Dancing for the Devil

There’s a lot of stuff I haven’t figured out. For example, it’s obvious we’re being subjected to a full-throttle tranny agenda designed to open up a portal to hell and swallow us all. However, I’m confused about how they’re trying to get everyone to go along with the process. What I mean is that a tranny is ostensibly a flexible creature that can be dressed up as anyone, like a Marine or an astronaut. At the airport in San Francisco, I even saw a 6’7″ pilot tranny.

So, there are any number of outfits you can put a tranny in and then say to the public “What’s your problem? This tranny is just doing its job like everybody else, bigots!” Instead, they mostly use trannies to do things nobody else does. Real women don’t paint their faces like a demon, put on an erotic outfit, and do a sexual dance for elementary school kids.

If you’re not into trannies (that would be the vast majority of people) increasing your exposure to trannies doesn’t dull your sense of disgust and alarm, it actually heightens it. The creature elicits a stress response, not an erotic tingly feeling. One doesn’t feel comfortable next to a rattlesnake for the same reason.

To illustrate, one time I was at Walmart and made an inquiry about a product to a clerk. This clerk was a muscular black tranny wearing a blue wig. It wasn’t dressed as a stripper, just the regular Walmart attire. A boomer was browsing a shelf behind it, turned around and his body convulsed in shock. “G-dammit don’t try to sneak up on me!” he exclaimed.

In spite of the visceral reactions, they seem to think that constant exposure to dancing trannies specifically will charm the population. So, now it’s not just little kids who have to be subjected to dancing trannies, it’s grown men who just want to watch the NFL.

We can thus infer that dancing trannies are indispensable to the satanic agenda. Although their utility in this regard is highly questionable that’s the only reason to explain why it’s being done to everyone, everywhere. I even Googled “drag show nursing home” and found no shortage of results.

What’s puzzling is that they now seem to think this will work with something other than a captive audience. What students and senior citizens have in common is that none of them can escape, but a grown man can just not watch the Panthers game. A lot of guys, myself included, got fed up with the NFL and stopped watching quite a while ago, so that is actually something that happens on a large scale.

Essentially, these creatures are harbingers of doom. On any historical timeline where trannies pop up, calamity follows. Every single time. Therefore, it probably doesn’t matter if you refuse to tune into the NFL because the apocalypse will be tuned into you, nonetheless. The tranny stuff is also much, much worse than it ever was before so that could be a factor in how bad the coming apocalypse hits. On second thought, it’s probably not a good idea to burden yourself with such thoughts. I’m not sure where I’m going with this, so I’m going to wrap it up here and pour myself a drink.


  1. Excellent analysis! These creatures are like the scary clown movies from the 70’s and 80’s, like John Wayne Gracie reincarnated. No normal person wants to see this in public, nope not one.

  2. Well said! I think part of it is exactly what you mentioned about how trannies elicit a stress response. Yes, they’re obviously trying to groom our kids, but I think the other part of it is a flex. They know it disgusts normal people. They want us disgusted and they want us to think they can’t be stopped.

  3. Well, I’m not sure all ‘normal’ people are disgusted. I went with a church group once to protest a pride festival and we took the most heat from the normies for our intolerance. The trannies were really not as abusive. They just wanted to flaunt their perversity in our faces.

  4. Tom, it all boils down to Romans 1:16 and following. Read it, if you haven’t done so in a while. And at least you’re not blaming this garbage on us ‘boomers’.

  5. The human physiology can only take so much drug alteration for just so long. Then you don’t have a human any longer. As always, a little that led to alot can be traced to psychosis and schizophrenia. It totally a mental condition.

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