It all happened as we knew it always would, the egg was too long in boiling water, neglecting the correct time to take it off the heat, now too delinquent to let sooth in a cool bath. The fat kid went too far out on the ice, as his friends encouraged him toward ultimate disaster. Our enemies, in their hubris, were not paying attention, and the Empire has cracked, it is unsalvageable.
There were many little cracks, starting with Florida Man Governor Ron DeSantis, as he pushed hard back against an aggressive federal leviathan, especially during the COVID pandemic. He empowered his sheriffs to do and say what must be done, exhorting newcomers to remember their station, and not vote the way they did in the places from which they fled. This is a consistent theme all over the South, as we give instructions to the new arrivals.
DeSantis protected the historical treasures of his great state. He put the children of his citizens first, staring down the Disney corporation, with all its degenerate hangers on. He issued warnings to miscreants of every kind, even criminal agents and provocateurs within the federal government. Without equivocation, he warned that their shenanigans would not be tolerated in the Sunshine State.
Even the most stable institution in our country, the U.S. military, has started to fracture, and it is taking a toll on its readiness. The U.S. Army is now offering retention, or enlisting bonuses of up to $50K. Videos of out-of-control diverse female soldiers directly disobeying superiors are surfacing. Recently, multiple NCOs and high-ranking officers in the U.S. Navy have been relieved of command. Recruitment of young Southern men, the backbone of combat forces, has bottomed out, and this narrative is now reported in the mainstream media. It appears Identity Dixie’s campaign to discourage our people from joining, or staying in, the military has borne fruit, blessed be the name of our God!
As we waited in guarded anticipation, for how our Heavenly Father would answer our prayers, for no particular reason at all, a black man from coastal Georgia, a Christian man, not ashamed of his God, nor where he comes from, cracked the Empire wide open, leaving it unprotected, its insides exposed for the pickings. Just like that, one of the most egregious court rulings in our history was gone. The rights of the states to reassert their sovereignty was restored, if they would only pick up the weapon now handed. By God’s grace, they have accommodated him nobly.
Although previous to Roe v. Wade being overturned, six Christian judges slapped hard the overreaching hand of the state of New York, cracking the fragile Empire a little more. Then, before we could rest, a religious liberty that was never questioned in times past, the tradition of praying after a high school football game, was restored. The drowning fat boy, his leftist comrades, and the screaming of all the usual suspects grew even louder, but it was not over. In the ruling of West Virginia v. EPA, the EPA and every federal agency that has usurped the sovereignty of the states was put on notice, it has no authority save what is legislated to it by Congress.
The long game, it was always the long game. True Southern patriots, many old Southern Democrats, through patient planning, ensured that right leaning governors and representatives would be entrenched for decades, regardless of the demographics. Our urban centers, even Nashville, are now within electoral reach. SCOTUS is preparing to hear arguments on this very subject in its next session, and if we are victorious, as I believe we will, the reformation toward Southern independence may be unstoppable.
That said, as you have heard repeatedly through countless articles, we must keep pushing, there are no brakes. Our people will want to relax with these victories, but they are only temporary. If we do not continue to excite them to sovereignty, this momentum will subside. Take every opportunity to evangelize, everywhere, on every occasion, in the lumberyard, the pub, and the churches, look for every opportunity. Our cause is just, our people will awake!
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
Now, the Satanic EPA needs to be told to go hell regarding miles per gallon mandates for auto manufacturers. If I want to buy a 3/4 ton 4- wheel drive, crew cab truck which gets 12 mpg on the highway, that’s MY business, not Joe Biden’s or his worthless EPA director. Joe Biden, he who jets around the world on our dime, he who rides in taxpayer-funded limousines running on taxpayer-funded gasoline, lecturing me about ‘climate change.’ Before long, Biden rides off into the sunset to collect his taxpayer-funded pension, then dies and goes straight to hell.
“taxpayer-funded pension”.
You hit the nail on the head there as to why these SOB’s would never allow a peaceable secession. The global money power, who owns the U.S. government, will bring every bought-off lackey’s energies (which includes of course the military and police) to bear against anyone who dreams of independence and self-determination. Recall the last words of Septimius Severus to his sons: “Remain united, pay the soldiers, and take no heed of the rest.”
“The rest”. That’s us.
One of the most refreshing things I’ve heard in years; it is up there with a statement made several years ago by the author (Rep. Charles Keys) of my State’s immigration law, H.B. 1804 – a high profile opponent of the law had complained to Mr. Keys that illegal immigrants in the state were frightened of what their fate might be with the new law coming into effect. Rep. Keys answered to this effect: ‘that is the point; we want them to be frightened, …and to leave.’
It still galls me to no end that it took 50 years to overturn Roe, and moreso that the God-fearing States didn’t tell the Court to take a hike on Roe a long time ago. But it is what it is. Obergefel, you’re next!
Good article, sir.
I’m not holding my breath for Trashville to be recovered. Tennesseans have long not considered Memphis to actually be part of our state, and a lot of us added the capital city decades ago.
We can, however, work and pray; miracles are, after all, His business (with whatever aid we may give).
Yeah, but is Virginia still in the south?
It’s always nice to have some white pills