As with most nationalists, I was very pleased to see the results of the 2022 Italian elections that resulted in the Brothers of Italy, a strong nationalist party, win the biggest share of the vote, giving them the right to form a new government and making their leader, Giorgia Meloni, the next prime minister of Italy. Simply put, this is one of the greatest victories for the European Nationalist Right in decades. To make this even better, Meloni is a genuinely great candidate. She is not France’s Le Pen, someone I have supported despite several serious reservations, as I think France is in an emergency situation and she is the most realistic choice (the chances of Louis XX entering Paris to a mass of adoring crowds and restoring the House of Bourbon is negligible).
Meloni is a staunch nationalist, a Christian, pro-life, and understands that this is a fight for Europe as it has historically existed, not to preserve the Europe of 1945. She does not oppose Islamic immigration merely because they hold socially conservative views. Is she perfect? No, but she is a step in the right direction, and I refuse to engage in purity spiraling. Do I expect everything to be fixed overnight? Of course not, this is a campaign for something great, and great things always require hard work. However, what Meloni represents is that the Nationalist Right in Western Europe will no longer be reduced to the fringes or just outside the seats of power. All nationalists should celebrate this.
But as we celebrate, we need to also be prepared. As bad as the crackdowns have been for the Authentic Right in the United States, especially since 2017, Meloni’s victory means things are about to get much worse, at least temporarily. To understand why, we must turn to the Chinese Cultural Revolution. I consider the Cultural Revolution to be one of the greatest tragedies to befall the world since 1945. Classical Chinese civilization was one of the most beautiful and elegant in the world. The fact that it had been preserved is inspiring, surviving countless famines, plagues, revolutions, invasions, and even a massive epidemic of drug abuse. But, all that was destroyed, or at least severely crippled, in the years between 1966-1976 when Chairman Mao encouraged the youth of China, the first generation raised after the Revolution, to brutally and ruthlessly destroy anything that was connected to the “Four Olds” – Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits. This included the destruction of monuments and shrines dedicated to historical Chinese heroes, attacks on classically designed buildings, and actual people – mostly teachers.
Part of the reason this attack was launched is that Mao understood that the first generation raised in the aftermath of the Revolution had now reached adulthood and were, therefore, less attached to pre-Revolutionary Chinese society than the previous generations. This meant they had a greater stomach for the destruction of old China. Another reason was due to conditions in the Soviet Union at the same time, and in my study of these conditions, we can gain valuable insight as to why nationalist victories in Europe will mean a greater crackdown of the Nationalist Right within the American Empire. Right before the Cultural Revolution began, the USSR began backpedaling. Realizing that the aggression of the Stalinist-era had revealed to the West their true colors, the USSR transitioned to a posture of co-existence, and even went as far as to denounce Stalin’s cult of personality.
This was all for show, the Soviet Union realized they had gone too far and would, for the time being, have to put on a less aggressive face – they were taking one step back to take two steps forward at a later date. But for Mao, this was not enough. In his mind, what was happening to the Soviet Union was the result of rightwing forces reasserting themselves in the wake of Stalin’s death. Even more troubling in Mao’s mind was the denouncement of Stalin. He began to fear that he too would suffer the same fate of Stalin one day. The Cultural Revolution was launched to destroy what remained of old China before it could ever rise again. As a result of Mao’s paranoia, around three million people died and one of the oldest civilizations on earth was broken.
The reason this is important is because to the forces of globohomoism, Europe, at least Western Europe, represents what the Soviet Union did to Mao. There is a reason why the Left largely holds a bipolar view of Europe. Europe, as it was before 1945, is the fountain by which all the world’s evils flow. But Europe after 1945 is a paradise and a glimpse of the world without the Right, especially traditional Europeans. This was done, of course, by a propaganda campaign that convinced Europeans to hate themselves, their nations, and their histories. As soon as that was completed, globohomo could get away with whatever it wanted, and the globalists thought they had kept the Nationalist Right out of power forever.
But what happened in Italy illustrates this is no longer the case. The fact that it happened in Italy is even more troubling to them because Italy was a member of the Axis during World War II. They always knew that their methods had been less effective in Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe, the rising of Poland and Hungary could be brushed off, simply a victory that would come later. They also knew that their methods were likely to be less productive in Allied or neutral Europe. It is easier to convince young people that their grandfather was an evil Nazi when he actually was a Wehrmacht veteran than compared to someone’s grandfather that fought in the British Second Army to capture the city of Caen – hence Brexit, that too was a victory that would have to come later. But these excuses fall apart in the face of the recent Italian elections, this is a former Axis country, the globalists should be able to “guilt them out of nationalism,” but they failed. This, combined with the rise of nationalism in Germany and Sweden, both nations considered to have been most effectively neutered, puts globohomoism, particularly in the United States, in the same position Mao was in the 1960s. A great reversal has occurred somewhere else, and now everything must be taken to curb this from happening again.
The Right has won a great victory in Italy. Although I lack even a drop of Italian blood, I have long admired their culture. As a son of the West, I am happy to see a brother victory. Regardless, this victory also panics our enemies. They thought they had stopped this from ever happening again. They were wrong, and are soon to crackdown even harder to make sure nothing like this happens again. This is the next step for which the Authentic Right must prepare.

“Authentic Right” This is the first time I’ve seen that term. I like it.