A Brilliant Plan

In case you had any doubt to your initial suspicion about Juliette N. Kayyem’s background, she’s an advisor to the company that owns Pegasus spyware and her husband wrote the Obama Administration’s legal justification of the drone strike program against U.S. citizens without judicial process.

Alright, so let’s start with her pithy battle plan:

Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and MOVE THE TRUCKS

Who in their right mind would think that the first three courses of action would facilitate the fourth? How does this wretched, arrogant woman think that vehicles of this size get moved? Does she assume helicopters will come along with ropes and lift them off this suspension bridge? Where would they put all of these disabled trucks? She probably never thought that far ahead about the consequences, which isn’t really strange for them.

They could’ve not mandated highly dangerous experimental gene therapy and none of this would’ve happened. If they were constrained by reason and decency, they wouldn’t have had to confront the conundrum of complaining about truckers shutting things down after years of imposing lockdowns because the hypocrisy of this argument is risible.

The truckers could clear this thing quick, but that would involve acknowledging they have rights and interests that must be respected, which these people are loath to admit. They don’t think you should have rights and they react with neurotic hysteria when you act as if you do. We’ve seen this before. It’s important to note how much of this is motivated by hate, which is why it’s incoherent in terms of objective fairness and sustainability.

The purpose of the Global War on Terror, during which her husband helped authorize a campaign of murder without ever getting his hands dirty (again, not strange for them) was to remake the Middle East for the benefit of Israel.

First was Saddam, who was as anti-Iranian as they come and severely repressed the Shia majority in Iraq, thus disrupting Iran’s Shia Crescent that now stretches all the way to Israel. They arrogantly assumed Iran would fall as well, without considering what would happen once the U.S. military was too depleted for the mission from years of warfare abroad and internally against the White men on whom it relies to function. Strategically, they’re worse off now than before they embarked on their genius plan.

It’s not personal, right.

These people can’t help themselves, which has long been a noted feature of their behavior. Collectively, they’re in pursuit of conflicting goals without any sort of broader consciousness about how it all could backfire, which historically, always happens. They didn’t acquire plutocratic hegemony because they’re the best and brightest and their ideas make sense. They have and will continue to accomplish a lot of bad things, but that doesn’t mean they can win in the long term.


  1. This ignorant AND evil bitch needs to go to Ottawa and attempt to slash some tires. Then one Canadian trucker would stuff her into a garbage can and proceed to roll her ass down the street. Would be great fun to watch and participate in.

  2. Just clicked her Twatter bio, description reads: “…nat’l security expert…”

    >>>>> expert
    and she thinks slashing tires + emptying gas tanks –> moving vehicles off roads

    This is a glimpse into why Washington has lost basically every war since WWII with only a few minor exceptions.

    Random aside: its interesting to ponder how much modern technology boosts womens’ egos by boosting their looks. How old is this broad? I’d say in her 50’s. And yet, jet black hair. If this were prior to when hair dye became accessible to people, probably circa the 1950s if I had to guess, all these “MILF” archetype women would not be nearly as attractive.

    Your mind plays a trick on you when you look at her profile, it says “her hair isn’t grey, so she must be younger and more fertile than the rest of her face would suggest”. Mixed messages.

    Same thing as makeup: ever look at really old school black & white photos of women from like the 1940s and prior? They mostly all look kinda “weird”. Our views of what consistutes “attractiveness” has been twisted and warped *so much* by the widespread use of cosmetics (and now Instagram filters) its really amazing when you really stop to think about it. Its like a really mild prelude to the current transgender thing– “I’m a woman because I look like one after spending 4 hours applying makeup!”. The rot in our society goes much deeper than most are willing to entertain.

  3. I hope this woman goes to Ottawa and tries to slash tires. I would pay good money to see a Canadian trucker stuff her into a garbage can and roll her ass down the street.

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