Gentle, Like an Armed Robbery

In the realm of public discourse, black people need professional representation. Putting them on television to make their own case goes just about as well as telling them it’s okay to be their own lawyer. I know plenty of authentic black people. One key marker of that will be the cadence of their voice when coached to read a statement they’d never make in their own dialect. It’s very unnatural, like a hostage giving a statement:

This is a propaganda video about the exemplary life of George Floyd, as told by his sister who essentially gives a disclaimer at the beginning that she didn’t know him very well. It tries to give the impression that they were black people who functioned like white people, and it was nice when he dropped by to visit. Pretty bizarre, but it’s the best spin they could put on your typical drug-addicted, criminal, deadbeat dad black guy who died of an overdose.

The problem with putting black people at the center of our morality and intellectual discourse is that black people are required for the job. Real life isn’t Hollywood. I suspect that seeing black people everywhere in television and advertisements has begun to gaslight people into thinking they actually should be everywhere. The problem with that is they’re less than 15% of the population and the percentage of that who can do an Obama or be a local television news anchor is much, much lower. Most of them can’t even sound white if you give them the script.

Where will they get these blacks? Are they willing to hire felons?

I’ve never watched hockey, but it’s one of those things that you know has nothing whatsoever to do with black people. You’d probably have more success trying to sell them a set of encyclopedias than getting them to watch it. This is a non-starter but just like everything from Lord of the Rings to astrophysics, we need more of them in it.

The irony of the blackening of everything is that black cultural expression has simultaneously been progressively distilled down into its most guttural sentiments. They used to be making music with a coherent, positive message, while smiling and wearing suits:

It then devolved into rap music which initially had a point it was articulating, like killing police officers or something else that’s bad for society. In the current era, everything is about the danger and depravity of their lives, their lack of concern for innocent bystanders if provoked, regular use of narcotics to deal with the stress, and the vulgar wealth acquired from the sale of these narcotics.

These themes are garbled together in every song, sometimes with specific death threats or boasts of murder to the extent any vocabulary can be discerned from it at all. In some states, they’ve even passed legislation barring the use of black people’s rap songs about murder as evidence in murder trials.

Blacks will rap about shooting blacks from a different neighborhood and then go do it. Sometimes, they become embroiled in feuds with blacks from different states over rapping on YouTube and then travel to that state to shoot them because these other blacks have disclosed their address while making boastful statements. Occasionally, they’ll accidentally shoot themselves, friends, or family members while filming their rap.

America has become an increasingly bizarre juxtaposition of watching black people revert to the mean while we’re told they’re our most capable demographic. At this point, if a television show was made about stamp collecting, I can pretty much guarantee that it would be starring a black guy.

Perhaps I’m plagued by an intellectual desire to make sense out of what I’m watching and then use it to draw conclusions about future courses of events. How far does it have left to go? I often catch myself wondering this when I observe their antics. One thing I’m pretty sure about is that as long as the lights stay on and everybody gets fed and not shipped back to Africa, tomorrow is as bottomless as a black hole.


  1. 🙂 VERY good sir. Right on point. All you missed was how rock was splintered up then done away with throughout the 80’s as rap was pushed pushed pushed. The result? Weak dumbed downed WHITES started listening … since there was nothing else … and were shown “black zeros are cool!” So … the weak dumb whites BECAME black. ( Wiggers. ) They know all the words ( if you want to call ebonics words ), of every porch monkey rap and some of them even emulate the mannerisms of the apes!!!

    By now you know THE solution right …
    CSA II for any newbies.

  2. I agree totally.We can’t believe they mock us with Blacks in every commercial and have the power to do so.So much race mixing and intact Black family portrayals as to fry the normal brain.All Whites should opt out of this Jew system which feds off of us.God bless.

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