Salvaging the Narrative

Official lies are disseminated in narratives. One feature of people who are compelled by these narratives is that there’s zero introspection about the current narrative when the last one was proven false. In other words, the contradictions mean nothing. However, some actually do need a rhetorical mechanism to write the last narrative off. This offers explanatory and predictive value for how events unfold.

For example, there was a quick pivot from the mantra that vaccines are “safe and effective,” which is why they must be mandated, to then dropping the mandates and blaming the rampant side effects on COVID. The new narrative doesn’t make any sense according to the old narrative, but it does move these people along.

For BLM’s summer of carnage, they were fed the line that it wasn’t about burning stuff down it was about protesting racial injustice. It couldn’t be denied that stuff was burning down, that was visible from space. Moreover, it’s very hard to make a case that burning stuff down was good with a straight face. In fact, nobody is allowed to burn stuff down anymore precisely because that’s bad. So, they just say it was about racial injustice without trying to enforce cognitive dissonance.

Ukraine is the most challenging narrative to salvage yet. At first, they were told that Ukraine was winning and the Russians would be vanquished in a matter of days. Right now, the narrative has shifted to Ukraine is holding out in a war that could drag on for quite some time. This will work until a massive Russian ground offensive takes out up to 50,000 Ukrainian soldiers. After Russia consolidates control over the east and Black Sea coast, it’s not going to hold up at all.

A formal withdrawal or surrender that enables these young men to start families and rebuild instead of dying pointless deaths would clearly be to the benefit of whatever is left of Ukraine. The probability of the U.S. allowing this to happen is extremely low.

Next, it will be claimed that Russia wasn’t able take western Ukraine because it was fought to a standstill. This can be declared a victory while allowing these soldiers to return home would be an acknowledgement of defeat. If they’re dead, it can be said that they saved the west from Russian conquest. It doesn’t have to be acknowledged that Russia didn’t want that area and these people never listen to the Russian take on things anyway. So, to the U.S. their deaths won’t be pointless. They’ll be for the new narrative.


  1. This whole thing reminds me when western powers supported XIX-century Polish uprisings against the Russian Empire. Cheering on, empty promises only for more blood to be spilled. Once the uprising was squashed, comfortable silence settled afterwards: Polish negro did their job, Polish negro can go now.
    At least today they’re whipping themselves up in genuine hysteria and sending nice equipment. Wha’t won’t change are the cinders and rubble at the end, followed by mass emigration…

  2. Anyone else remember the hazy skies during the summer of 2020 from the wildfires out West? I’m all the way across the country, but it was visible even here. Was like some kind of prelude to the End Times or whatever, or at least it felt that way at the time. We shall see if that analysis is correct here in the next few years.

    No idea why Putin is fighting such a limited war and allowing all these weapons to get into the Ukraine, and likely sold on the black market. He could’ve had the entire country annexed in a week, or at least the first month or two if he wanted to be really careful about avoiding civilian casualties. Someone jamoc is going to shoot down a passenger jet with one of those stinger or Javolin missiles and they’ll blame it on Russia.

    Probably, those Azov guys are going to be, or already are funded by NATO and the US Govt to go around training useful idiot neo-Nazis (think: the CIA funded and run Atomwaffen) to do terrorism, which’ll be used as a false front opposition in order for Western Bloc countries to clamp down on domestic conservative people, lumping them in with the neo-Nazis. Hopefully I’m wrong about this.

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