Oh No! Mr. Greenberg!

So much transpires without the official media apparatus asking any pertinent questions. That’s because it would be hard to justify on rational terms. For example, if a young black man walked into an office building and started firing wildly in the direction of a political candidate, society would consider him best kept off the streets while awaiting trial.

That’s exactly the situation in Louisville, where Quintez Brown attempt to mow down mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg and four of his staff. Four is the minimum number to qualify as a mass shooting. Mr. Greenberg doesn’t have a local accent although he reminds me of some sort of caricature I can’t quite put my finger on. My assessment is that he looks like an honest man who wouldn’t be pursuing any sort of ulterior agenda whatsoever.

He pulled out a gun, aimed directly at me and began shooting,” said Greenberg. Nobody was hit. That might seem like a miracle but it’s much less than a coincidence given the shooter’s demographic. I’d like to see some statistics about how many people in the black community are hit as intended targets versus catching stray rounds because my suspicion is that there could at least be a parity.

But, really the question here is will he try to shoot anyone again before trial? The likelihood is quite significant. An organization that bails him out could rightfully be accused of trying to deliberately sow chaos seeing as this individual’s mental clarity is highly questionable while his capacity for lethal violence has been demonstrated.

All they can really do is ignore the general public’s question of “Are you trying to sow chaos?” entirely because the answer is obvious and instead reply with their own question of “Are you pursuing racial justice?” with a “Yes, because America is a White supremacist country.

We saw this approach with the BLM campaign of carnage back in 2020. CNN tried to call it “fiery, but mostly peaceful” while most outlets just focused on the racial justice angle because the violence and looting couldn’t really be explained away as something acceptable.

The problem is whitey’s assault rifles, said the black teen who used a handgun.

Apparently, Mr. Greenberg is Jewish. Somehow, that’s got something to do with why this story is receiving any traction at all. It’s a funny thing how these people receive such obsequious attention, especially from the mainstream conservative media. I’m not sure how that works, but I get the feeling if he’d shot at five Baptists we’d never have heard about this at all.

Nothing in the second tweet is unreal. It’s the first that gives the game away.


  1. Thanks for reporting on this story from my neck of the woods. I had been following it on local news. When an attempted mass murderer is let out on bail because he is Black, you would think that even the normies would wake up and see how anti-White the actions of the government have become.

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