Nothing To Worry About, Folks

Hubris gets cured eventually. Unfortunately, in America that process doesn’t involve introspection or accountability. That’s why catastrophe seems to be in the cards. The same people who’ve steered us from one disaster to the next since the end of the Cold War are still pulling the strings. No transparent process of democracy is going to dislodge them or their media shills. Here’s a quick inventory of their brilliant schemes:

  • First Invasion of Iraq
  • Sponsoring insurgencies in Chechnya
  • Wrecking Serbia and creating Kosovo as a NATO base
  • Expansion of NATO to the Russian border
  • Afghanistan Occupation
  • Second Invasion of Iraq
  • Aggression against Iran
  • Attempted NATO takeover of Georgia
  • Destruction of Libya
  • Sponsoring ISIS
  • Attempted destruction of Syria
  • Mass murder in Yemen
  • Starvation of Venezuela
  • 2014 Maidan in Ukraine and instigation of civil war
  • Attempted overthrow of the government of Kazakhstan
  • Deliberate provocation of the current Russian intervention

Nothing worked out the way they intended. Often, it led to results they’d consider strategic disasters such as the opening of a Shia Arc from Iran to Israel or an alliance between the two other largest powers on the planet, which they failed to swindle into their plutocracy. Putin warned they’d regret Kosovo 15 years ago, and now he’s using it as a justification. It goes on and on.

Moreover, there’s a clear line of escalating consequences which can be drawn straight down to the bottom of the list above. For instance, Syria was supposed to be dismembered for Zionist purposes with the bonus of booting the Russians from their naval base at Tartus. Instead, they were BTFO’d by Putin’s intervention and exposed as impotent, setting the stage for the big show.

Russian military victory was a done deal from the start. The Ukrainian military has mostly been knocked out and the conventional forces that remain are on the brink of annihilation if they don’t surrender. Russia avoiding doing Fallujahs to Ukrainian cities isn’t a sign of defeat. There’s no point in addressing the hysterical gas-lighting and censorship on this one, so let’s talk about how they could get our lives wrecked.

Despite their string of failures, in contrast to the Russian track record of success at thwarting them, they’ve assumed the Russians didn’t plan on prevailing in a sanctions war as well. That’s odd since the Russians have spent years defying sanctions and fortifying against more inevitably to come. They’re quite vocal about not caring for a reason. I haven’t come across much of anything they can’t work around besides delivering sodomy and miscegenation to living rooms with Netflix.

Hello, hideous hag! Have you been to a pump lately?

In simple terms, declaring war on the world’s largest commodity exporter that works in close partnership with the world’s largest economy won’t go well for the world’s dominant financial parasite. The Russians have been quite vocal about this blunder. By the way, they make lots of stuff. Commodities are probably somewhere under half of their GDP. The push to turn them into Venezuela is more laughably absurd than the notion of enforcing a no-fly zone on them.

If only these tweets could be used at their trial for wrecking America.

The real questions are how badly do our sanctions backfire and the scale of Russia’s retaliation. The second question might be tied to the length and extent we can prolong the conflict in Ukraine. In regards to the first, we’re already experiencing just how badly that’s going.

There’s every indication it’s going to get much worse. They wouldn’t have canceled the Keystone Pipeline or be going cap in hand to Iran and Venezuela if they’d figured this out in advance. It’s amazing but consistent with their general incompetency. I can’t come up with an explanation for the positions they hold besides tribal nepotism.

What’s so frightening is that oil and gas prices are the easiest things to game out in advance. Forecasting how spiked prices, in combination with mass shortages of all the other vital commodities exported by Russia, will systematically impact the global economy is tough, although the general prediction of “we’ve never seen anything this bad in our lives” seems pretty level-headed.

No amount of shilling would cover up the fact that people can’t afford to drive to work or eat as they’ve taken for granted their entire lives. Getting obnoxious hacks to do routines worse than anything Marie Antoinette won’t solve anything. Trying to placate the populace by creating more currency that the world wants less of won’t help either. The real inflation rate might’ve been north of 13% even before this kicked off.

This country is a tragic comedy.

In other words, they’re running out of rope with their lies just as the nation they hijacked is running out of rope with its economic and military strength. We don’t deserve any of this but neither do the Ukrainians or all the other countries they’ve screwed over.

This is the level of clever that’s led to hundreds of expulsions over the course of history.

Imagine a store clerk trying to tell LaQuisha, who is no longer being fed enough to maintain her bloated BMI, that her whole EBT allowance isn’t enough for toilet paper, and then directing her to an essay by David Frum about why this is no big deal in order to calm her down. I’ve been thinking this out long and hard. My red line is single malt scotch. If can’t afford it, I’m going to be like Milton from Office Space when his stapler was confiscated.

“If they take my stapler, I’ll have to, I’ll set the building on fire.”


  1. This: Meta, also known as Facebook and Instagram, will allow users to call for violence against Putin and Russian soldiers. The social network has now officially become a political actor, and it is reasonable to expect that this will extend to any new conflict (or elections) in the future years. Like no one saw that coming. The proto-Liberal tyranny won’t take future election losses laying down.

  2. We’ve not begun to appreciate the full impact of all this…This just in:

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said:

    “We will solve this problem in such a way that never again will we depend on [our] Western partners, be it governments or companies that are not guided by the interests of their business, but have become a tool of political aggression, Russia is now experiencing from the West…We will make sure that we never find ourselves in a similar situation again and that no ‘Uncle Sam’ or anyone else can make decisions that are aimed at destroying our economy.”

  3. All this bullshit started with the tyrant Lincoln and has been rolling down hill ever since.

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