Protocols of the Elders of Disney

As diabolical as it is, there is something strangely impressive about how thoroughly globohomo has remade Disney in its own image. In many ways, it represents the crown jewel of their decadent empire (for the sheer cultural aspect of it). Disney is, or at least used to be, a symbol of innocence, purity, and old-fashioned ideals. For generations growing up, Disney was the mark of quality, not only in terms of technical quality (the quality of their animated output from the 1930s and 1940s is still unmatched) but also morality, too. “Disney made it, so it will be okay for kids,” was said by parents for decades, and for many years they were right. So ingrained was this in our culture, that many failed to see what was happening as the company began to change in the 1990s. At that time, Baptists were boycotting Disney for what they considered as a creeping erosion of the company’s traditional values. And almost everyone, including some otherwise solidly rightwing people, mocked them for it. It was seen as a gross overreaction by moralizing busybodies because “Disney would never do that.”

These past few weeks have shown that the Baptists were right all along. Recently, the state of Florida passed what has been disingenuously called the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which the media is portraying as a literal banning of the word “gay.” They are framing it that way because what the bill does has broad support, not only on the Right but even in the Center and what remains of the sane Left. The bill bans discussions on sexual orientation and gender ideology from kindergarten to the 3rd grade and requires discourse on both topics to remain age appropriate after that. The bill also gives parents the ability to find out what their children are being taught. In other words, it is a commonsense bill that would have passed with flying colors in 2010, let alone 1990, assuming you could get anyone to believe that kindergarten teachers would actually tell their students about transsexuals back then. After trying to avoid the issue at first, Disney was eventually forced to threaten Florida after the Alphabet People pitched a fit.

Later, footage was leaked that showed just how depraved the company’s executives are/were. In a Zoom meeting, one openly discussed how they were trying to “queer” children’s programing, something very important to one top executive as she is the mother of children that are “trans” and “pansexual.” Watching it was one of the most infuriating and sickening things I have ever seen. You really do get a sense of just how far they will go to destroy children. For the elites, having a child like this is a feather in their cap, and something they can use for social prestige. That is how far gone they are and how far they are from anything resembling normalcy. This is beyond politics – this is demonic. Disney is a company at war with both Heritage America and Christ.

To understand how this happened, we must travel back to the Occupy protests of 2011-2012. I can remember it well. I was a hardcore libertarian then, but there was still quite a bit I liked about the movement. Sure, some of them were a bit dopey, but they were right about corporate power. Even as I did not like most of their solutions, as libertarian I wanted to end corporate power simply by ending the regulatory state (a view I now consider naïve). But there was one aspect of the Occupy movement I found particularly refreshing – they wanted to ignore social issues that divided the 99% and focus on big tent economic issues. I was still culturally conservative at that time, but there was a “you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone” aspect I liked, at least back then. I now see this as too trusting. At any rate, it looked like they might have been able to challenge the oligarchs for a brief period of time.

Unfortunately, that could not be, corporations eventually crushed the movement by offering a deal to the Far Left – “we will give you free reign to radically transform the United States, as long as you do not talk about class.” And it worked. Very soon, certain people started worming their way into the Occupy movement and claiming things like abortion was “really an economic issue.” The fact that a significant part of the 99% thought it was abhorrent be damned. Afterwards, other culturally leftist positions took over and dominated the class-based appeals of the early Occupy movement. If you are ever wondering why so many leftwing movements went from spending decades at the fringes of academia to having the full support of almost every power institution in less than a decade – that is why.

The idea was that the Establishment would eventually end the anti-corporate Left while the Republican Party would still remain firmly on the side of the “job creators,” even as their voter base was/is pummeled in the Culture War. It may be fiendish, but at the time it made sense. The GOP was openly trying to distance itself from the hot button cultural issues that had been used to bring Evangelicals and Catholics into the fold. It was also around this time that the GOP nominated Mitt Romney for president, a man with so little grounding and principles that he ran to the left of Ted Kennedy on social issues when he ran for senator of Massachusetts. Eventually, the Republican base wised up and realized they were at war and Mitt Romney would not fight for them. This is why Donald Trump won, Heritage America found out the job creators wanted them dead.

For all of Trump’s failings, this cannot be taken from him – he managed to break the long hold that being reflexively pro-corporate has had on the Right. This is where the Florida bill comes in. Disney has a pretty sweet deal with Florida. Not only do they not pay taxes, Disney World is essentially its own little fiefdom. In exchange, Florida would get tax money from tourists. It was a deal that Republican hacks liked but Democrats, giving credit where credit is due, did not. But now, by Disney becoming radical, it looks as if Florida will call Disney’s bluff and end the sweetheart deal. Thanks to COVID, Florida now realizes that it has more power than they thought they did. Disney World shutdown, but the state still did fine economically. Meanwhile, Disney cannot do much to Florida. Not only just because of the obvious logistical issues of moving something like Disney World, but also because something like Disney World can only really be in a few places in the United States – the weather has to be perfect year around. A place like Illinois is too cold in the winter, while Texas is too hot in the summer and Kansas is both. This essentially leaves south and central Florida and southern California, and southern California is out. There is a reason why Walt Disney built Disney World in Florida rather than just expanding the already existing Disneyland – it was too densely packed and the cost of land was too high, even back in the 1960s. To do this today, to say nothing of getting through all the red tape, means Disney can’t really do anything to Florida. All this is, of course, contingent on DeSantis staying firm, which I think he will. He’s a smart guy and, more importantly, he wants to be president. He knows that if he caves, it’s over for him.

Plus, thanks to Disney’s dealings with China and various Islamic countries, the Right has found out that Disney’s bark is far worse than its bite. As long as there is money to be made, they will absolutely overlook something the Left finds abhorrent. Instead of complaining about double standards, the Right has, at last, decided to weaponize this to their own advantage. Remember that Florida is not the only state where we have seen this shift. Just a few years ago, a handful of Atlanta-based corporations were able to bring down Georgia’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. When they tied to do the same thing when Georgia passed a bill to prevent voter fraud, they tried the same playbook again. But this time around, the state just looked them in the eye and said, “What are you going to do about it?” As it turns out, not much.

If DeSantis stands firm, Disney will be forced to go back to the Alphabet People and explain to them why they caved. And while they have ignored Disney’s dealings with China and some Islamic countries for years, the situation is different in Florida. Remember that “the Woke” hate Whites. They are willing to overlook China and Islam because they are not White. DeSantis is not only White, he’s a Southern Christian male. He is the personification of everything they hate. They won’t ignore this one, they will want blood.

All this though is contingent on DeSantis standing strong, which I think he will. But since I know you, dear reader, are curious, what happens if he does not? The result would be a disaster and set the Right back, likely forever. The Alphabet People would smell blood in the water and go after Florida. It would also mean corporations would know they can continue to buy off the Left. And, the Right’s best hope in the post-Trump era would prove himself to be a man without a backbone, just another Mitt Romney at the end of the day, albeit one that talks a better game. DeSantis must realize there is no reason for him to do this, polling is showing that this is popular with voters who know what is actually in the bill, including Democrats. Besides, he wants to be president, and his name will be mud with the Right if he backs down. Florida has all the advantage. Florida can easily start treating Disney like any other company. Disney cannot leave Florida. COVID proved once and for all that Disney needs Florida more than Florida needs Disney. These are all things DeSantis should know, and I suspect he does. This could be the moment that future historians date as the beginning of the end of globohomo, or a new stage in its reign of terror.

It’s all riding on Florida Man (God help us).


  1. It seems you’re putting too much stock in the reality of the sociopolitical scene. It’s all theater for the masses who still believe in false paradigms like democrat/republican, liberal/conservative, etc. The ELDERS are pulling all the strings in this globohomo charade and they’re not about to let anything escape their calculations. They may be willing to negotiate some of their methods along the way, but the goal is absolute (underline that) power.

    A good companion to the ‘Protocols’ is ‘Red Symphony’, an interrogation of C.G. Rakovsky by Stalin’s agents.

  2. @everyone.
    The battle is to capture the children’s minds, the Red Fascist did this to Mexico and Germany in the early 30s, all forms of degeneracy including the Donkey act, to re paganism the Mexicans (LAWLESS ROADS. Graham Greene. 1935) and demoralize the Germans, where abortions were carried out up to the day of birth. In the book “THE SALARIED MASSES duty and distraction in Weimar Germany” Siegfried Kracauer. 1929. There was an Anti Semitic Christian labor union in Germany, which preceded the rise of the National Socialist German state. I found that fascinating, the commies couldn’t take over labor in Germany like they did with all the young men of Spain.(THE RED DOMINATION IN SPAIN Preliminary information Drawn up by the Public Prosecutors Office.1946) Hitler was overjoyed that the Germans did not have a bloody civil war like the Spanish did. Unfortunately we know how that turned out for the Germans.

    May Gods Love find you all.

  3. Paragraphs #4 & 5 were great. I was involved with Occupy back then, but didn’t really follow up on why it failed. On a personal level, it was great. I met up with a lot of really cool people and had some really fun times. Often I think back and wonder what happened to some of the people I met there, where they are now, and such.

    To be completely fair, abortion sort_of_is an economic issue, at least when it comes to… ahem… certain demographics. Nobody likes to say this because it “isn’t nice”, but when you recall the BLM riots of 2020… well, they would have been a lot worse if Roe v. Wade hadn’t passed. Not saying abortion isn’t a sin, just that we must consider realpolitik consequences to actions rather than being moralistic about things. “Give unto Caesar’s what is Caesar’s”, worldly pragmatism vs heavenly idealism and all that stuff.

    RE paragraph #7: there’s this weird technical legal thing to where, its argued, that Disney World could become its own de-facto independent country because of how the US laws are structured. No idea if true, but its notable enough that a Snopes article was written on the topic– back before Snopes became a MSM shill

  4. Most Baptists did NOT boycott Disney, at least not from my part of the woods. I know quite a few families who make the trip to Orlando every year. My family is about the only white, middle class family from Wayne County, Mississippi which has avoided the place. We ain’t been, and we ain’t goin’.

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