The mainstream media is in a bit of a pickle. On the one hand, most of them have a deep and creepy love for Justin Trudeau. He’s their perfect mix of effeminate totalitarian, elitist, cultural appropriator and smugly ignorant leftist that sends their hearts all aflutter. On the other hand, an intensely newsworthy story is happening in his weird little kingdom.
Some outlets chose to ignore it, probably staring wistfully at pictures of him in blackface and thinking about how woke he is and how well he understands the blacks. The ones who still like pretending they care about facts have only covered little Justin’s unfounded accusations of thoughtcrimes, and they show the same 9 seconds of footage of the one guy with the brand-new Confederate flag. Oddly, they never show the part of the video where he’s told to leave. It’s pretty obvious the guy was a Fed, or whatever those ice people call them, so it was a wise decision.
At this point, nobody should expect this event to be covered even remotely fairly. After all, this is mostly White people protesting peacefully. There’s an air of violence, they tell us. It’s threatening and scary. The phrase “air of violence” is code for “there are no signs of potential violence.” Nobody has made a threat of violence; nobody has made an angry speech. The enemy can’t even find footage of anyone at the protests scowling or even, God forbid, smirking.
The cries by the likely bastard son of Fidel Castro (that’s Justin, by the way) of “racism,” and whatever other weird magic words are popular on the internet, had less than no effect. The only footage I’ve seen at all of anyone even responding to those claims was a black guy, who smiled as he refuted His Lordship’s slander. The attempt to ban gas cans was also ineffective, as thousands showed up with gas canisters to ensure the truckers could keep their rigs running.
In order for a protest movement to be effective, it must have leverage of some kind and it must have momentum. People at Tea Party rallies, or more recently Trump rallies, had no leverage. They are a peaceful lot who clean up after themselves and all vote in different districts down to the local level. They have no real impact on the ruling class, other than giving opportunistic grifters new opportunities to swindle good hearted people who aren’t cynical enough. Those rally goers could not make a viable threat to anything or anyone and were not supporting the same causes the ruling elite did, so they were not used as a pretext to further their goals. The Trump movement still has significant momentum, as his rallies are still largely attended, and his endorsement still seems to hold some value.
The BLM riots (scam) worked because they had both momentum and fake leverage. The ruling elite wanted those riots to be as large and widespread as possible, so no social media outfit ever suspended accounts, banned group pages, or even limited the exposure through shadow banning. Despite the fact that the entire movement is based on a (several times over) disproven narrative, nothing was ever labeled “misinformation.” The natural momentum of the BLM movement, whatever it was, had a massive push from the elite and all their propaganda arms.
The BLM movement also had leverage. Not real leverage, as rioting doesn’t really have consequences for the ruling class. Their houses were protected behind gates and guards, a safe distance from the mostly peaceful vibrancy. Their businesses were well insured and, if damaged, they’d just vote themselves a bailout. BLM had the leverage of being a machination of the ruling class. They funded, organized and supported the movement and helped craft the demands and narratives to dovetail in with their agenda. “No justice, no peace,” was a fun and sassy slogan for the elite because it never meant “no peace” for them, and they got to be the parent who let their kid stay up late to watch a movie.
The trucker protest is a movement where sane White people have accidentally figured this out, and this terrifies our ruling class. The truck drivers have, on their own and without permission, created a popular movement that is supported by the people, and has leverage. If their demands are not met, the supply chain in Canada will be crippled. While “no justice, no peace” made blatant threats of violence, all the truckers and their supporters want is to be free. The difference in response is that, unlike the BLM scam riots, the truckers can actually touch the ruling class.
This actual leverage has caused the mask of our elites to slip yet again. Rather than playing the role of humble public servant, their instincts are that of an angry, confused dictator. Bowing to public pressure does not enter the thought process of the people forced to deal with these actually peaceful, effective protests. They instinctively respond with doubling down on the policies being protested, threats of punishment, and even more accusations of various and sundry “isms” they don’t like.
In the next couple weeks, I expect Justin to publicly stamp his foot and demand answers as to why they won’t just do what he tells them to. The threats, increased restrictions and casting of badthink curses proves one thing: effective protesting is possible for sane White people. If the ruling elite wasn’t worried about the dirt people ruining their comfort and money, they wouldn’t be responding so strongly and with such an air of violence and panic.
Like Smokey and The Bandit, they’re doing what they said can’t be done. They’re peacefully and effectively protesting for something the elites do not want. They will not be mocked or threatened into silence and the protesters have far too much leverage to ignore. We would be wise to take notes and look at ways we can emulate them.

Yessir, when you have the means to empty grocery store shelves and lumber yards, that’s real leverage. Because the power elite can’t grow their own food or cut their own lumber, they are in a bind. And I damn sure enjoy seeing them squirm, sweat and whine. Keep the pressure on, truckers!
Little Fidel , if left to his own decision-making skills, would have long ago Abandoned this “Hold the Line’ position. But because he is a ‘Fully Vested’ employee/puppet of the (((world economic forum))) he is going to Follow Orders, up to and including Use of Military Force, to Crush this Rebellion.
To be fair to big tech, they did censor and ban BLM-supporting accounts when they questioned why the leadership of BLM was not, in fact, anyone who was black, but instead was a group of jews.