Recent history is a funny thing. Over the last couple of years, the proverbial mask has come off of our totalitarian leftist overlords when they forced us to put literal (and pointless) masks on. The restrictions, lock downs, and mandates very quickly went from being about “science” and “stopping the spread” to being solely about obedience and subservience. This became enthusiastically political and partisan, with many Republicans screeching about liberty and freedom and Democrats screaming about how dumb and racist Republicans were.
Normal, sane people tend to be reluctant to meddle in affairs they don’t know much about. It’s the same line of logic that drives lawyers and self-defense experts to advise people carrying a concealed weapon to not get involved if they stumble upon an altercation. They don’t know who is assaulting whom or why, and getting in the middle of it, while concealed carrying, can cause some serious trouble. It’s also why normal people don’t do exploratory surgery on themselves to figure out why their stomach hurts.
Of course, we are not ruled by people who are sane or normal. They do the exact opposite, to the point where it seems that their knowledge about a particular topic is inversely proportional to their desire to get involved as deeply as possible. The Establishment’s knowledge of Russia seems to be based entirely on the 1980s movie Red Dawn and Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons from their childhood. Their knowledge of Ukraine, beyond it being some kind of money laundering operation near Europe, started three weeks ago and is provided by those money launderers. Naturally, this means they are incredibly excited and full throated in their compulsive need to drag American troops into this conflict.
This pattern can be seen time and time again, from every single thing that’s happened in the Middle East since 1948 to (insert any place with people arguing). Our ruling class has a need to play the wise, 1950s sitcom dad pulling two tussling children apart and lecturing them both. The issue is that America is not Ward Cleaver, the two sides are full of adults, and nobody in DC has a clue as to who is actually right (if anyone) or why the fighting is even happening. As much as our ruling class loves the pose of the kindergarten teacher who makes the two fighting kids hug and make up, the world sees them as the guy who sees a couple arguing at the bar and drunkenly stumbles into the middle of it, despite not knowing either of them or knowing what language they’re speaking.
When you start putting the pieces together, a particular kind of tyrannical mindset starts to emerge. Some would rightly call it “Yankee meddling.” Others would use less offensive language, but sometimes the “y word” is appropriate. It never occurs to a member of the ruling elite that something isn’t their problem to solve. In the meddler’s mind, stumbling across a news article shared on social media is a cry for help – their personal help. The warring factions in the headline of their Twitter feed are begging them for guidance and leadership, because they happened to be looking at their phone when that story popped up.
The meddler’s mindset is not situationally dependent. One does not have an impulse to save the world from itself only on certain issues, and not others. That’s not how instinctive, reflexive mindsets work. It’s not how deeply held beliefs work. The meddler sees every event as an irrefutable obligation for them to impose their opinions, guidance, and direction on others. Those others, being unwilling to submit to the will of a totally ignorant stranger, just proves in the meddler’s mind how badly they are needed. This all leads to some interesting observations regarding those aforementioned Republicans.
If these liberty loving, rock ribbed conservatives were upset about Covid related mandates and the government overstepping its authority domestically, why are they not concerned about it internationally? Why are they so uniformly and vocally supportive of getting involved in a foreign war with no mention of any kind of upper limit to how involved America “must” become? The answer is so simple you’ve probably already figured it out. I mean the other reason, besides bribery from the military industrial complex and protecting their money laundering operations.
These Republicans are just as meddlesome as the Democrats they pretend to oppose. They went to the same colleges, go to the same swanky parties, and get paid by the same lobbyists. The only reason they got mad about any of the Covid related authoritarianism, what little protests any of them did, had little if anything to do with the authoritarianism itself and more to do with who was doing it. The issue was that it was the other team’s boot on your neck, not theirs.
They pretend to care about personal choice and liberty, but like so many other things, they only see it as something to make mouthy declarations about during election season. If they actually believed that being left alone is important, they would instinctively see foreign wars as not their business and, at most, would support humanitarian aid in the form of providing medical supplies to hospitals.
Sadly, this is not the case. In many ways, they are worse than their good friends across the aisle, the Democrats. At least Democrats are honest about their authoritarian lunacy. The Republican Party should embrace it as vocally as they do every other kind of dehumanizing degeneracy and force more people to walk away.

“There can be no greater betrayal of a people’s trust than that of opening the gates to the city while the citizenry sleeps. Most Western nations have been or are in the process of being destroyed by uncountable numbers (again, literally) of unassimilable and resentful if not outright hostile foreigners that entered through the gates opened by the traitors while the citizens metaphorically slept. ~ Irish Savant
It’s always ‘follow the money.’ The warmonger Lindsey Graham gets boatloads of cash from the war profiteers every election cycle. So does practically every other Congress critter. If Lindsey Graham had to put boots on, strap on an AK47, (or whatever the Yankee Empire uses), and challenge a Russian to a firefight in Ukraine, he would quickly change his damn tune. He would be cut to pieces in about two seconds.
One other note: go to , March 5-6 edition. See the very first article. Yankee empire military destroys Iraq, a country which had NOT attacked the U.S., a country about 6500 miles from its borders. Reads just like Sherman’s terrorists burning, pillaging and raping their way through Dixie. It would be hilarious to see a couple of Iraqis come to the U.S., arrest Bush and Cheney, and haul these two war criminals back to Baghdad for trial. And yes, they deserve the same rope around the neck Saddam Hussein got – for crimes against the Iraqi people. Putin is a Sunday school teacher compared to Lincoln, Sherman, Sheridan, Bush and Cheney.
Never an R or D Again!
My state was the first to secede from the U.S. and imagine how hard it is to believe that lisping lady Lindsay and sambo Tim Scott are now our two Senators.Satanism is in control of this world through the demonic Jews most assuredly.I ask myself what did we do to deserve this but I know this evil empire was foretold in the Bible and must occur regardless.God said the demons tremble at His name and I imagine Lindsay does too if he is not blinded by his own apostasy.Christ is King and He will make Lindsay et al pay for ruining and murdering his own.Great article thank you for your efforts.God bless you and yours.