Forty years ago, I put together a book called Why the South Will Survive, with optimistic contributions by fifteen writers about the resilience that still existed in our homeland and the positive things it could contribute to the American business.
None of us could have imagined how fast and how far the Yankee Empire, of which the Southern people were the first victims, would descend into its present decaying condition. We have long been the red-headed stepchild of the U.S., but now we have not only been disinherited completely but we are targeted for extinction.
Of course, the destruction of Southern memory and culture is destruction of a major and honourable part of American history and identity. Our rulers either are happy that is so or don’t realise what they are doing. It would seem that now the only significance of any historical figure is their attitude toward the black race. All of Western civilisation is to be trashed because it showed little interest in the black race and took a non-egalitarian attitude when it did.
This because of the complaints of people who enjoy all its benefits but whose only contribution is whining that their group is not flattered enough. What are we to make of a society that replaces Lee with George Floyd? Dishonesty, delusion, degeneracy, and contrived hysteria.
It would seem that the Confederate monument at Lee’s home at Arlington will be destroyed. Good people are labouring hard to prevent it. But who is going to stop it? Certainly not the Republicans. Most of our Southern congressmen now are empty-suit, cookie cutter, $-denominated products of the Republican machine. There is hardly even a faint echo of cultural and historical knowledge among them, not to mention integrity or principle.
It seems likely that Stone Mountain is next. The Democrat who is to be elected governor of Georgia is pledged to see to that. She says the past has to be removed because it does not please her group. Democrats have already perfected the trick of stealing elections. Georgia is now full of carpetbaggers, foreigners, and natives cultivated in Wokery. Who will stop the destruction? Certainly not Republicans who are not a real opposition party. And even if a small victory is won, the battle will have to be fought over and over again until we lose.
It seems to me that noble thing we have known as the South, flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone, is at a place where a last line must be drawn. If we are not to draw the line soon, we are doomed to fade away into a despised little hole, as if we had never existed.
There are still millions of us. And our heroic past and our congenial living are still admired by a great many people north of the Potomac and Ohio and all around the world.
We need a peaceful mass celebration – a celebration, not a protest – to show the world that we are still here and that we are proud of who we are. Such an observance should not be confined only to the Confederacy but honour all of our Southern life and our real present existence as a people. It should be Southern. All the weird little Yankee fascists and their strange flags and uniforms that distorted Charlottesville should be excluded.
Such a celebration will be difficult, given the lesson of Charlottesville, where officials, law enforcement, and judges colluded with violent BLM and antifa mobs to suppress a meeting and blame it on the victims. The government at all levels operates now by the communist playbook – demonise and punish real dissidents and call them terrorists when they defend themselves.
Organising such a movement would take a strong and wise leadership. The government would go all out to suppress or disrupt it and the media to misrepresent it. We would face a near impossible task of negating violent attacks and government provocateurs. It would need to be so large that the wealthy New York communist lawyers and journalists could not effectively target individuals for punishment.
In my dreams I can picture 50,000 solemn, peaceful, well-dressed men physically defending Stone Mountain. Who after a time would burst into “Dixie.” Perhaps one re-enactor unit with flags. Our people should be discouraged at waving too many flags, which looks like a circus rather than a serious statement of a people. Our African American countrymen of good will should be welcome.
The Hunley funeral celebration and the more recent peaceful pro-gun rally in Richmond might give helpful suggestions of how it can be done positively.
But, alas, such a thing is no longer possible. The government would suppress it, with the army if necessary. If you expect any of our Southern Republican governors or very many of our Southern Republican congressmen to defend us, I have some valuable property in the Santee swamp that I can sell you.
Our cause has been repeatedly damaged by people fighting the Enemy on his own ground, negative defensiveness. Being Southern is a good thing – to be celebrated.
Perhaps we should think in terms of a dispersed celebration with 10,000 men and women at the capitol or other location in each state – the testimony of 140,000 people celebrating Dixie. Or even a multitude of simultaneous local events with Southern food and music and Confederate memorials.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
-By Clyde Wilson

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
We will rise! But we must rise alone, no coalition of others will save us. We must turn the culture, as you have stated, and we must do it now.
If a Southern man is flying a Yankee flag, shame him, and then lead him home.
If you create music, do it for your people. If a band won’t play Dixie, shame them.
If your minister defames his people, shame him, and cut the purse.
It’s time for new Fire Eaters! Identity Dixie is the tip of the spear.
Thank you for this brother.
I respectfully disagree with this approach. Indeed, I believe the opposite approach is the correct one. I’ve been through all of this quite a bit, so I know, at least in my personal experience, what best works. Shaming first doesn’t work! Keep in mind that most of the people we’re trying to reach have been conditioned to believe what they believe for many years, decades even. That isn’t their fault, and shaming them into believing it is is a mistake, therefore. The opposite is the case in my humble estimation – lead him home first, then let the shame of his previous position(s) come to roost. Most people I’ve ever dealt with like to think they have their own ideas and form their own conclusions and so forth. I won’t get into the psychology of all of that insofar as I understand it, but your experiences are likely the same if you think about it. I “get” the situation we’re in, but what I don’t get is the idea that we can get out of it if we all of a sudden shame people who are mostly innocent (and ignorant) of having ever formed a coherent, independent thought. …
The Prophet shouts to the nation in exclamation , and the priest comes alongside with soft hands and guides them home. It’s not an either/or , it’s a both/and.
Good to see your comments brother.
It’s a rare thing but … I actually agree with Mr. Morris!!!
I would love to witness this, but I doubt it’s possibility. Nice thing to pray for though and a great idea.
True Words of Wisdom from Dr. Clyde. He’s the best of us and as always, He get’s it!
And Father Dabney’s comment deserves an article of it’s own. (hint?)
Deo Vindice. Resurgam!
It’s coming
I plan to read this on thought crime live on at 11am eastern time
Mark Thomey will be my guest from league of the south
Optix failed in Charlottesville and you can even toss the Jan 6th circus in too. We need to reach the hearts and minds of all white Christian southerners from an expanded border of the original CSA. The WHOLE south. Ideas?
* The people need a “goal.” The restructuring ( secession :), of America into 4 or 5 new Republics, ours being a very enlarged all white CSA II.
* We need some new text books … one should be A STANDARD SOUTHERN UPBRINGING one for boys one for girls, and a SOUTHERN MINUTEMAN FIELD MANUAL so we’re all on the same page.
* A “cliff notes” type thing with a short DVD to pass out at churches, festivities and even door to door in certain areas. I hate to use Jehovas Witness as an example because they’re doctrine mixes truth with “BS” but … for lack of a better example, imagine pairs of southern patriots going door to door … having conversations and leaving educational materials! If a non white answers the door they could act like Jehovas Witness 🙂 ???
* A Rumble / Bitchute channel? Use Gab to market?
What do ya think huh?
Josey, this might be your best comment yet at this site. To wit:
I have an upcoming article in which I basically tear down the “universal education” public school system for what it is and has always been, but the idea you raise in the above quotation is nevertheless interesting to me, especially the “one for boys, one for girls” idea. I could never get onboard with “universal education” of any kind, any more than my forbears would have pre-1865, but I’m not opposed to a general outline to help otherwise ignorant parents and close family members educate their youth in true history, geography, mathematics, and all the other core subjects. This is something we should talk about more.
Many thanks to Dr. Wilson for lending his “Southern Royalty” credentials to our fledgling little site!
“one should be A STANDARD SOUTHERN UPBRINGING one for boys one for girls”
Who would be qualified to write these? Surely one of our independent publishers would be interested.
Mr. Padraig would be first choice … but the more white Christian southern patriots contributing the better. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if there were a few of these books out there.
Better hurry though. (((They))) are replacing us at breakneck speed, while we “talk.”
I can think of several people off the top of my head – several of our writers here at ID are qualified; several of the writers at Abbeville Institute are qualified; the people at Christendom Curriculum are qualified; several of the people at F.A.C.E. (Foundation for American Christian Education) are qualified; Dissident Mama is qualified; et al. It would take a concerted effort to pull it off.
One word (well, two words) – SHOTWELL Publishing. Of which I believe Dr. Wilson is a co-founder.
I think the idea of a mass Southern gathering is excellent. It may not be feasible now, but we can build up to it by having small gatherings in our localities. I’ve been talking to some of my friends about putting on one here. I heard that the Virginia Flaggers recently had a meeting of about 200 people. After starting small, we can network–and then go big. is holding a gathering this weekend in the Upstate of South Carolina. They have done this several times, and as these are successful, gatherings like this will spread and grow throughout our homeland.