Joe’s Garage

There is currently a political coup underway in the United States. Joe Biden is about to be overthrown and replaced with Kamala Harris. It goes without saying that Biden committed a serious crime by housing classified documents in his garage, but the reaction from the Left, both the media and the Democratic Party, indicates that they will soon abandon Biden. I see it no other way. To the extent elements of the Left are defending him, it’s been very weak, clearly indicating that they think they have to offer some tepid defense of the American president (for now). I simply do not believe that the Left is all of a sudden willing to place principles over their own ideology, they have never done it before, and there is little reason for them to start now. They defended Bill Clinton, Obama, and Hillary Clinton – vigorously I may add – against other deeply serious charges. They have not changed, there is a larger game being played here. 

I think Biden has been set up. It is plain as day that he has no idea what he is doing. What has likely happened is that the classified documents were moved without his full understanding by his staffers that are more loyal to the Far Left than Joe Biden. The fact that the staffers reported it in this manner, rather than try to cover it up as they would have with Obama, indicates this.

I see two primary motivations for them to stage this coup. First off, they want a “trump card” against Trump. Although Trump is in a far weaker position to secure the nomination than most realize, Washington insiders still think he is the odds-on favorite to be the Republican nominee again. Because of the superficial similarities between the Mar-a-Lago raid and Biden’s recent troubles, eventually getting rid of Biden would essentially dare the GOP to nominate Trump again. I can envision the campaign now – Democrats would point out that while the Republicans kept Trump, the Democrats held Biden accountable, and thus they can be “trusted” more to govern.

But that is only part of what is going on. Though Trump is considered to be the favorite, at least according to conventional wisdom, it appears as if he is no longer the shoe-in he once was. Ron DeSantis is getting increased attention, not just from the Right, but also from the Left as they view him as a Trump-like figure in terms of a populist fighter for Heritage America. But unlike Trump, DeSantis is far more disciplined and with a deeper knowledge of government. So, why stage this coup when there is a very good chance that it comes up short? The reason revolves around the Left’s absolute hatred of White men.

The Left does not want a White man in the White House, and believes now is the time to do it. In truth, they were never happy with Biden from the get-go. They wanted someone else, but it became obvious very early on in the primary that their choice was either to unite behind Joe Biden, who still had a lot of good will with the Party’s rank and file, especially elderly blacks, or support Bernie Sanders. And while I am far from a Bernie Sanders fan, he was way too much of a wildcard for that to be allowed to happen; he was not a good fit for a Democratic Party increasingly defined by an alliance between the cultural Far Left and corporate interests. By supporting Biden, the Far Left was able to acquire several highly important positions within the White House. While the United States is nominally led by an old White guy, now it is run by a cabal of radical anti-Whites and sexual deviants.

Biden has given them everything they want. Whatever history of relative moderation he had as a non-Southern Democrat is now gone – this is a man who regularly calls the mutilation of children a good thing and has nominated a parade of deeply unqualified people just because they check certain demographic boxes. But it is not enough. He is still a White man and thus must be dethroned. The idea is to very quickly abandon him and replace him with Harris, who is much more to their liking. What is happening to Biden should serve as a warning to all White men, at least those who are not sexual deviants, nothing you do will be enough – they hate you and want revenge.

Still, the question remains, why did they wait this long? The answer, I believe, is two-fold. By waiting to the present, they assured that the political fallout would be minimal. The midterms have already happened. But more importantly, by waiting until now, they are able to guarantee Kamala Harris can run twice. If a vice president serves over half of the former president’s term, then the former vice president can only run once; however, if they serve less than half the president’s term, they can run twice. Lyndon Baines Johnson could have constitutionally run again in 1968, but Vietnam and the riots tanked his popularity. Harris will now be able to run in 2024 and 2028; had the coup happened this past summer, she would have only been able to run in 2024.

I am skeptical of how much it will work; Harris is unpopular and, as a black woman, cannot run up the black vote the way Obama could. Many black men will not vote for a black woman. She is also deeply unpopular with everyone outside the world of Far Left politics. Regardless, the Right must take this as firm proof of just how anti-White the Left has become: nothing a White man can do will be enough. Biden has given them everything they want, but they still launched a coup against him. There is no appeasing them, and Whites, especially White men with rightwing views, must understand this basic fact if they are going to have any chance.


  1. I’d only question whether or not they’d actually WANT for ‘Camelback’ to occupy two full terms. Yes, they want a compliant idiot to do their bidding; but a senile, doddering idiot seems preferable to an energetic and outspoken idiot towards accomplishing all their ends. It seems perhaps more likely they’d just want her to finish the current term so they could nominate Michele (Michael) in 2024 who would then name Rachel Levine her running mate.

  2. Interesting observations, sir. It all sounds pretty accurate to me; all, except perhaps for your expectations regarding the black male demographic and its reaction to a Harris nomination. Serious question: What do you expect that the members of that demographic will do in such a case, “vote with their feet,” i.e., abstain on principle? Not that I think it will matter one iota one way or the other what they do, individually or as a group, but it’s an interesting question nonetheless.

    P.S.: I’m self-admittedly not exactly “well in tune” with the politics of the demographic under investigation. Where I come from, we whites barely have any meaningful interactions with them at all. The closest interactions with them yours truly ever has generally speaking is when they officiate a local H.S. football game or something like that. In that capacity, I tend to think of them as “field hands”; meaning that I look on them as doing a job “on the cheap” that most of us whites had rather not do in any case. Our job is to make the rules they enforce on the field, and to “throw a fit” when they don’t execute them to our liking. Credit where credit is due, they don’t give us as much occasion for “fit throwing” as the “racists” among us might otherwise expect. …

  3. Excellent insight. I believe there is still a war raging behind the scenes in the Democratic Party, between Obama and Clinton factions. Biden removed would bring g that fight into the open.

  4. All the election hoop-la seems like an effort involving simply flavoring the Kool-Aid. The EU and those that support the agenda of the WEF operate with unelected governments that have little regard for the actual citizens they govern. What they can’t accomplish by twisting historical facts and replaying the same old tried and true schemes domestically they enact by drawing countries into military conflicts and wars. The Ukraine was first a region, then a country and now it is a slush fund. Need I say more. Mention the gold standard as Putin did and you can guarantee yourself a future of destruction. Peace is when they control you, war is when they haven’t yet. The goons they prop up in the White House are acting out a script, it’s what these reptiles that control them want that scares me.

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