for his actions in life, his New World Order, now standing before an all-seeing Judge and the saints, the children of God.
- Trannies, furries, drag queens, and other more militant homosexuals, even some tribal religious organizations, are part of a greater plan to normalize pedophilia. I’m sure there are some homosexuals that oppose this, but even they know the extreme and vocal activists of the LGBTQ movement desires this outcome as their endgame. And it is self-evident these people have serious mental issues, which most likely are the results of childhood sexual abuse. The recent murders of innocent children (and adults) at a Christian school in Nashville by a transgender activist attest to it. Fortunately, sane people are starting to shout from the crowd, turning the tables, and disrupting the delusional world in which these people live. Yet, how many children must die, because the children of God will not be the Church, and shout these people to repentance, instead of trying to cohabitate with evil?
I could go on and on, but I’ll end with one naked truth that no child should ever have to speak this truth to power.
- Black people cannot run a functioning society, at least not in a modern system. Everyone also knows this. I’ve even seen and heard speeches by South African blacks finally admitting that, “The White man, hate him or love him, left Africans a functioning society,” and lamenting the fact that they cannot maintain it on their own. Even within the borders of the American Empire, black controlled cities have deteriorated so rapidly that water systems do not work, and their court systems regularly release violent criminals. But, they will throw the book at Trump. A child might not shout at this fiction before us, but our father Noah shouts it from his grave, reminding us of his warning concerning the children of Ham and that they should never rule over the children of Shem, nor Japheth.
Southern man and woman, we are turning the tide! Shout plainly to your people and teach it to your children, so they may shout it even louder! The American Empire is exposed, naked before all, and truth will make its subjects question why they let these frauds rule over them.
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
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