Military Stories, The Ones They Don’t Tell You About

Browsing through the internet recently, I came across a post which resulted in a long chain of comments that struck a deep chord with me. Unlike many articles in the past, where I am the primary writer and narrator, I am going to make a rare exception and transcribe those comments as they are; unfortunately, they are very relevant to our readership and, especially, for the future of your children and friends.

There will be different perspectives, but they all inherently center around the American military. Each separate comment will be signified by a number and title, so as to be able to tell when a new one starts. It is my hope that you read this and find it sobering. If you realize you need help, you get it. And, for those of you that will have a recruiter enticing you with a $50,000 sign-up bonus, to carefully remember the words below and, very importantly, remember the word “no.”

God bless you and God bless Dixie.

1. Recruiting

“One side of my family is military – they’re miserable, sh*tty people who have Stockholm syndrome with the system that broke them. They’re all chronically broken, mentally or physically, and they all leave a wake of God-awful decisions and f*cked-up interpersonal relationships. At reunions/Sunday dinners, they did not spare the little details telling their service stories.

I got in so much trouble in several instances in high school for loudly retelling my family’s stories whenever they set up the recruitment booth, or by asking questions that clearly made the recruiters uncomfortable – ‘Which tool do they give you to clean up your platoonmate’s intestines off the ground when he gets turned inside out by a bomb?’, ‘What are the rules for shooting children? Just kind of let ‘er rip and fill out paperwork?’ and ‘Which conditions developed in the military will the VA say are preexisting or a non-issue before they kick you out and you drink yourself to death in an alley?’

The principal and vice principal had me in the office yelling about how I was unpatriotic (this was about four years post-9/11 and fervent patriotism was still the cultural norm) and how they got chewed out by an officer in uniform because the recruiters didn’t know how (or want) to explain what happens when there is a gang-rape in a unit. I wasn’t very eloquent at 16, but I said something to the effect of, ‘Maybe they shouldn’t be trying to recruit children on their way to trig from bio.’

Three times I got in-school suspension for this. The first time they told me to write an essay on ‘American Excellence;’ I wrote about the Mý Lai massacre and how excellent Herbert L. Carter was, having shot himself in the foot to be evacuated out of the village. Safe to say, I’ve never vibed with the MIC.”

2. SMGs

“This is highly interesting to me, as E-9s in the Army (Sergeant Major) are some of the most evil, petty, power-obsessed [REDACTED – vulgarity] I ever had the displeasure of interacting with. The only exception I ever knew was a Special Forces Command Sergeant Major whose cigarette break schedule often seemed to line up with mine. He was chill as f*ck.”

3. Navy Nepotism

“Those are E-6s and E-7s in the Navy. The whole chiefs thing creates a weird dynamic that I don’t think exists in the other branches. It’s basically a fraternity. The Navy is kind of unique. Promotions up to E-6 are based on evaluations, awards, and test scores. In order to get to E-7, you have to also be selected by a CPO selection board. Even if you have excellent scores, the selection board can deny promotion if they don’t like you. As such, the board is able to shape their own culture.

What ends up happening is that E-6s, who want to make rank, will sometimes turn into [REDACTED – vulgarity] machines, ready and willing to sacrifice all their junior sailors to appease their almighty chiefs. As these guys get inducted into the chief pool, they get to decide who else gets to join them. You can end up with a command full of likeminded a**holes at the top.

Of course, I’ve met plenty of really cool E-6s and E-7s (some of the best people I know), but those ranks in particular seem to harbor the majority of the power-hungry assholes. At least, on the enlisted side.

O-6s are by far the biggest scumbags I’ve ever seen.”

4. Karens

“Karens in rural areas raise future-Karens in rural areas who marry young, while also idolizing superficial patriotism, and often the poor kids (because all of them are kids at that age) who married them often won’t be able to support them or potential pregnancies without a constant military salary and a pension afterwards. The kid Karen thinks that they’ve gotten a free ticket, while also being as super(ficial) of a patriot as you can get, without actually needing to put in the work, and when people don’t view their ‘service’ to the country the same way, their narcissistic self-image gets hurt. They were the golden child growing up, so they don’t know how to deal with the fact that they’re just as much a nobody as everybody else.

Basically, the military industrial complex preys on poor, traditional areas, and the military husband gets hooked with traditional expectations of marrying. In turn, the Karens view the poor guys as free tickets to a decent life and ‘instant respect.’

The extra sh*tty part is that they often don’t give two sh*ts about the way that the military is breaking their husbands, physically and mentally. So, it often all ends in divorce once the husband finally gains the knowledge that things don’t have to be the way he was taught. By then, there might be a child in the equation, and things can get a lot messier, but it still ends up in divorce often.”

5. Jody

“Oh, let me you about the infidelity loop that exists in the military. This is a slum version of what you said.

You are an 18-to-20-year-old woman. You and your young, often the same age, boyfriend are so happy that he joined the Army, Navy, Marines, etc. Patriotism flows through your bones and, as the girlfriend, you endured 2-3 months of waiting for your boyfriend. Both of you decide to get married because you are in love, and you are going to be that perfect, patriotic wife. Your family and friends, who you have been around your entire life, are so supportive. You feel the love and adoration from them.

As the woman, you settle into your new base and get base housing as well. However, it starts dawning on you that your husband is gone more often than you like. Especially, if he is in the infantry. Additionally, all that friend and family support is hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away. You can’t just pop on over to Mary-Beth’s house and watch a movie anymore. She has her own thing, and you start losing touch with your friends. Additionally, your family is so far away that you can’t see your mom and dad, either. Probably, you’re missing out on a lot of extended family.

You try spousal support groups, but most of the women there are with higher ranking military men and it makes you feel uncomfortable because your husband is just a private first class. You, as the wife, decide to explore the military town but that military town isn’t what you thought it would be. It is filled with car dealerships with insane loans and businesses that prey on assured military money. This feels nothing like the small-town patriotic feeling.

When your husband comes home, he is tired and, at times, angry. You don’t know what he is going through at all, but slowly he’s starting to become a different person and not like the boyfriend you knew and loved. He looked handsome in his uniform, but he kicks off his boots, collapses on the couch, and just plays on his phone. He doesn’t talk to you much. When you have sex, it feels like it’s more for him than for both of you. You really try to understand, but you just can’t shake this feeling of loneliness.

So, you decide to get a job. PFC pay isn’t much anyway and it doesn’t hurt to have some spending cash. While at that job, you make friends with your coworkers. Some of them are young women who are in the same boat as you. These young women, being between the ages of 18-22, decide that they need to invite you out to clubs and stuff. You start drinking a bit more, even though back home it was only a few wine coolers for a buzz. Now, it’s hard liquor. You start getting attention from men, too. You say, ‘Oh, I’m married’ at first, but the attention is just amazing. You love your husband, but you start resenting his absence and attitude when he gets home. When he is home, for that matter.

One night, you go out without your wedding ring, and you start chatting up a guy. You tell yourself it’s just for attention. Besides, one of your other friends does it as well. The drinks get to you, and you start saying f*ck it. This man isn’t even in the military, and he invites you and a friend to come back to a party at his place.

Eventually, you wake up half-naked next to a man named “Jody.” He’s nice and he likes you. You had sex with him and cheated on your husband. The rest is all she wrote.

This does not absolve military husbands because these [REDACTED – vulgarity] cheat a bunch also – because they are young, dumb men.

But, this gives you an idea of the same sad story that happens every damn time. Young people get married too young and don’t understand the sacrifice involved in military service.”


  1. This is thoroughly disgusting, but it’s also part of ‘Americana’ in the corporate world too. Consider the contrast offered by Otto Skorzeny’s testimony:

    “Officers took part in the lives of their men one hundred percent. Comradeship, trust, and mutual respect were the rule. Relationships within the hierarchy of the Waffen-SS were simpler, more human, than in the Wehrmacht, and we had none of the caricatured type of arrogant officer. One will perhaps be surprised to hear that freedom of conscience was absolute in the Waffen-SS. One could find agnostics, practicing Catholics and Protestants there. … Not only was party membership not obligatory in the Waffen-SS; it wasn’t even recommended. People don’t want to understand this. We were without a doubt political soldiers; however, we defended an ideology which superseded politics and parties.” p. 37.

    Otto Skorzeny, ‘My Commando Operations’

    1. The German soldiers were the most honorable of any soldiers in WW2 and much much more so than the current Jewish owned U.S. military.Japanese POW camps had death rates of over 20% for Allied soldiers,German POW camps less than 1%.In occupied France the German soldier treated the French with respect and did not harm or molest them,contrast this with the way German people were treated by the Allied soldiers.Millions of German women were raped or coerced by Russians,Americans,British and French.Whilst the Russians and French darkies may have used force more often the lousy Americans used food as their means of sexual subjugation.Not all American men did this but the many that did were following the example of filth like Eisenhower who hated Germans and whose policies purposely caused the deaths of 1.5 million German POW’s(see the excellent book Other Losses).The Germans were our kin not our enemies.Why murder them at the behest of the Christ killing Jews who ruled us?Why hurt our kinsmen for throwing off Satanic Jewish rule.Charles Lindbergh tried to warn them all,and for his trouble the Jews orchestrated the murder of his infant son.I invite all to look into the kidnapping/murder and the”German”perpetrators who were not German at all but Jewish gangsters.Anyway great comments and article.Please Southern youth avoid serving the decadent,Satanic entity by becoming its cannon fodder.I remember I believe Padraig saying that our military bases are all surrounded by strip clubs,bars,tattoo parlors,liquor stores and gambling dens,and he is right.Where is the innocence God wishes for His children,it is surely not to be found in the Jewish Satanic entity known as the U.S.May the Lord deliver us from this oppression that we and many generations have suffered under.Christ is Lord.Blessings on all here who come in good faith.All we need is the White race and the Jesus keys as my hero would say.

    2. I like Skorzeny’s exploits and dash.I’ve read several books and many articles on him.I do not know what to make of his supposed dealings with Mossad after the war whilst he was living in Spain.Supposedly he targeted German scientists helping Nasser in Egypt.I really don’t know if its disinformation or not.Probably Jewish attempts to discredit the man.But those in the spy game do become corrupt and self-serving.There is just something that makes me think it is possible.By the same token one can always have faith in Leon Degrelle or Joseph Mengele,they were true till the end,and against all odds.I wonder if many know new information totally proves that Mengele did not murder anyone nor do strange experiments,there is great info on this I believe on Jews are so evil in the way they smear patriots and honorable men.

      1. You’re a man after my own heart Rebel Roy! If you haven’t read it already you may like Hans Schmidt’s ‘SS Panzergrenadier’. He lived out the remainder of his life in America and has much to say about the parallels between 1920’s Germany and 2020’s America.

    3. Is it really so incongruous to you? I think the similarities are striking:

      “Sometimes it seems to me that the unchivalrous attitude of many American military men stems from the still unresolved experience of the War Between the States that was fought so viciously, especially by the Northern victors. … I see from this that many Americans do not know what it means to be a soldier. They suffer from the illusion that in a war only one side is right; namely the United States. It never enters their mind that war itself is insane, but that it also means killing and being killed. Hate should not come into play. p. 139. [There’s] a quirk in the American character to view an enemy’s actions with unforgiving harshness, while at the same time explaining similar or worse actions by American soldiers with lame excuses, such as calling them “collateral damage”. p. 171.

      It [also] seems to me that the major lessons regarding the treatment of prisoners, and how to deal with “enemy” populations, (lessons that seem ingrained in the psyche of the U.S. Armed Forces and other Washington authorities), stem from [this war]. A direct line of “Washington” behavior runs from the battlefields of Antietam and Atlanta to Germany and Vietnam, and now, to places like Waco, Whidbey Island and Ruby Ridge. Already, in 1865, they hung hapless Heinrich Wirz for his “crimes” at Andersonville, forgetting to even reprimand the Northern jailers who together caused many more deaths of Confederate POWs than he was accused of. As long as the bones of the victims remain hidden, no account is needed or desired by the U.S. political system. When fifty or a hundred years after the fact the truth comes out … the individual culprits are usually dead and the system is ready for the next charade as savior of mankind.” p. 330.

      Hans Schmidt, ‘SS Panzergrenadier: A True Story of WW2’

      1. There was this big thing called “the optics war” awhile back. It was the “neo-Nazis” E.G. TRS (The Right Stuff), Richard Spencer, and their ilk vs Nick Fuentes and the Groypers.

        TRS / Spencer (i.e. edgy people) lost and Fuentes and his gang won.

        Nick has since gone off the deep end and started doing all kinds of cringe stuff– probably due to mental stress.

        But the lesson remains the same: whatever your views of WWII and the Nazis are, its not a good stratedgy. When normal people read pro-Nazi comments on your website, that will turn them off to your cause. I’m not even a Southerner but I seem to have more sense than you guys on this issue.

        As an addendum: the US State Dept / NATO / Ukraine funded neo-Nazi terror groups (Azov, Tornado) fighting in the Ukraine, aiding in the genocide of Russians there, have basically tarnished whatever sympathy any semi-normal people might have with the 30s German regime, especially those on our side of the aisle who are generally pro-Russian, as ID seems to be. Why would you want to put out stuff that would make a powerful foreign state who might want to aide you dislike you? The mythos of the modern Russian state is based upon the Great Patriotic War.

        Even if your views on WWII were correct, we’re in a post-truth era now. Perception is more important than reality.

        NS Germany’s policies are American-imports anyhow. They took their ideas from America and its progressive movement, not the other way around. Instead of quoting German people, why not just quote early 20th century American progressives if that’s the route you want to go down?

        As far as Orthodoxy and the like: ID’s own Dissident Mama is herself Orthodox, so if you have an issue with that I’d suggest taking it up with your own people who are Orthodox and not some rando Internet commenter.

        1. Optics? That angle has been tried and we were smeared anyways. The fact is due to decades upon decades of brainwashing people in the general sense of the word, view the Confederate cause as a bad thing because of poison pill’s and outright fabrication. This applies even to foreigners (but generally less so) and as a result truth has to matter. It has to be made to matter again.

          Normal people crave truth and if that truth challenges preconceived notions all the better because it is necessary to break the hold on the general public that the leftist’s have had for a long time.

          The only way to do that is by giving not just the how but the why.

          For that to happen you cannot operate in the designated fields our political enemies have set out for us. I have found over the years that when I do educate and give resources to those who want to learn more they find it shocking just how much they were lied to and it leads to more questions which furthers their path towards truly understanding the world around them instead of blindly stumbling.

          I would rather someone arrive at an ideology they truly understand and believe in because they are armed with information even if that means they may not fully be on my side. I can work with that. I can stand in battle next to someone like that and look them in the eye. Can you say the same?

          The rule of thumb is you have to understand a situation before you can you can make informed decision’s with regards to how you are going to react.

          On the principle of being an honorable man I refuse to deceive either by hook or crook others who I would rather have side with me on any issue because by doing so the cycle of corruption just continues. If you would lie and hide stuff from the public once what is to say you won’t do it again if a situation requires? Ask the globalist elites how well that’s working for them right now.

          To restore honor it starts first with being honest. I can respect an honest person even if they are against me because they are being truthful. I reserve my scorn for those who deceive and manipulate for it is them who are responsible for perpetuating this vile behavior.

        2. You say: “Even if your views on WWII were correct, we’re in a post-truth era now. Perception is more important than reality.” I’ll never concede that perception is more important than reality — and neither should you if you’re Russian Orthodox!

          “Great achievements, small display: more reality than appearance.” -Alfred von Schlieffen

          “It is strange why people like so much to lie, when it is so much simpler to tell the truth. … Instead of following the principle “be more than you appear”, [von Schlieffen] thousands build a new sensation around themselves … for the sake of personal advantage. … Deceit makes all unsure. From the lies develop dishonor, breech of oath, and mutiny. p. 30. For us, the reverse of the contemptible rule is correct: that at any price the means must justify the end … because each untruth gives birth to new lies. p. 31. Certainly, silence can be a concealment of untruth. But life in this world with its abysses between opposites cannot be mastered otherwise. … Hence, we want to tie the greatest carefulness to the affirmation of truthfulness and keep our eyes open.” p. 35.

          Georg Usadel, ‘Discipline & Order: Foundations of National Socialist Ethics’, Hamburg 1935.

        3. You say:
          “Even if your views on WWII were correct, we’re in a post-truth era now. Perception is more important than reality.

          NS Germany’s policies are American-imports anyhow. They took their ideas from America and its progressive movement, not the other way around. Instead of quoting German people, why not just quote early 20th century American progressives if that’s the route you want to go down?”

          There’s so much wrong with this I hardly know where to begin. Perception more important than reality? Only to a Bolshevik. NS policies American progressive? Hardly!

          “It is strange why people like so much to lie, when it is so much simpler to tell the truth. … Instead of following the principle “be more than you appear”, [von Schlieffen] thousands build a new sensation around themselves … for the sake of personal advantage. … Deceit makes all unsure. From the lies develop dishonor, breech of oath, and mutiny. p. 30. For us, the reverse of the contemptible rule [i.e. of the end justifying the means] is correct: that at any price the means must justify the end … because each untruth gives birth to new lies. p. 31.

          Georg Usadel, ‘Discipline & Order: Foundations of National Socialist Ethics’, Hamburg 1935.

    4. @Benjamin.

      What are you doing on a Confederate website? Do you even have ties to the South?

      The Southerner has been Demonized with lies for over 150 years, is it such a stretch of the imagination to question the Yankee Narrative of WW2 and the Demonization of the Germans? Where in my mind, Thanks to my years of research, Love itself was eradicated from the Earth in Germany? Like a modern day Jeremiah, who they keep destroying in perpetuity.
      Why do you Gush on Russian orthodoxy all the time on a Confederate website?
      I’ve seen you go on to a thread that had been off the main page and add the same type comment, it was Padraigs JQ article.
      I have never trusted you.
      Why are you here?

      I’ve been meaning to ask about a wellness check for Buelah Man, I hope he’s OK.

      1. EDIT:
        “Where in my mind…. the healthiest of Love and human interaction was eradicated from the earth.”(No question mark)

    5. Cut him some slack, y’all; by his own admission on numerous occasions in the past, Benjamin has no Confederate roots.

      Benjamin: I have personally written numerous articles connecting the false narrative as pertains to the Nazis to the equally false (preemptory) narrative as pertains to the Confederates. The situation at Andersonville is a case in point, but there are several others. E.g., the kangaroo court denominated a “military tribunal” in Washington hearing the case of Captain Wirz, predating by many years the same at Neuremberg. I mean, I could literally go on and on, as could, I am betting, German Confederate, etc.

      I promise to sit down and write an essay-length article about this in the relatively near future. Could be – likely will be – in several parts, the evidence being, as it were, so voluminous in our favor. Stay tuned.

      We get called Nazis by our detractors in any case; I’m not necessarily one to “own the insult” per se, but, I mean, if you’re going to denominate me a Nazi (and all that that implies) in any case, I will certainly make sure to educate your historically illiterate *ss in the process.

      1. I’ll very much look forward to that article Mr. Morris. There are many, regrettably, in the South who share Benjamin’s sentiments. In part, it’s understandable. ‘Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer’ (on one level) seems to run across the grain of all things confederate. Then too, sadly, many ethnic Germans composed possibly the majority of the Union army. I’ll reserve most of my comments for your much anticipated article, but will leave you this excerpt from that forbidden philosopher that FDR warned us about:

        “In the far future it may be possible to think of a new association of nations, consisting of individual States with a high national value, which could then stand up to the threat of overwhelming the world by the American Union. Pan Europe cannot be summoned to the solution of this problem, but only a Europe with free and independent national States whose areas of interest are divergent and precisely delimited. [Germany’s] only hope must consist in her eventual success in extricating individual States from the coalition of victor States, and building a new group of interested parties with new aims which cannot be realized through the League of Nations because of its whole nature.”

        ‘Zweites Buch’, 1928

  2. I think this is one area that Southern Nationalists need to concentrate heavily on. Discouraging young Southrons from enlisting.

    They are serving a people who regard military service as contemptable, and their states as burdensome colonial territories, and themselves as subordinate subjects, at best, or worse, as little better than talking animals. But certainly not as “fellow Americans,” living in legitimate and real U.S. States.

    This has to stop. For the good of the Southern People.

    End Reconstruction. End the War.

  3. I was stationed in Germany with several scumbags(many black), who purposely would go out and target married women whose husbands were deployed in order to seduce them into casual sex. I get it takes two or whatever, and a married woman shouldn’t be drinking at a bar without her husband, but even at my young dumb naive age, I still felt a sense of deep revulsion at not only the piece of sh*t guys who were having sex with these lonely, stupid, and or similarly degenerate women, but also with the entire military culture that gives tacit approval of that sort of thing.

    I’ve proactively convinced my now 18yo son to avoid the US military at all costs.

    1. I’ll (reluctantly) tell a story – a personal anecdote – about this that I have mostly kept to myself over the years, in part because I got into a lot of hot water over it at the time:

      When I was in the USAF stationed at Elmendorf, AK, I had several black friends in my unit. One morning I came in about an hour before shift change, and I heard several of my black “friends” from the night shift ‘laughing it up’ in one of the rooms of our building. When I opened the door to the room and asked, “what are y’all laughing about?,” the one black in the group who I would have thought was a true friend and confidant replied, “you scared of us, ain’t you, Morris?!” To which I answered, “scared of you?; why would I be scared of you?” His answer not only shocked me, but infuriated me in the same moment. He answered: “’cause you knows that if yo wife ever got any black d*ck, she wouldn’t ever come back to you.”

      What I told him in reply was this – “if any of you ever talk like that about my wife again, I’ll cut you from *sshole to Throat, and won’t think twice about it, understand me, boy?!” As I said, I got into some serious trouble over this with my superiors, not because of the ‘cut you from here to there’ promise, but because I called the black in question “boy.” I wouldn’t take a word of it back at this point if I could.

    2. An observant person could always tell when a carrier went to sea due to the flood of wives of carrier sailors at the EM club that night and the crowd of sailors from other commands waiting to predate on them. True story.

  4. I was drafted, joined the Navy in lieu of the Army, and spent five years as an enlisted man and junior officer on minor warships. Even then, 50 years ago, the “WestPac Widows” were notorious. They were trolling the bars before their husbands’ ships were even out of San Diego Bay. At the time, sea deployments were usually 6 months.

  5. When the Fleet is away, the bars are full. This is real military life with few exceptions, and it goes both ways.

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