Embrace “National Divorce”

Recently, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted, “We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government…From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.” For genuine Southern Nationalists and mature members within the Dissident Right sphere, this is very welcome news and should be a pleasant surprise for many. Naturally, the Democratic Party and the GOP, as well as the mainstream media, quickly pounced on the collective pearl clutching. They know, as do we, that the specter of secession will never truly disappear as long as both the South and Heritage America remains.

Utah Govenor (and fellow Republican) Spencer Cox called the idea “evil.” This should come as no surprise, considering Govenor Cox is a self-described “centrist, moderate, liberal Republican” and vetoed a bill last year that would have prohibited mentally ill men from competing with biological females in school sports. Interestingly, Govenor Cox graduated from Washington & Lee University School of Law, instead of attending Harvard Law School. If he finds secession (or political “national divorce”) evil, perhaps he should voluntarily rescind his law degree due to the university’s namesakes. Of course, former (in other words, disgraced) Representative Liz Cheney tweeted that, “Secession is unconstitutional. No member of Congress should advocate secession, Marjorie.” Secessionism was defeated on the battlefield and resulted in the death of the Confederacy, but it is (and was) not unconstitutional.

Unfortunately, even some in the Dissident Right have taken this opportunity to bash the idea and heap scorn on conservative Americans. These “hot takes” usually come from racialist urbanites that would rather complain endlessly than recognize a win before their very eyes. It also seems to us like a case of cultural sour grapes. These people should be ignored, as they are not serious dissidents or are simply too undisciplined to be effective.

This website has made the case for secession many times. The respective States have a right to sovereignty and are not wedded to a suicide pact with the national government. Additionally, should the States not secede, they will eventually be consumed by caustic Americanism. Call it Balkanization, secession, Texit, or “national divorce,” but the only remedy to return to normalcy and sanity is to break away from the declining American Empire. Failure to do so will end in calamity for our homelands and people.

From a pragmatic standpoint, calling for “national divorce” in lieu of “secession” is very productive rhetoric. The baggage, although Identity Dixie does not subscribe to the charge, tied to the term secession is minimized when it is replaced with divorce or separation. Furthermore, as a repetitive phrase, “national divorce” is much easier to articulate (and spell) than secession. This is critical because it is tied to mass influencing and engagement. The Left has embraced phrases like “Build Back Better” and “Love Not Hate” because these are easy slogans for their rank and file to repeat (despite not being able to convincingly describe). The same can be used for “national divorce,” but it is not a vague, dreamy catchphrase but an explainable expression regarding our current predicament. Plus, it provides a solution – sovereignty and a political parachute.

We recommend pushing the phrase “national divorce” and amplifying it through word of mouth and social media. Do not discard secession altogether but consider “national divorce” as another tool in your toolkit. What may work with hardcore dissidents will not with concerned and confused normies. That’s when and where “national divorce” is an excellent rhetorical instrument to advocate for a Free South (along with independence for the other American States not yet completely controlled by the Left).

We have no need for divorce counseling, let’s sign the papers.


  1. A national divorce will not work, unless there is a very large-scale population transfer. It would have to be involuntary. How you do that is a mystery.

    The biggest problem would not be the blacks in the South, it would be separating families along political lines.

    And then, how do you maintain political purity in the new countries?

    1. These are imaginary roadblocks that people create.

      For one, most regions could be split into the nations they hold now without major population transfer, and we would be fine. The South would be far better, same for the Midwest and the redoubt. Even the crazy leftist areas would likewise be more united. If we had our own national states, over time the proper forms and cultures could arise within to further solidify them. Second, even if we did take the “transfer” route, transfer would not be difficult, nor would it need to be “involuntary”. The formation of some transitionary regions within the Union to facilitate the change, a year or two of allowances, massive incentive programs, and financial aid would be all that is required. We are giving literally hundreds of billions to Ukraine. Imagine if that was going to population transfer instead. Americans are not poor middle-eastern populations that have to be transported on foot. Additionally, the absolute lunatics we seek to remove would voluntarily self-relocate if they knew what was coming in one nation-state compared to another. We don’t need to move everyone, just the worst. We can repair the rest. People seem to take this extreme view that we need to relocate hundreds of millions, but that is not the case. The South and mountain regions, for instance, already have a proper alignment. Demographics are rough, but with non-corrupt voting, they’d still all be bright red. All we need is to not have the feds in the way.

      The alternative is that we remain within this corrupted Union, fighting and hating one another until we destroy everything. Then, we’ll still balkanize, but it will be far harsher and with far more violence. There is no restore option. We are too divided. Look up the Byzantines or the Ottomans for evidence of how this ends. It is not some mystery. History is overflowing with examples.

      The only true roadblock is our political class who would lose greatly from balkanization. That is why it would struggle to work. Because they won’t let it.

    2. Bob Sykes, modern politics it too smart to move people through “involuntary population transfer”. Instead they utilize a series of punishments and incentives to achieve the same goal, ie. special rights and benefits for group A in section 4. Currently, the modern USA even uses this strategy to move around the poorest in society, the homeless population. It’s an American tradition…..

  2. “Secessionism was defeated on the battlefield and resulted in the death of the Confederacy, but it is (and was) not unconstitutional.”

    To this asinine belief and the people who make it, I say, in the words of a now deceased great Christian theologian, “It is only the atheist who adopts success as the criterion of right.”

    1. I say, in the words of a now deceased great Christian theologian,

      Whose name is Robert Lewis Dabney.

  3. …former (in other words, disgraced) Representative Liz Cheney tweeted that, “Secession is unconstitutional. …”

    I for one would love to see her (or anyone else, for that matter) make a logical, coherent argument in defense of that statement. I’ve read some version of it a million times at least over the years, and it remains one of the dumbest, constitutionally illiterate statements I’ve personally ever read. It’s not even a statement in the strict sense of the term, it is a political slogan like e.g. “immigration is a [exclusively] federal issue,” etc. “Unconstitutional” to the political left and right-liberals is a term like “antisemitism” – all it means is that “I don’t like the thing or idea in question (e.g., disagreement with Jews about gay marriage and internet pornography, and phohibitions against), therefore it’s deemed by the usual suspects as ‘unconstitutional’ or ‘antisemitic,’ or even ‘unAmerican,’ whichever the case may be.

    I’m personally not a fan of the “national divorce” rhetoric, to be perfectly honest; it reeks too much of illicit family divorce and all the dysfunction that invariably follows in its wake, IMHO. But good and timely write-up in any case.

    1. “I’ve read some version of it a million times at least over the years, and it remains one of the dumbest, constitutionally illiterate statements I’ve personally ever read.”

      I agree and got a good chuckle out of reading that.

  4. I support the idea of a national divorce but I don’t think it will happen. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are financed and controlled by the same corporate interests who won’t allow us to peacefully separate. The corporate parasites want for these United States to be invaded and overrun by primitive foreign species and will do anything to prevent us from defending our State borders. Also, with the national debt approaching $32 trillion they probably cannot afford to let us be.

  5. As improbable as some people seem to think Secession is, it is more likely than fixing this Empire! The South has the highest support for Secession out of any other region.

    As for Blacks, anti-Whites etc…Why would they stay in a free South that openly proclaims the dominance of White, Southern, Anglo-Celtic people? They have plenty of places to go. All we need is the will to proclaim it.

    Regarding Political purity…We’ll have to have every cultural and political institution saturated top to bottom with pro-White, pro-Southern attitudes. You can’t fix rotten adults but we can make sure the worst offenders never get a platform, and raise the next generation to be healthy.

    All of this is possible if we believe it is! Don’t listen to nay-sayers. Their solutions are always something foolish like voting or running away and hiding…

  6. I caught Sam Dickson’s interview from this Saturday on the Political Cesspool. He mentions that psychological the USA does nor exist anymore.

    I have watched some of that Murdaugh trial in South Carolina. Maybe I am being over sensitive, but I am picking up anti Southern and Anti White sentiments concerning this trial.

  7. Balkanization ( or? ) is a better term because Christians are against the word divorce. But this subject making it’s way into the brainwashed normie sector is a very good thing. We must take control of the narrative so they don’t screw it up. It can’t be state by state. It has to be the whole south as one and it has to be all white. By vote of course. Other states can have their own sections or whatever but the south cannot break apart.
    Do like the deep state. Push the narrative as though its for the good of and because we care about, our enemies – the left.

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