Dost thou renounce the State and all its works, its vain pomp and glory, with all its covetous desires of the same, and its carnal desires so that thou wilt not follow, or be led by them?
Every State stands on feet of clay. They know this. The degree to which a government needs to repress or use overt force and coercion is an important tell signaling their recognition that they are losing control and are in danger of ceasing to be a legitimate State and becoming a regime.
The freest and liberty committed government exists on the same continuum as the oppressive regime. Both must have the ability for the outright control, or via soft power, and controlling influence over: what is said (the press); what is taught (the schools); what is believed (the churches); how the economy functions (production and banking); the ability to enforce laws and project power externally (the military/police). These essential centers of governing control, for both the good and just State, as well as, the wicked and corrupt one, are always the same. These are the foundational institutions that must be built first or captured early on because nothing else will work without them in place.
There are, of course, many other important things that make up a healthy civil society, but everything else is extraneous and subordinate to these five foundational governing pillars and the State is vulnerable with the loss of any one of these.
Under each of the broad headers you’ll find a rich and coordinated program: control of what is believed is not just the infiltration of churches, but propagating a civic religion complete with founding myths and ceremony to exalt itself with; the press includes not just the newsroom, but any channel of propaganda and narrative shaping, from Hollywood to Silicon Valley; etc.
But it is important to remember that a State has the right and obligation to shape these pillars, they are the superstructure required for order. A stateless society is hopelessly naive and can’t be achieved or hoped for. However, when government institutions turn on the people, the State becomes evil and dangerous. This is when people have a decision to make.
The Forest Passage
To become a political apostate means you willingly cede your allegiance to what by definition you once believed in. This is an uncomfortable process and even the most convicted rebel will have a natural regret to formally cross the line. It needs to be done wisely and without alarming a regime worried about sedition. After walking away, the focus needs to be on what has been a repeated mantra here at Identity Dixie and that is building a government in waiting, that is a crypto government with the five foundational institutions functioning. This needs to be done out of love of your people, place, and history rather than hate, the former has lasting power, the latter fuel that is quickly spent. Anything that is not contributing in some meaningful way toward the hard and tedious work of this goal is wasted effort.
I highly recommend reading Ernst Junger’s Forest Passage to understand the right mindset for how to think and behave in relation to a regime. Here is a free PDF, you have no excuse.
For the great majority of angry and disillusioned but otherwise patriotic true believers in the State, they will not shift en masse to espousing Southern Nationalism or even regional separation. They will not seek the forest passage…and we don’t need them to.
The twofold program going forward that will eventually smash the State’s feet of clay is to first discredit and lampoon the State’s control of and/or roles in the institutions in the eyes of the American patriot. Secondly, without pomp and triumphal fanfare, quietly direct them to our sane and palatable institutional options.
While there is a lot of work that must be done in building our alternatives, we can do simple, small things right now to siphon people into our nascent options. Support homeschooling and co-ops. Encourage smart alternative news sites. Support the good pastors and priests who assert orthodoxy…maybe withhold your tithe to get their attention. Start a side-hustle and begin working your entrepreneurial muscle toward having economic (semi)independence and support others doing the same. None of this should be unfamiliar. There are plenty of things you can do right now.
For discrediting the big pillars, the fodder for doing this is endless. The military is particularly vulnerable right now. If you have Southern children, friends, or relatives considering service, simply share the second report from the Naming Commission and have a calm discussion.
Here’s an excerpt:
“…Lee turned down the post of top field commander of the U.S. Army and chose to fight for the Confederacy. The consequences of his decisions were wide-ranging and destructive. Lee’s armies were responsible for the deaths of more United States Soldiers than practically any other enemy in our nation’s history.”
Make it formal, renounce the State, abjure the realm, walk away.

‘Cause down in Alabama, you can run, but you sure can’t hide.
On a scale of 1 to 10 this post is a 12. I hereby elect you and Mr. Martin to the future CSA II Think Tank. Of course everything about everything can’t be packed into a comment box … but we need to remember the many battles lost by the confederacy due to starvation and lack of supplies.
As we follow Lancelot’s very wise advice … ALSO keep in mind how important it is that we are okay with 1 + year of zero. Zero money, food, water, med’s, electricity, etc., AND mobs of scum the military should have mowed down while they were rioting in the streets last year … attacking our neighborhoods.
Multiple sources of income and 2 + skills. Organic seeds and home garden. ROLLS AND ROLLS OF silver dollars. You know the rest …
I don’t usually watch Beck, but I stumbled across this. It sort of kind of goes with Lancelot’s post (?)
Beck is a bit of the “blind hog finding the acorn no and then.” This was a good segment, thanks for sharing and thanks for the kind words, Josey.
I found this article very meaningful. At Charlottesville, people were chanting Blue Lives Matter. Later they were being abused by the boys in blue. I have a hard copy of this book but thanks for the PDF link.
Dogface: The regime’s institutions are all on life support and especially for those even middle of the road Right. Fewer and fewer: Trust the media, entertainment inc; Trust the banking system, Wall Street, Big Business, etc.; See value in what the Academy offers; Like the direction of their Church; Support Law Enforcement or the Military like they did even two years ago. Now is the time to heap scorn and direct the refugees to safety.
Can’t verify this but I “heard,” beginning 1-1-23 Chicago will no longer hold or prosecute (?) 2nd degree murder on down! No bail … just arrest … book … release on o r.
General Robert E Lee defended his home state of Virginia (and the rest of the CSA) against Lincoln’s invading, pillaging, burning and raping henchmen. James Mattis talked Trump into keeping the Yankee military in Afghanistan ‘so the Afghan women can have the freedom to wear mini-skirts.’ Now, which of these two men should Southerners hold in high regard?
Well, now I have more to read, as if I’m ever gonna get caught up.
Always enjoyable and provoking.