The most truly insane aspect of American foreign policy is the notion that because the United States occupies the preeminent heights of morality, it can do whatever it wants to whoever it wants whenever it wants. In doing so, it maintains the rules-based international order. However, if an unauthorized nation does what the U.S. is currently doing or has done in the past, this constitutes an attack on the rules-based international order even if it’s in accordance with international rules such as the United Nations Charter.
Following the Chinese media, one wonders if at some point a commentator will simply keel over from an aneurysm while decrying the psychotic hypocrisy of it all. It blows their minds, but then again most of them have never even heard of the Talmud. I don’t know Russian, but from the English coverage it appears they react with far more cynicism. They certainly understand the game, so that’s probably why.
I recently found myself chatting with a patriotic Russian who’d served in his country’s military, although he described his experience as “hell.” One of the interesting things he pointed out was that many ordinary Russians think the confiscation of gaudy oligarch toys is funny. Russians are well aware that most of these oligarchs share the same ethno-religious background as Richard Engel. Where’s the sympathy going to come from?
I think it’s pretty funny, too. My concern stems from the fact that if Abramovitch’s people are willing to do this to him, what does that spell for us? We live in a “nation of laws” and yet depending on the situation, none of them apply to us as written. To the extent they do, it’s often in violation of the protections explicitly accorded by the Constitution. In spite of all the escalating persecution, confiscating our property isn’t a possibility? The government can literally confiscate children and turn them into a trannies. Why not your land or stuff?
These confiscations are proceeding with the usual hubris we’ve witnessed end in calamity, such as in Afghanistan and all over the Middle East. That’s not a coincidence because it’s literally the same people (see paragraph 3) with the same MO. The simply can’t help themselves, which is a much-noted feature of history you quickly learn as a dissident.
Another extremely serious issue here is that astronomical sums of externally-held Russian foreign currency reserves that have been “frozen” by the West. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly cited a figure of over 300 billion dollars and uses the word “stolen.” In comparison to a Russian GDP last year of roughly 1.78 trillion, this is a massive chuck of change indeed.
It’s the property of Russia, not some oligarch’s yacht nobody cares about. When this conflict comes to a close, it will have to foot the bill for rebuilding and integrating what used to be eastern and southern Ukraine. Various officials have also discussed a peacekeeping operation by the CTSO in whatever’s left of the country. Presumably, that will all be underwritten by Russia as well.
In other words, they’ll need their money back, but the United States is too arrogant and reckless to just fork it over since it lost the conflict. The problem for anyone living in the West is that they have the leverage to get their money back. Europe depends on Russian commodities within a certain price range for survival. In America, we also need Russia exporting commodities to keep our consumption affordable. Since the people in charge (see paragraph 3) don’t change course, I’d say this situation doesn’t bode well for any of us.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
On a PPP basis, the Russian economy is somewhat larger than the German economy, and it has been argued that based on the wide range of things Russia does and makes, the Russian economy might actually be twice as big as Germany’s. That would make it about one-third to half of ours.
It should also be noted that the Russian economy is the most autarkic in the world. Decades of sanctions have been met by systematic program of import substitution, to the extent that Russia is self-sufficient in all its critical needs.
Russia also sits on the largest natural resource base and one of the largest, and most productive agricultural bases in the world. It runs trade and current account surpluses even without oil and gas exports. It is a major exporter of fuels, forestry products, metals, rare earths, and manufactured goods.
The newest sanctions are a major nuisance to Russia, but they are killing the EU economy and causing all sorts of difficulties in the US. They are also cementing the Russian and Chinese alliance.
It all circles back to “what’s the solution?” Are we white Christian southern nationalist a bunch of “observers,” that merely observe that the water is starting to boil and things aren’t looking too good for us …. AS WE FRIGGIN DIE!!???? Or … mightent we be a little more intelligent wise and MANLY than that? I mean, supposedly we’re “the greatest people in the greatest country” right? 🙂
By the way the seizing of our stuff is called ‘asset forfeiture,’ and it’s one of 100 + things that need to be stopped.
Founding a new very enlarged all white Confederate States Of America II is simply a step by step process. First pray. Then ‘think.’ Start writing. What – if you were King – would you put a stop to and how would you enforce it? What new articles, laws and programs would you implement? What things would you change? How would you ‘control and reign in’ warmongering foreign policy? ETC.
I can tell you for sure, we’d NEED what I call “enforcement squads,” who’s job it would be to enforce certain of the strategic new articles, laws etc. We already know (((they))) would target all representatives, judges, professors, media moguls etc., etc., for blackmail and bribery and WHEN NOT IF any of these “acted up” … out goes the squad to investigate down to a gnats butt and if guilty vigorously arrest the scum and take them in for their 3 day trial and sentence carried out the next day in public view. Of course anyone gay would be immediately deported because we will never allow the brainwashing of our children, or ever again have a stupid discussion about choosing your gender or any such idiocy. I’ll stop here so it’s a comment not a book, but get out your pens and tablets and start thinking and writing. Then start conversations with everyone you know. This should be a household topic.
This should be THE MAIN topic in every household!!! The water … is friggin boiling …
We should have already been planning CSA II. The water IS boiling …