To put it mildly, the behavior of the Biden Administration is curious. The current showdown was set up decades before he ever took office, and the war in Ukraine was triggered during the Obama Adminstration. It was supposed to be a proxy conflict that local Russian militias could never win, which would be used as a justification for sanctions to collapse the Russian Federation’s economy.
What happened was that Russia intervened directly, rendering military victory impossible. Worse still, its economy was successfully insulated from sanctions. So, that nullified the whole point of the endeavor. It was somebody else’s hill; they didn’t need to die on it.
If I was in the administration, I’d negotiate an end to the conflict and lie to the public that we’d saved whatever was left of Ukraine. Most Americans have been led by the media to believe every absurd canard about the situation. This would’ve been the best course of action from their self-interested point of view.
Instead, what they’ve done is throw everything possible into the war, and squandered other tools they have in the process. Here’s a quick inventory of the big stuff:
-Wrecking critical international relationships by trying to threaten countries like India and Saudi Arabia into doing tremendous self-harm by joining the crusade;
-Draining the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve);
-Forcing Europe into economic suicide, making the slave status of its governments plain to their populations and fostering a crisis that will move across the Atlantic;
-Persisting in sanctions that will force an end to the reserve status of the dollar; and
-Telling the public we’re winning, setting the stage for the biggest embarrassment in U.S. history.
Everything they’re doing is oriented to keeping the charade going until after the midterm elections. They even say that openly in their blandishments to OPEC. This impending Ukrainian offensive against Kherson is going to kick off during soggy ground conditions to sacrifice tens of thousands of lives just for good headlines ahead of the midterms.
In other words, they’re setting themselves up for catastrophe after the midterms just to get through the midterms. 2024 is too far in the future to get concerned, it would appear. That doesn’t make much sense because they’re already in the White House no matter who loses their seats in Congress. Clinton and Obama lost seats, and they got another term.
It’s all very bizarre to the point where it’s alarming because the only way this might make sense is if there’s so much turmoil incoming that people will be too desperate and frightened to get angry at the president. Perhaps that’s why they keep talking about a nuclear bomb going off in Ukraine. The combination of nuclear conflict and the worst fiscal and economic crisis in history could be a political gift, especially since the media could blame it all on external circumstances.
I guess we’ll find out, but I doubt it’s going to be a pleasant surprise. There’s a certain sense of alarm the comes from trying to figure out a set of extremely dangerous things that don’t make any sense. That’s for sure.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
That sense of alarm is palpable to me today. Russia cutting off all communications with the west will sever the links that prevented the last crisis of this magnitude from going nuclear 60 years ago. I was 2…
de ja vu I reckon
please no nukes before Fall for Dixie!
I appreciate your ongoing commentary on the conflict. All the mainstream I see continually reinforces the claims that Russia is militarily and politically weak, the sanctions are working, Putin is bent on European domination, etc., but then dissident writers I respect such as yourself state the opposite. Can you recommend any decent, neutral sources or information on this subject?
There’s no such thing as a neutral source, but this article is a good summation of the military strategies:
Lots of good information here as well. Most of the people there are pro-Russia, but there is dissent from the mainstream pro-Russia opinion in the comments:
This is all being done by design. The problems you listed, the flaws in their plan, those are features.
They can’t destroy the west, the wests economy, the wests currency’s, and found forth with the intent of ushering in a new system and controlled digital currency without something to blame it on. They plan to use Russia for this. Its not like anyone would accept that the populations of western nations willingly voted their way into the agenda 21/ great reset hellscape. They needed a scapegoat to blame it on and they have it in Russia.
* and so forth. Not “found forth”.
Good article.
The end result of this incompetent blunder will mostly likely be the end of the dollar as the world’s standard currency of trade. Of course, that didn’t begin with the war itself but our removal of Russia from the SWIFT system, then our involvement in the war itself cemented the deal. History will prove that’s the most likely outcome of the war. The less likely outcome (10-20%) is even worse, nuclear war. In fact, if I didn’t understand the complete incompetence of these people I’d believe the Democrat Party had a strategic goal of full blown nuclear war with Russia.