Today, I’d like to rail against shutting down energy production in the name of “climate change,” “fossil fuels,” and “renewables.” We’re at an alarming time with this particular insanity and it can’t possibly lead us anywhere good. I’m not referring to the idiots attacking fine art and gluing themselves to roadways.
The marketing of any insane plutocratic agenda to the general public follows the same playbook: first, a narrative is set. All media coverage of specific events is then framed in accordance with this narrative which is also applied backwards to things that already happened. Thus, every time there’s bad weather, the national media now talks about climate change.
From this narrative, relevant figures of prominence know what to say and how to conduct their activities. Moreover, they won’t speak to dissenters or acknowledge them as anything but dangerous cranks or hatemongers. If you don’t agree, you will not be in the media except for perhaps some limited Fox News coverage and you definitely wouldn’t even be allowed to pursue a doctorate in a relevant field.
Thus, the average person is bombarded consistently with the same message and never sees any expert or leader deviate from this message, giving the impression that it represents the consensus of the smart people with insights into what’s really going on. In reality, it’s absurd and not supported by actual facts.
For White people with pretensions of moral and intellectual sophistication, a highly effective tactic is to define the canard as what moral and sophisticated people have figured out is correct. In conjunction, a caricature of idiotic and deranged dissenters is promulgated. This strawman is then lampooned in the media. They’ll embrace anything no matter how horrific or stupid in order to receive confirmation bias of their elite status as a result.
For example, you read about climate change in The New York Times, confirming your intelligence because you read this publication. Then, you watch deniers ridiculed as the audience howls with laughter on Bill Maher. It works. They were all induced to have themselves injected with poison by the same method.
We’re in a situation now where prices are shooting up due to the fact that a proxy war was launched against Russia without any regard to the consequences while rational energy investments weren’t made in favor of renewables. Russia is one of the world’s largest fossil fuel producers that needs some of the lowest revenues per unit to fund its government. Much of it can be sold via pipeline, which is the best way to move this stuff.
That gives them a lot more room to maneuver politically than a country like Saudi Arabia, which needs around twice as much revenue. Russians can afford to give a nice discount for being their ally or simply cut your supply off if you refuse to pay under their terms. They’d rather make the money, but it’s not a matter of survival. Whatever happens, Russia’s domestic market is being provided with all the energy it requires at low prices.
Man-made climate change isn’t a tenet of Russian policy because it has no basis in scientific fact and neither does the concept of oil and gas “fossil fuels,” which is a Western propaganda term. Although some deposits are clearly derived from organic sources, compelling evidence exists that this isn’t the only way they form. That’s why massive hydrocarbon deposits are observable in the solar system and crude oil has been extracted from crystalline basement rock.
Coal could be considered a sort of fossil fuel in the sense that we won’t be getting anymore since it’s the accretion of organic matter from millions of years ago. However, there are still centuries of bituminous coal left, just not the really good stuff which is anthracite. Enormous quantities of coal and gas are fundamental in the production of solar panels, which requires the melting of pure quartz among other things. Likewise, in the production of windmills.
Neither one of these sacred devices could ever substitute for the energy provided by hydrocarbons even if there were means to store production and an electricity grid to facilitate such a program. Neither exists. Nobody with a basic grasp of arithmetic could look at the issue and conclude otherwise, the disparity is that staggering. Moreover, they’re not renewable. Does your car renew itself? The stupidity of these canards is so clear it has to be deliberate, which means there is another purpose.
Setting our experiences at the pump aside, Europe is going to provide a grim glimpse into a society that tries to run itself on less energy for higher prices. This is a debt-based system that requires perpetual growth to avoid collapse. When an economy is supplied with less energy than it needs, do the math. European leaders are now saying they’ll be able to replace 100% of Russian imports. If that’s even true, the cost is going to be unsustainable. Russian imports were purchased directly at low prices in fixed quantities with long term contracts. Most of what’s going to come in now will have to be bought on the spot market and shipped over which is an entirely different proposition.
It’s going to get very ugly in Europe, but in Ukraine the situation is probably going to be horrific on a scale unseen since World War 2. Basically, what’s happened is that Putin has determined there’s no way to negotiate a satisfactory end to the conflict. So, the Russians are taking a course of action that could’ve been done from the start but is going to make them look very bad. This is why the United States is now publicly urging Zelensky to negotiate and General Milley is saying that Ukrainians have done all they could.
This is the muddy season. A massive operation is being prepared for when the ground freezes. Ahead of that, the electrical grid is being knocked out which means that water, sewage, heat, food, communications, and transportation are going to go down. Many Ukrainians live in urban apartment buildings. If millions are turned into refugees, Europe doesn’t have the means to cope with such a nightmare, so it never bothered with preparations. Borders would probably be closed down pretty quick which means that many could die. That’s what it looks like when your carbon footprint is drastically lowered.
Carbon is the physical essence of all biological life on this planet. The fact that they’ve conditioned the population to think of it as something problematic doesn’t strike me as a coincidence. If there was a rational consensus on harmful substances, it would probably be about stuff like plastic or glyphosate. Instead, we’re harangued about our carbon footprints by people who travel in private jets and vacation on yachts. It’s quite bizarre and it would be comforting if that’s all it was.
We’re now entering an era where they can give you a carbon score and use that to restrict your life using central bank digital currencies and climate passports. Before the COVID nightmare, these same people were saying there was going to be a global pandemic that would require lockdowns and mandates for experimental gene therapy and then look what happened. None of that is a secret. If I’d known about this before COVID I would’ve assumed the scenario was so idiotic and self-destructive that they couldn’t possibly go through with it:
Now, given the track record, if they’re saying that they’ll be doing this to us soon, it’s wise to take that seriously instead of weighing the astounding consequences of this completely unnecessary thing they want to do and concluding therefore that it won’t happen. That’s especially important to consider when it’s something that enhances their ability to control your life. The guy in the clip above implies the carbon score will be some sort of voluntary app for consumers. That’s how the marketing started with the vaccines. Sure, restricting our carbon footprints would entail economic and civilizational collapse but that doesn’t factor at all into why it’s looking like a real possibility.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Mr. Morris said that you are the master and I second it! Every time I read one of your posts I say to myself that here’s a man that ‘gets it.’ Nice work.
Yes. My personal and long-held opinion is that Tom is the purest natural writer among us here at ID. There are those who run a “semi-close second” and third, namely Padraig Martin and Right of Atilla, et al., but when it comes to *pure writing talent*, I personally believe that Tom tops our list, hands down. I count myself way down at the bottom of the list, btw. Most of my “writing prowess,” such that it is, is learned or acquired. I have no real *natural* talent for good and persuasive writing, in other words. I have some bits of knowledge about certain things that others generally tend not to have, and I can therefore sort of “fake it” when I write articles intended to convey this knowledge. There is no faking in Tom’s articles, period; he obviously understands complex principles in real depth that most of the rest of us understand at the depth of a puddle, and he has an uncanny ability to convey his understanding of things to the rest of us in writing that very few possess. That is why I said of Tom the other day that he is “the master.” …
If you’re not already familiar with him, I highly recommend Alex Epstein [] as an expert on fossil fuel technology, and the climate change mob’s war on it. He has encyclopedic knowledge on the subject, and writes quite well.