The Blame Game

Since it’s full steam ahead on everything bad, and those things are really bad, you’d think they could at least use a better cast of characters for pretending who’s in charge. Since they refuse to do that, you’d think they could at least come up with a decent set of talking points to calm people down. This is clearly not the case.

It appears that the tactic they’ve settled on is doubling down on scapegoating a particular demographic, which is the same demographic as always. That would be ordinary White people. Thus, the demographic that is actually to blame for all of these problems feels comfortable being all over television pushing their hatred instead of making themselves as inconspicuous as possible.

The lack of self-awareness is simply amazing.

They can’t help themselves any better than they can come up with someone else to credibly blame for what they’ve done. This is why we get a hysterical show trial more than a year after an event that most ordinary Americans don’t think was that big of a deal. Meanwhile, we’re coping with the worst economic pain of our lifetimes which will probably get much worse. It’s not a surprise who takes center stage at this outrageous farce:

This is all backfiring and somehow they just don’t see it. They’ve got an alphabet soup of organizations to coordinate themselves and yet clearly none are pushing a strategy of desisting from doing things that force people to notice them. If they knew what was good for them, a neurotic guy with crazy eyes named Schiff wouldn’t be handling this at all. Instead, he’s pushing this narrative about a “Big Lie” without it ever occurring to him that people might actually look that phrase up.

The level of projection is simply insane. It’s as if they have a psychological incapability to understand that blaming other people for what they’re doing will force these people to notice what they’re doing. The last thing they should ever do is start denying the great replacement, which polling clearly shows that everyone notices, and then linking criticism of this obvious process to criticism of them. Yet, that’s exactly what they did, and this isn’t the only instance.

They’ve spent decades maneuvering themselves into a Catch-22 where it’s impossible to obscure who they are or what they’re doing, which causes them to lash out with displays of power tinged with hatred and hysteria, thus causing even more recognition. It’s an entertaining spectacle as this phenomenon continues to gather momentum thanks to their tireless efforts.


  1. Lawrence Summers is such a dumbass….he understands economics about as much as Joe and the who’ do, blaming inflation on the events of January 6, 2021. These people are not only wicked, they are incredibly stupid.

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