No Safety in the Sky

Work takes me outside of the United States and the Western world quite a bit. That really attenuates me to the dystopia with which we’re constantly being bombarded. If you were an impartial observer who just stepped into America from a theoretical vacuum, you’d think that the entire point of this place is diversity and sexual derangement to which straight White men are a threat, so they’re gradually being phased out to the hearty approval of all involved.

I was recently flying to a non-Western country. My connecting domestic flight was by United which harangued me with a video about how “good leads the way” with all of the usual nightmare stuff rolled into a one-minute video. The in-flight magazine had a letter from their black CEO giving passengers the good news that the goal was to train White men as less than half of their pilots.

To a smoldering crater with dismembered bodies and wreckage strewn all over it.

I walked around the terminal of a major air hub to get some exercise before the big international flight, and all of the nightmare stuff in the video was in ads and displays just like in my neighborhood and most stores I’m stuck shopping from. After I got on the flight to my non-Western destination, it was like the nightmare ended. It was just a flight. The airline was making money by flying passengers from place to place. No other agenda was being pushed. The pilots were men, and the stewardesses were women. I suspect many Americans have forgotten what it’s like to live like that.

The dial is turned up so high on us that I suppose they just disassociate themselves from it mentally. Sometimes, I wish I could do that rather than noticing things and pondering their implications. I mean, just to get out of my neighborhood to the main road, I’ve got to drive past at least a dozen anal flags and/or BLM type signs. It’s like everyone is worried the Angel of Death will visit their house if they don’t have these things out front.

Sometimes, I genuinely wonder why it hasn’t dawned on the average White person that this country is run by people who hate us and are waging all-out war on our existence. They want you to get the message. That’s why they’re bombarding you with it every day and pretty much everywhere you go. Americans are being subjected to an all-out assault. If you’ve been away from it for a while and then come back to it, it can be quite jarring.


  1. American Renaissance has an interesting video by Jared Taylor outlining the bastardization of the US medical profession with incompetent POC’s. An example is Debi Thomas, a Negro ice skater who won a few awards in the 80’s Olympics. She was pushed through various prestigious Universities, received her degrees, was insufferable to work with (Impatient New American Royalty you know)and colossally incompetent. Now living, broke, in a trailer. If American White’s are so committed to being replaced by “POC’s” they should opt for Chinese or Indian racial types – much more intelligent and hard working. Southerners used to hold the Americans in check but they’ve become way to Americanized, good Republicans now, you know.

    1. I looked up Thomas and the story is quite funny.I just wonder why White men would marry or co-habitat with that beastly looking Nigress.She looks like she’d be a crazy,violent Black B.tch.But the Jews just love pushing coon athletes and race mixing and a certain percentage of Whites seem to possess no natural sense of how the good Lord intended things to be.Why would any White want to marry the filthy mystery meat that makes up the non-White world.I given up trying to figure out where this or that darkie might have originated because they are all mongrels and all cursed.I just feel like this must be the End Times.Are there even enough right thinking Whites to put together a small nation resembling those of the recent past?The views on race by many of my fellow Whites are upsetting and make me feel not so bad about the coming collapse.We will all see the good again in Heaven,that’s a guarantee.

      1. Right you are Rebel Roy! Consider what Leon Degrelle said in retrospect on the loss:

        “When I look back, I have only one sentiment: an enormous regret. Regret that we did not succeed, that we were not able to create this European world which would be the master of the universe for all time, which made the white race the first race, with the great mastery of the spirit.

        And when we see what there is on the other side, what 30 years of the others’ victory has given, this anarchy in the world, this rout of the white world, this desertion throughout the universe; when we see in our own countries the decay of morals, the fall of the fatherland, the fall of the family, the fall of social order; when we see this appetite for material goods which has replaced the great flame of the ideal which animated us, well then, truly, between the two we chose the right side. The small, miserable Europe of today, of this impoverished Common Market, cannot give happiness to men. Consumer society poisons humanity rather than elevating it.

        So, for our part, we dreamed of something great; and we have only one desire: that this spirit be reborn. And with all my might, up to the last moment of my existence, I will fight for this. So that what was our struggle and our martyrdom, WILL ONE DAY BE THE RESURRECTION!

        Leon Degrelle, ‘For My Part, We Dreamed of Something Great’, 1976

  2. A simple but thorough training manual / book / course for those who want to be informed would do a lot. An “Unbrainwashing COURSE?” Every flunky and his mama is on Gaybook and anything right of center has been deplatformed and censored … so aaallllllll the flunkies have a “false awareness,” that “left is normal.” (((They))) have taken over media and academia just to name 2 and (((they’ve))) brainwashed 2 + generations.

    Educate our people. UNbrainwassh them. Bring them into CSA II.

    ALL conversation … ALL energy should be focused on this. Anything else is babble, as we boil …

  3. “I genuinely wonder why it hasn’t dawned on the average White person that this country is run by people who hate us and are waging all-out war on our existence.”

    How do you know they aren’t? If the answer is because they haven’t risen up, well you haven’t risen up either. You are continuing on with your job and posting stuff on the internet.

    White people don’t chimp out, we need leaders to give moral sanction to extreme action. Until we get local and state level leaders telling us to do what we already want to do, people will continue not doing anything while railing against people who continue to not do anything.

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