Southern Folkish Movement

This isn’t a new idea, but what I am proposing are statewide policies to promote a more Folkish way of life. The Southern states all come from similar stock, similar traditions, and have similar ways of life. In this article, I will explain the concept of Folk, a few different traditions of Dixie, and how Folkish policies could better reinvigorate a Southern zeitgeist. I will use past examples of Folkish movements. Hopefully, in the future, the Southern Folk will reintroduce old traditions and merge the blood back with the soil.

What is Folk? The common definition is originating with the common people of a country or region and, typically, reflecting their lifestyle, or it could also be simply described as “Ethnos.” For example, the Southern Folk are a people from common stock and are, generally speaking, of Anglo-Celtic blood and have been that way since the Founding. A Folkish movement would center on promoting the traditional heritage of our people, as well as, advocating for a return to the agrarian lifestyle. It would promote our historical folk heroes and lifestyles. The Cracker King is an example for Florida. And, this movement would encourage a deurbanization effort, paired with a pro-Dixie cultural policy. The South needs to remember its Folk, its customs, and its old way of life; the culture of the South came from working the land, and for it to survive it will need to bring that back.

For a Folkish movement to succeed, it needs to expel the subversive elements polluting our homeland, not just mass, unending immigration but cultural problems as well. The media would have to be stomped out of existence. More importantly, the prevailing modern culture of crony-capitalism and anti-natalism would need to be replaced. A return to the land is necessary and needed. To take back the land from foreigners and give it to the people. Revive small businesses and folk festivals. Teach history from a Southern perspective to affirm the Southern way of life.

Besides rural life bringing cultural pillars back to our people, it also has a positive eugenic effect. It would bring up the stock of the South, as agrarianism promotes healthier living, both physically and spiritually. The deurbanization of the South would lead to a more robust people, connected to the land, and close the divide between urban and rural life. Having large cities is fine, but it’s gotten to a point where the “last man” is being born. People being so close together, while also eating unhealthy foods, breeds degeneracy and dysgenic outcomes. With the revival of classic Dixie traditions, we could also look to our old Anglo-Saxon traditions.

“I view great cities as pestilential to the morals, the health and the liberties of man. True, they nourish some of the elegant arts; but the useful ones can thrive elsewhere; and less perfection in the others, with more health, virtue and freedom, would be my choice.”

Thomas Jefferson

With the old Anglo-Saxon tradition of the witenagemot, we can have a more direct form of democracy. With the redistribution of land in the South, small family landowners can form local corporations and use the corporate system (which I have written about here). The promotion of our Anglo-Saxon legacy, with a meritocratic organic guild, will allow farmers to have a direct representation in government. The Folk organism will be one with the state, instead of the foreign state, ruling over the South.

Youth jobs could be increased here as well, with the redistribution of land to native Floridians (likewise across the South) and the deurbanization, the state could establish a youth workers project to offer employment to the Southern youth to help them with new farming families. This will help the youth, many of whom are still in urban or suburban environments, to get more connected to the soil.

To summarize the Folkish model for the South, it will promote eugenic policies to better the people, connect the Folk with the soil, and be more ecological. The nature of the South is one with the people, and the struggle to live within it before it was “civilized” by way of Northern conquest. The Reformed South, rebuilt with a Folkish movement, will be a healthy organism instead of being subjugated under the heel of mammonistic Yankee liberalism.

-By Baron of Pinellas


  1. Agree 100%. I’d “add to this,” CSA II will need ‘manufacturing,’ so we should limit our factories / pollution / etc to “making only THE best” products in the world. Germany makes the best cars? No more. CSA II does. Computers, parts, military everything, tech etc. A think tank or 3 would have to narrow down a list and prioritize the order in which it’s all rolled out. Rural, farm, cotton again yes. But we need to become THE greatest economy in history!

    FOLK … will require a grass roots movement / revival that is well planned well funded and packed with talent. A southern streaming app? A southern channel or 5. Southern home schooling curriculum? REAL southern rock country and movie stars wouldn’t hurt either.

    1. totally, a good example is the German purity laws on beer, restricting the number of ingredients in food to healthy stuff/ only a certain number so our food would be the safest to eat without all those inorganic ingredients in our food today.

  2. Very helpfule would be forming Local Groups to organize local Folk for important aspects of life like home schooling; labor pools; “public welfare” tasks such as painting a widow’s house, barn raising, etc.; Smothing distribution of used and repurposed goods; organizing cultural events; and so on. Consider these “Folkish NGOs.” The groups could network and this would form a balancing factor to official government. This would not just be highly productive, it would be an important “safety” on the process of government itself.

    Most of the Folk will be eager to take part in these Local Group efforts BECAUSE they will actually benefit financially, as well as culturally.

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