Most experts in the complex field of international relations and statecraft would classify Sana Marin, the prime minister of Finland, as a “thot.” This is a term used frequently behind closed doors in the halls of power with which the general public probably isn’t acquainted. I hope this doesn’t come across to you as overly pedantic.
Bringing a peaceful, prosperous nation with no real external security threats to the brink of annihilation by a superpower that previously considered it a friendly neighbor is skill most men simply don’t possess. In terms of looking good in yoga pants, she’d beat any man in her doomed country. So, of course she’s the right person for the job. As an aside, I’d like to state for the record that I find yoga pants highly distracting.
Her counterpart in Estonia is also coming up with terrific ideas for national security. For example, shunning Putin like a college girl who’s been kicked out of a sorority:
“Putin feels that he’s the center of attention because everybody wants to talk to him.”
“I feel that if everybody is constantly calling him, he doesn’t get the message that he’s isolated. So if we want to get the message through that actually ‘you are isolated,’ don’t call him – there’s no point,”
The Russians are saying they will pursue a “military-technical solution” to this NATO expansion, which is the same thing they told the Ukrainians. They’re demonstrably determined to take action against security threats, can’t be deterred with military force, sanctions don’t work on them, and they can’t be internationally isolated. This means the 5.5 million people of Finland have now been placed at their mercy.
The special operation in Ukraine hasn’t even required mobilization. Much, much more conventional force could be used if needed. A rational leader would ignore the bogus media narratives and take these factors into serious consideration when the Russians inform him that if he does Step A, they’re going to do Step B.
This reckless idiocy in Europe is so risible that it will probably be good in the long term. The survivors are going to notice there were a bunch of female leaders. They’re also going to realize that insane events transpired which were entirely preventable. The connection is going to be hard to ignore.
Ursula Von Der Leyen presides over a continent on the cusp of catastrophe and the European Parliament opens with “interpretive dance” so wacky you’d think the performers were strung out on drugs if you saw them on an urban street corner:
It used to be common sense that the only matter of force in which women should be involved was perhaps slapping a drunken pervert. They don’t have good heads for these sorts of things. In fact, they really don’t even have heads for political matters that precede the use of force. That’s why we’ve devolved from political discourse that addressed issues to hysteria and platitudes meant for triggering emotions in the time since they’ve been allowed to vote.
The Falklands War is often marketed as some sort of feminist triumph. In reality, the British military was led by highly capable and experienced men who planned and recommended an operation to Margaret Thatcher. They then dispatched men down to the South Atlantic to carry it out against men from Argentina.
At this point, it doesn’t seem possible for White men of the old caliber to rise through the ranks of a Western military and provide competent advice to a female politician. Clearly, these broads are so poorly acquainted with how a war would work they can’t even see the folly in allowing American missile batteries to be stationed across the water from St. Petersburg. The ironic thing about girl power is that it’s actually sufficient to turn a country into a crater.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I was watching the news conference the other day following the grocery store shooting in Buffalo. I know I must have looked like Will Stockdale on No Time for Sergeants as each “leader” came to the podium to speak. Many moons ago, I would occasionally watch C-SPAN with the same dumbfounded look on my face. Ha, ha.
Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his analysis shows the world will start a huge war cycle by 2023. This type of war is similar to WWII but much bigger.
first moves of military-technical solution:
Links don’t work. May be scam, don’t click.
go here and find images on left side bar … images also shows islamic weaponized immigration (green arrows) into Europe before and accelerated with Iraq fiasco x’s 2…
“There is no form of human excellence before which we bow with profounder deference than that which appears in a delicate woman, adorned with the inward graces and devoted to the peculiar duties of her sex; and there is no deformity of human character from which we turn with deeper loathing than from a woman forgetful of her nature, and clamorous for the vocation and rights of men.” pp. 224-5.
Albert Taylor Bledsoe, ‘Liberty and Slavery’
I’m reading the memoirs of Hanna Reitsch right now and pondering why it is I find so much to admire in her, while I have that “deeper loathing” that Bledsoe describes in someone like Sanna Marin. I think the difference is that Hanna Reitsch chose a vocation ‘with and among’ men, while it seems that women like Sanna Marin actively seek to ‘supplant and replace’ men.
any woman who wears yoga pants in public is a whore that’s my politically correct take