In order to understand what’s going on in Eastern Europe and the broader implications, let’s begin with the underlying premise. All Western countries are under the grip of a transnational power structure rooted in parasitical finance and the influence of a particular ethno-religious group.
This is why no matter how any population votes, all the leaders say the same stuff at the same time and relentlessly push the same set of policies that constitute a national suicide program. It’s imposed insanity. Meanwhile, we’re led to believe it’s the organic expression of our collective will to self-destruction. For Europeans, that currently involves the denial of imports from Russia, which is moving that timeline forward rather dramatically.
The post-revolutionary leadership of the Soviet Union and the PRC weren’t under this influence. After the end of the Cold War, it was assumed that would change. China would be opened up economically, then culturally and the rest would eventually follow. That didn’t happen and the upper echelons of the CCP are vocal about having grown wise to the ploy. With the Russian Federation, the process was far more aggressive and rapacious, but it ultimately failed resulting in the Putin hysteria. Herein is the underlying basis for the current conflict.
A system that concerns itself with dominance of the entire planet naturally views itself imperiled and denied profit by having such a large sphere outside of its control and will thus never leave them alone or even recognize the legitimacy of their existence. The Russian Federation was considered the more vulnerable of the pair with a multitude of religious and ethnic fracture points, so it was decided that this was the best place to start in earnest.
From the white papers, it’s clear that the idea was to use Ukraine as the vehicle for the destruction of this federation. A government hostile to Russia would be put in place and armed to the teeth. This would force Russia into a proxy conflict that it couldn’t win and would be used as a justification for comprehensive sanctions to collapse its economy.
The collapse of the Russian economy has happened before. Millions died as a result and they were planning to do it again. This would lead to civil conflict and the the breaking up of the federation into digestible bites containing over 72 trillion dollars worth of proven mineral and hydrocarbon deposits that wouldn’t able to maintain their independence from the plutocracy. All of this stuff is what they tell us they’re doing. It’s not a conspiracy theory but you won’t see it on the evening news, only the nonsense about freedom.
This was the line of attack that was initiated with the coup in Kiev back in 2014. It’s important to note that the sanctions were determined to be decisive in the entire affair. They would both deter Russia from direct military intervention on behalf of the Russians in Ukraine and bring its economy crashing down in short order.
A big question earlier in the year was why Russia waited until 2022. From a military standpoint, it would have been much easier to deal with the situation in 2014 before Ukraine was equipped with the largest army in Europe and had constructed a massive series of concealed, mutually-supporting fortifications unparalleled since the Maginot Line. Dmitry Medvedev has been quite candid that it was because of the potential sanctions. In particular, Russia wouldn’t have been able to cope with the agricultural sanctions.
The problem for the people who swindled us out of a country is that was back in 2014. The Russians have been quite vocal ever since then about how they were sanction-proofing their economy because eventually the West would just go ahead and sanction everything. The fact that Russia has vast deposits of all the natural resources they need and never exported their industrial base makes that a doable proposition. The fact that Russia is a crucial economic partner for the most populous countries on the planet even more so. That’s why they kept saying they were doing it for years. It’s like nobody in charge ever listened to them and checked to see if they weren’t bluffing.
So, in short, the West is dealing with a couple of things they should have expected to happen as a result of their actions, but didn’t for reasons that seem incomprehensibly reckless and stupid. First, that while quite limited, the Russians would indeed conduct a massive direct intervention. Second, that the Russian economy hasn’t collapsed overnight and probably never will. In fact, they’re quite candid about making a trade divorce from Western economies in favor of selling their resources eastward.
Despite everything that’s happened since the end of the Cold War, the average American who’s been around for the whole time somehow can’t conceptualize what their government does abroad as both nefarious and incompetent.
I’ve talked to Republican types who are outraged at what’s happening domestically to Trump and his supporters but still somehow believe we’re the “good guys” abroad. They look at me with incredulity when I point out that we started the conflict, not Russia and thus imply that the USA is a bad actor and everything they saw on television about it is a lie even though they complain about being lied to by the media about other things.
What really gets to me are my friends who are still in the military and have been participating in this failure for their entire careers and think they’re observing an ongoing success. I realized we were nothing but cannon fodder and that getting used like this wasn’t the life for me back in 2004. They’re still at it and despite their ranks, experiences, and military education, they say the most unbelievably stupid shit about the current situation. It’s infuriating. That’s basically why I’m writing this article, to vent.
I don’t know what they teach at the staff college because I’ve never been, but how could someone trained there think that it was feasible for NATO to sweep the skies over Ukraine and then annihilate the Russian forces like we did to Iraq? Wouldn’t they know that the logistical network for mass military movement into Ukraine isn’t there because NATO was set up to defend much further westward? Are they even aware that a suitable expeditionary force doesn’t exist? Don’t they realize that the geography of the situation means that Russia could put every single asset it has into the fight and we can’t, meaning the real question is how much force they’ll have to apply to get what they need? This is all very basic stuff.
They don’t even seem capable of understanding that the U.S. military is designed to fight poor people on the other side of the planet. It’s been like that since the Vietnam War. Find the enemy, call in airstrike or artillery. Having this done to them doesn’t even seem to be a psychological possibility. Meanwhile, the Russian military is designed to take on NATO in an apocalyptic war on the periphery of Russia. They can’t even seem to grasp that Russia is treating Ukraine as a limited theater of engagement because this could easily escalate into a much broader conflict that could leave their children orphans or worse.
From an article I read this morning:
The “security guarantees” proposal unveiled by Kiev on Tuesday was “really a prologue to the Third World War,” said Medvedev, calling it a “hysterical appeal” to Western countries engaged in a proxy war against Russia.
If the West continues its “unrestrained pumping of the Kiev regime with the most dangerous types of weapons,” Russia’s military campaign will move to the next level, where “visible boundaries and potential predictability of actions by the parties to the conflict” will be erased and the conflict will take on a life of its own, as wars always do, Medvedev argued.
“And then the Western nations will not be able to sit in their clean homes, laughing at how they carefully weaken Russia by proxy. Everything will be on fire around them. Their people will harvest their grief in full. The land will be on fire and the concrete will melt,” Medvedev wrote, before citing a Bible verse from Revelations 9:18.
We’re starting to see this between Azerbaijan and Armenia to the south of Russia and they’ve been trying to get things kicked off in Serbia. This is a very serious situation that the United States is doing – it’s best to escalate without ever appreciating the implications. We could see a false flag to justify more insanity very soon.
I don’t think it’s good form to trash cops or soldiers. We all live in a failing system. Everyone is being lied to and most of us are just trying to feed our families the best way we know how in a situation that’s bewildering. But, still how are they this this stupid?
We can probably trace this back to the Bush Administration when anyone who expressed military common sense was purged. I remember hearing a talk from a distinguished figure who’d been offered a key role in the Iraq debacle who said he declined because he doesn’t get on sinking ships. He also said that the administration received plenty of warnings that disaster would ensue but that simply got you fired in response.
Eight years of Obama came next, so high rank meant you couldn’t express common sense and also had to pledge your loyalty to the woke agenda. The best anyone who wasn’t like this could do was shut up and get his 20 years in, so he had a pension to show for it. I’d assume that nobody good has been in the pipeline for quite a while. So, that’s just where we’re at. It could get a hell of a lot worse very fast, and I’m worried they’ll never stop until it does. I’m done ranting for now.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Once you understand the enemy in charge is satan and as evil as he is, he’s no dummy. He’s at the top of the PYRAMID. Orders roll down the layers and compartments. Over time the pyramid system has become quite sophisticated. (((They))) use the pyramid paradigm in music, media, academia, government, military … everything.
The solution of course is a very well planned all white enlarged CSA II. The choir’s already informed. Articles like this can help in the big picture planning stages because “we” have to create a “new” pyramid of our own … impenetrable by satans pyramid.
To the Batcave Robin!!!
As I’ve said before, the cockroaches in Washington DC are not only wicked, they’re dumbasses to boot. This is a bad combination. If Putin decides to deliver a nuke, hopefully he will limit it to the putrid city just north of the Virginia state line.
It amazes me that people that rejected the COVID lies and the jab, know that elections are more crooked than a dog’s hind leg, hate the FBI, are skeptical of 9/11, but still believe the media about foreign affairs.
Yeah really. It is literally beyond belief. I guess the only solution is to have faith in god, because its impossible at this point to have “faith in humanity”. But what’s even more astounding is that many dissident right types actually went along with both the COVID lockdowns and the Ukraine thing. Like, I can understand a normie falling for this stuff, at least to some extent, but these people literally believe that the same government who has been lying about literally everything for decades now somehow saw the light and started telling the truth about Ukraine. Human being really are hardwired for conformity
“A system that concerns itself with dominance of the entire planet naturally views itself imperiled and denied profit by having such a large sphere outside of its control and will thus never leave them alone or even recognize the legitimacy of their existence.”
Very insightful point — as true in 1861 as it is today. It’s why I don’t see that there can ever be a peaceful secession of the southern states. Jefferson Davis also stated at the outset of Lincoln’s War that “all we ask is to be left alone.”
You are a smart guy and listen to the wisdom God teaches us.Most people are to lazy to use the brain the Lord gave them so they trust in the Jew plutocracy which absolutely hates White Christians and they hate and murdered our Lord Jesus.Like you said,and I see it all the time,people know the government is not to be trusted yet invariably on important issues they will accept line for line what they are told.Its maddening.And we are basically helpless because of the dynamics of total media,education,political control,etc.Yet God tells us never to give up so we must trust He has a reason.Will God provide us with a total victory on Earth or will we see Christ return very soon.Either way we were not put here to be mistreated and abused.We must seek out a solution as long as we breath all the while remembering this world is not our home.Brilliant piece and may God bless you and all here in good faith.I will say that my belief in a final White victory has waned somewhat because I realized Whites seem so different than not so long ago.They seem deracinated and decadent.The conditions that created our great people seem to no longer be possible.Very sad.Or maybe I’m falling for the Jews propaganda and mind control like they intend for us all.To believe that things are too far gone.Whatever happens I have the Jesus keys and my White heros waiting for me in Heaven.
From one soldier to another I know exactly what you are talking about. I quit my .guv job and uprooted my family and moved home (to dixie) last year. I saw what was coming for at least the last 2-3 years, and it is not good for any of us. I hate to doom and gloom, but there is no fixing what is happening to this country. The best we can hope for is that some of us survive and carry on. I have come to realize that what the bible teaches is true, and it is all in there for anyone to read. God have mercy on our souls.
Amen. You know you’re in trouble when the BEST you can hope for is to be nuked per Revelation 18. The ‘tender mercies’ of the Bolsheviks are indeed cruel (Prov. 12:10), as the Germans learned at Nemmersdorf and many other places.