Base Areas

Any movement that seeks to have any success must make “base areas.” Base areas are locations your party, movement, or organization uses to build up the local community – and with that community, you gain loyalty and strength. Today, I see movements that seem effective but don’t build up those base areas, they are seen as outsiders and have no love or support from the local community. If an organization like Patriot Front built up and invested in some small area in rural Tennessee or America First “Groypers” supported a neglected area in southern Texas, they would have base areas that would favor the group, no matter the media lies about them. Let’s say a Floridian group was helping out the local community in Leesburg, they could assist with its many issues. It may help with a recent fire by offering aid to the local people who lost their homes and possessions, or they could help the homeless/poor population by running a food drive. Also, they could clean up areas after natural disasters or, unfortunately, clean up local parks in the wake of rude Yankee tourists.

The point is this – you need to work for your people, if you want them to work with you.

“Revolution in a modern society is based on creating a counter society in the base areas which are under the Party’s control.”

Kai Murros

You need to build a loyal area of operations for your movement and/or group. Eventually, having and embracing these organizational skills and projects, will help you in actually running a parallel enterprise. You need to effectively replace the local government by providing a better alternative. Make your party (the Party) an integral element of daily life, no local person will be ignorant of the party and no local will have hatred for the party. Take over some small district by winning the hearts and minds of the people – in turn, you can use this as a jumping-off point to gain new base areas and new followers.

The goal is to replace the liberal capitalist system and use this to refine and define your movement’s stratagem. Furthermore, “creating a base area will be begun by organizing a local Party chapter after which the organization will give a declaration concerning its goals and methods in the area,” per Kai Murros. By making sports clubs, or some other physical group, you can keep your members healthy and promote wellness. You want your nation represented by healthy, strong men, not obese people who can’t even jog half a mile.

The party can (if big enough) use its strength and organization to replace the police in a local community and, via legal and ethical means, remove any tumors of violence and destruction plaguing them. You need to make the area secure before you can gain any sense of loyalty from the people. An idea Kai promotes is making a voluntary labor front, you can use this to protect the community from being exploited by outsiders (or insidious insiders). You need the party (or your movement) to be in lockstep and work together in unison. Of course, infighting will spell its downfall. You will also need to collect information on who needs help (financial or otherwise) and help them in any way you can. Again, your mission is to help and promote your people.

The strategy is to gain these base areas and slowly and carefully expand them. By doing so, you can try to free your homeland from the tentacles of liberal capitalism.

-By Baron of Pinellas


  1. This is what used to be normal, families (clans,tribes) in the South dominated local areas an affected local populations policies.

    The transition to a mobile workforce, destroyed these natural alignments. Fortunately, working from home can re-establish local networks, if we emphasize them within our families, and groups of families.

    Nice read.

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