Are You in Your Story?

Where there is no vision, the people perish,” quoting from Proverbs.

Recently, I’ve written “Keeper of the Fire” and a three-part series called “Knight Passes,” all intertwined with fact, fiction, and mythology. A narrative to spark the imagination, helping the reader to escape into a future grounded in the past. Hopefully, that was accomplished.

More importantly, I wanted the reader to view themselves in the story, in the narrative, not just as a non-playable character. Perhaps they could imagine themselves as one of the knights, or one of the ladies that helped develop the character of a future knight. To ponder, if any of the story is real, did any of these events take place, or is there even a possibility that these organizations exist?  

I have received many such questions, in public and private, over the course of the series. So, let me answer a few of these questions, the best I can, without giving too much away. Our enemies are always looking for an opportunity to infiltrate our ranks, so we must take care and keep them off balance as to our organizational structure. It is imperative that we be everywhere and nonexistent, all at the same time.

Yes, organizations like this exist, have for some time, and there is presently an explosion in Southern minded groups. Rituals like these also exist and are ever being modified, reinvented, in order to save and promote the nobility of our Southern people and culture. Notice how I use the plural, for there are many groups that have inspired these stories, and the narrative is an amalgamation of multiple entities. 

Some are very public facing, promoting Southern causes and history, such the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Virginia Flaggers, Abbeville Institute, League of the South, etc. There are even businesses that unashamedly promote Southern-themed merchandise, such as Dixie Republic and Shotwell Publishing. However, many are not public facing, and do their good work behind the veil, not wishing that their alms be seen before men, per se. If you desire to be part of these groups, you will have to earn your place among them, having skin in the game, doing the hard work, and being focused on the mission. 

Have you ever been fixated on a particular color, or model of a vehicle? Perhaps one that you think is just cool, interested in purchasing, or maybe your neighbor bought one and now you have to have it. At this moment, I’m focused on the new Land Rover Defender, especially in all black. When I go down the highway, I notice this particular vehicle, I’m fixated on it. I start to believe there are a vast number of them on the road, although that can’t possibly be true. They are expensive, and relatively few are built compared to less expensive automobiles. 

This is the same affect that we want to promote among our Southern people. We want you to be captivated on all things Southern, to see yourself specifically in your Southern story – promoting your Southern identity among your people. 

Therefore, don’t just read stories on Identity Dixie, become part of the story of your Southern people, fighting to free them from an overreaching and tyrannical federal government. The latest speech from Emperor Joe Biden, in which he was illuminated in a blood red background, and labeled people like you as a threat, should inspire you to become the true resistance, just as were your Southern ancestors. You have a villain your people can identify, now step into the narrative and help them see themselves, the Southern people, as the heroes pushing back against cruel imperial overlords. It’s really not that hard to deliver this message. 

Therefore, it is imperative that you have a vision of the future, where your people are once again the center of your focus. Cast away your Americanism and discover an ever-beautiful freshness to your land, your people, and your culture. You and your relations, my dear Southerner, are the object of your affections, and the main characters in the story you are writing for your grandchildren. 

Deo Vindice! 

God save the South! 


  1. Your Story brought me a lot of Peace, I was thinking about my own Confederate Grandfather that I have been estranged from and his passing reading that, it certainly brought me closure for such a great Soul. I normally don’t post on your work because it’s so powerful. It stands alone.

    Thank you and God Bless you and your work.

  2. Regular reader, but first time commenter. Born and raised in a small South Carolina town. Despite deep family roots, the demographics and decay make it more and more challenging to stay. Where do you go? I truly believe separate institutions and groups of like minded folks, even clandestine, will be essential. Will certainly be keeping an eye out for that new Black Land Rover Defender.

    1. I have the same relationship with my NC town. Thinking about relocating for mostly the same reasons.

  3. Very good Father. Yes, we’re all part of the story. Having a vision … a goal … a plan is very important. On the one hand we need a “manifesto” to all be on the same page of … yet remain independent and in small groups “as we proceed to massage CSA II into existence.”

    Let’s not make “the corporate mistake.” One man has a dream … he works hard to start his business. Takes pride in being the best. The business grows. And grows. Little by little there’s more and more distance between him and all the little people running the growing operation. At first he was able to personally hire and fire and promote on every level. Little by little that had to be “delegated.” Each department became like a little business and was managed by people who don’t care like he did. So … bad employees slither their way up the ranks and hire fire and promote the wrong people. Finally the company goes public and there’s a woke board of directors … and it’s over. Done. Shot. Like a pyramid … at first it was only the owner his family and a few employees ( the top few layers. ) Then more and more stacking and separation. Then loss of quality and control.

    We need a perfect blueprint EVERYONE in our vision … in our story … can follow along with exactly. It should be in book form, videos, PDF, manual. Simple but complete. EVERYONE ON THE SAME PAGE.

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