The recent leak of the potential Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision and the reaction of the various states highlights a very clear distinction between the countries that comprise these “United” States. On the one hand, countries such as Illinois, New York, and California, are promising abortion “sanctuary” cities and subsidized abortions. On the other hand, states such as Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, have trigger laws set to make abortion mostly illegal upon the revocation of Roe. Nine states have revocation laws sitting on the books since before 1973, when Roe was decided. Whereas not all of these states are located in Dixie (the rest are primarily in the Rocky Mountains and Midwest), it is interesting to note that every state in the South except North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland are pro-life states. This is yet another indication, of many, as to how extraordinarily different the South remains when compared to the rest of the union. The stark contrast between perspectives on morality, economics, and inalienable rights makes it clear: it is high time for Southern secession.
To begin, if you, the reader, paid attention to my opening paragraph, you will notice that I refer to the American states interchangeably as countries. Why? Because that is what they are. In the academic discipline of political science, and the sub-discipline of international relations, the term “state” refers to a unique geographic boundary that forms the territory often referred to as a country. The Founders considered each colony and subsequent entrants to the union as independent countries – states – of which, the internal polity could determine their future through a representative government.
At the establishment of the United States, the union was more often referred to as “these” United States – a voluntary association of independent countries, joined together for the sake of collective defense, the free trade of interstate commerce, and diplomatic engagement. Although never directly addressed in the Constitution, it can be argued that the language of Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution, referring to the admission of states into the union, may provide an exit option. Specifically, “the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned” would pertain to the right of those states to leave the union, should they vote to do so. Despite anti-secessionist rhetoric, this argument has never been tested in a court of law. The often mis-cited 1869 Texas v White Supreme Court decision never addressed the legality of secession. Rather, Chief Justice Salmon Chase largely focused on the morality of secession (the formation of a more perfect union) before stating that secession was a moot point because it was adjudicated on the battlefield. It is my belief that both Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln – both former congressmen with differing legal backgrounds – knew that the South would have won its right to secede in a case before the Supreme Court. Consequently, Lincoln picked a fight to avoid a lawsuit he would lose – but I digress. It is my contention that the states have a right to secede, whether they have a secession clause in their ratification contract (Texas) or not.
Believing that we have the right to secede and reclaim our own destiny, it is therefore important for Southerners to take an inventory of the very ethical and moral paradigm from within which they operate. Southerners are different from Yankees. The cacophony of competing policies by the various states makes this most clear. Southern states are leading the push back against radical anti-White indoctrination (Critical Race Theory), child murder (abortion), the promotion of gender dysphoria toward children (LGBT religiosity), Covidian extremism (lockdowns, masks, vaccine mandates, etc.), and climate change fanaticism – just to name a few issues promoted by leftists. Meanwhile, Yankee states are wholly embracing anti-White radicalization, child murder, mutant gender ideology, Covidian paranoia, and climate change concepts that defy science and logic.
If anything demonstrated the vast differences of approach toward societal norms between Dixie and the rest of the country, it was the South’s approach toward remaining open throughout the Covid insanity. Florida, the Southern state with the fewest restrictions, had among the lowest proportional deaths from Covid despite the largest proportional immunocompromised population (retirees). By contrast, California, the state with the most draconian restrictions, had the highest proportional death rates from Covid, yet they did nothing to reverse course. The Covid drama was telling. Regardless, there are still so many other reasons the South should secede.
The Yankee approach toward the Constitution remains that of a dangerous weapon that must be stymied by various acts of Congress or presidential executive orders. Yankee politicians lead the effort to impose the will of a minority of states or people upon the majority of the states and its citizens. It was never the intention of the Founders that a president would make laws from the Oval Office. Nor, for that matter, was it their intention that the Congress would pass laws that superseded the Constitution. The Constitution, a document largely drafted by Southerners and modeled on Virginia’s Constitution, was designed to empower the people through freedoms of expression and personal conscious – and when threatened, the arms necessary to protect those rights. Yankees, who enjoy outrageously immoral political and economic ideologies, frequently seek to undermine those freedoms.
What benefit does the South enjoy remaining in a union with Yankee masochists? Those characters embrace wildly foreign ideals. They literally set upon their own cities and burn them to the ground while cheering about it. They turn their little boys into geldings and parade them in dresses. They cheer for gun control legislation that leaves them at the mercy of criminals. Even wilder is the fact that they seek their own disarmament while defunding the very law enforcement bodies that are designed to protect them should they be attacked. They statistically support legislation that criminalizes certain forms of speech. They sue bakers who refuse to bake cakes for degenerates while simultaneously freeing rapists. They cheer the flood of illegal aliens across Southern borders. In almost every facet of outlook and policy, Yankees share nothing in common with the Southern man.
Worse, is that these same Yankees who teach their boys to sip lattes and cross their legs at coffeehouses, demand Southern janissaries to fight in wars that uniquely benefit Yankees. Whereas I am fully aware of the threat of Islamist terrorism – having myself gone to nearly one hundred countries ostensibly to help defeat it – at what point has an Islamist terrorist attacked a Southern target? The Pulse Nightclub attack in Orlando was hardly a Southern icon. Rather, it was a den of iniquity. The Fort Hood attack? An incident that occurred on a federal property that was an outgrowth of the Yankee occupation of the post-war South and facilitated by that same Yankee-led government’s determination to ignore Islamist sympathies within its own ranks. Cumulatively, I fail to see the Islamist threat to the Christian South.

Still, never satisfied with the quantities of Southern blood spilled on foreign soil, Yankees found a new boogeyman – the Russians. Please remind me when Vladimir Putin tore down statues commemorating our honorable dead. Please remind me when Russians invaded Dixie, burning farms, raping Southern women, looting and murdering Southerners. Please remind me when Russians maintained an occupation of the South, facilitating the starvation and humiliation of the Dixian. The Yankee would like you, the Southerner, to send your boys to fight and die in yet another obscure foreign land because one of their puppet governments is under duress.
Southerners must break free from a collective form of Stockholm Syndrome and recognize this is not their United States. The Yankee United States installed a demented globalist lackey as its titular head. Their spokeswoman is a homosexual black female. Their Secretary of Defense retreated before the Islamic State and now teaches officers to hate their White enlistees (your Southern sons). Their National Security Advisor never held a job. Their Secretary of Homeland Security is the son of Eastern European Jewish communists who escaped to Cuba before escaping again to the United States. They are not stupid. They are not making mistakes. They are intentionally destroying their own country for the sake of placating globalist elites and in so doing, they are dragging the South down with it. It is time to rid ourselves of the morally bankrupt, Yankee anchor.
I recognize that this is hard for many to understand. You have been raised to venerate a country and a flag that was supposed to stand for Christian and Constitutional values you, the Southerner, hold dear. But the Yankee United States is not it. Take a step back and ask yourself the following question: would the Irish fly a British flag over their homes? Would the Polish fly a Russian flag? Would the Koreans fly a Japanese flag? Then why are you flying the flag of your 19th Century conqueror? That flag represents the promotion of LGBT propaganda, pornography, usury, and the exploitation of misguided Southern boys. If you think I am wrong, consider this: two months before the debacle that was the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, the American embassy in Kabul flew the gay, rainbow flag – flaunting the Empire’s commitment to homosexuality in the faces of traditional Muslim people.
The Yankee United States does not represent the South – it never has, and it never will. In fact, it increasingly grows more hostile toward Dixie. Why stay in such a union? To save it? I have heard many a Southerner state that they will not give up on the United States. That is misguided loyalty. The Yankee United States already gave up on you. Now, they exploit your loyalty by means of constant betrayal.
If you believe it is for our defense – united, we are stronger – how so? Do you believe a region of the country that proportionately sends fewer of its young men into the military will somehow come to defend the South if she is invaded? By whom will we be invaded? Yankees again? They can try and they will lose. Do Yankees contribute to our growth economically? The South’s generally business friendly region is among the fastest growing economies in the world, when separated out and weighed against GDP. They will tell you that we rely on their generous subsidies while ignoring that the vast majority of those subsidies go to Yankee retirees who relocated to the South and residents of “the Black Belt.” Since they love those people so much, they can gladly take them off our hands. There is simply no benefit, whatsoever, to remaining in a union with exploitative, immoral creatures. Think me wrong? Open your Bible and tell me what God says about staying in Sodom.
In sum, the totality of policies and cultural norms highlights the extreme differences between Dixie and the Yankee United States. It is of no benefit to Southerners to remain wedded to a dying Yankee empire. They are committing suicide. Let them do so, but do not let them suicide us, too. You can start by taking down your Yankee American flags and reembracing your country’s home flag.
My country is Florida. Her beautiful red saltire and the center emblem reinforcing our faith in God flies proudly over my home. Florida is my concern. Tallahassee is my capital. For you, it may be Montgomery, Jackson, Nashville, Austin, or Columbia. What it is not is a repugnant city wedged between Virginia and Maryland comprised of depraved lowlifes. Concern yourself with the affairs of your beautiful Southern countries. The best way to serve those homelands is to depart from the Yankee United States and create our own union of likeminded states. Secede before it is too late.
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (
Deus Vult!
I of course agree with ‘what’ you’re saying, and am hoping you’ll follow up with the ‘how’ it’s to be done. Specifically, the real reason Lincoln wouldn’t just let the Southern States go the first time around was because the general government wasn’t about to lose all that revenue! Now the reach over the states is in fact global, and they have tentacles that make secession from them (either individually or collectively) far more problematic. They don’t even need to invade militarily as an army. Again, astute and prophetic men from that time, like Dabney and De Tocqueville, prefigured Orwell and saw our day coming … something much worse than even Orwell imagined.
Hear, hear!
No Russian ever called me “nazi”.
Southern governors are addicted to federal greenbacks.
No Russian ever called me “cracker”.
Good Lord have mercy!!! A post with an actual solution. At first I thought I was dreaming … then when I finished reading and knew the article was a 12 on a 1 to 10 scale I KNEW I was dreaming. But no! No … we have a southron pulitzer in our midst. Yes Mr. Padraig gets the prize which is to send this out to kingdom come for others who may be trapped in a prison of continuous narration of our demise without ever a whisper of solution. Sir you deserve a hug ( don’t worry we’re not gay ), a fine dinner and a humongou$ donation! PLEASE keep up the good work. Southern thinkers like you are rare.
Just 2 cents from trench’s of Dixie as you bask in glory … to “secede” without ( much ), bloodshed, we need to get EVERYONE – even the libtards – on board. Last legit polls I saw about 70 + % of everyone wants their own country / state / republic. This is good. Even many in the deep state want this! IF we present the idea of ‘restructuring’ to “please all the people all the time,” it will stir conversations across America and get MORE on our side. We shant call it “secession,” but “restructuring,” to benefit all. See? Low risk high reward and we get what we want. An all white Dixie 2.0. Simply push the idea to corral “all the racists, sexists, homophobes, etc.,” into the south. ( NOO please don’t throw us in the briar patch! ) 🙂
Can’t wait for your next ( and next ), posts. Well done sir.
I am sickened about Richmond, and Virginia. To think that the state that gave us the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Henry Lee( Light Horse Harry Lee), and his son Robert E. Lee. To think it is a den of perversion now.
Beautifully stated, Mr. Martin. This Maine copperhead fully supports the Southland and her God-given right to pursue her own destiny. I must admit, I truly envy the southern nationalists. They have an authentic and firmly established Anglo-Celtic heritage on which to rebuild a sovereign homeland. For us rightist/traditionalist dissidents in the North, we are trapped in a swiftly dying hellscape. When this system finally self-destructs, as it inevitably will, as it collapses under the weight of it’s own irrationality, upon what common, shared culture and heritage do we rebuild? From which historic demographic do we draw inspiration? There is none.
The North never truly had this; certainly never an admirable one. A society crafted by proto-Marxist Puritan Roundhead regicides, Quaker cowards, effeminate abolitionists, and rootless urbanite merchants? No thanks. The North has always been a regional hodgepodge of scheming opportunists. There was indeed a common rural farming class here once. Shay’s Rebellion, the Whisky Rebellion, the New York State/Connecticut Border Wars, Indian Wars, etc. were all fomented by these honest Anglo-American Christian folk. But their posterity never maintained it. Their descendants cared little for their own history. They all went westward or flooded the cities where tribes of continental European immigrants already dominated.
I don’t know the answer. I don’t know if there will ever be an answer. In any case, our prayers are always with you, our Southern compatriots. May God save the Southland.
Sic Semper Tyrannus
would be amazing if the south could secede but last time we tried that it made things worse, still better than the alternative though I suppose.
“What it is not is a repugnant city wedged between Virginia and Maryland comprised of depraved lowlifes” Notice the names of the two states that the capital was chosen to be in.
Suddenly, all the catholics pouring across our southern border with no consequences makes sense!
Klaus Schwab, the United Nations, and blue states, eduction, RINO’s etc are the reasons we should think about succession. The elites are human and few. They have to come out sometime. Justice has a date with them. My family came here from England in 1635 to escape tyranny. My 5th great grandfather, John Hart, signed the Declaration of Independence. Tyranny has returned. If the midterms are compromised, I am for succession. Will our men who are and we’re soldiers support this though? Hard facts must be determined. The Nazis are in charge now. It is our duty to stop them.
They’re not Nazis. They’re Bolsheviks. Huge difference.
I was going to say that maybe a combination. But upon reflection, you are correct. They are communist.