Why Should We Trust The Science?

One of the smartest people I know recently asked, “Why should we trust the science?” After all, most of these “people of science,” scientists, doctors, scientific researchers, etc., can no longer admit basic truths, such as men claiming to be women are actually mentally ill. This is a perfectly reasonable question. If these people seek to normalize aberrant and harmful behaviors, why should we trust them with medicine? If they are willing to publicly and repeatedly lie about things as obvious as someone’s gender, why should we believe their “science”?

To further hammer the point home, it used to be considered a given that corporations exist to make money. It was also considered a given, and oft repeated line, that pharmaceutical corporations don’t treat illnesses, they treat symptoms. They exist to make money and there’s obliviously no money to be made in making the cause of symptoms that require a lifetime prescription to go away.

We now find ourselves in a situation where a previously unused technology is being used by people we don’t trust (until five minutes ago) to create a vaccine that we are the test subjects for and they are legally protected from any consequences. The question is less “Why should we trust the science?” more “How does anyone trust the science?”

The answer lies in a slight misunderstanding of terms, and in religion. My friend was talking about the science, as in a measurable and repeatable event using a well documented process based on observable measurements and proven facts. It is the use of the scientific method. What we are being told to trust is The Science, which is something completely different.

The Science is the supreme deity in the pantheistic religion of Bugmanism. They worship numerous gods like Fentanyl Floyd, Trannyman, and Sustainability, but The Science is the equivalent of Zeus in Greek mythology. It is the gender nonspecific monarch of the gods, because it is that from which all knowledge and goodness flow. The high priests in the temple of The Science make decrees about the opinions of their god using terminology lifted from actual science, but with their definitions twisted to fit the priests’ needs.

One of the most unique aspects of Bugmanism is the fact that many of its most faithful adherents consider themselves atheists. In fact, most Bugmanists have no idea they’re actually in a cult despite being dues paying members who gladly follow along with edicts that have no basis in observable fact. It is bizarre to the point of unbelievability, which actually helps the ruling class priests maintain the illusion that Bugmanism doesn’t exist.

One of the least unique aspects of Bugmanism is the fact that the people at the top not only know that it’s a cult, but they don’t believe any of the things they espouse and only see it as a money making scheme. The high priests of Diversity tend to live in non-diverse, gated communities. The high priests of Public Education tend to send their children to private schools, and the high priests of Climate Change take private planes, with enormous entourages, half-way around the world for a conference that could have been accomplished with a video call over the internet. Those are the most obvious examples, but more can easily be found with little to no effort. The urge to point and sputter about “hypocrisy” is strong for apostate nonbelievers, but they miss the point. It’s not that they’re hypocrites, though they are. It’s that they are scam artists who see the members of their cult as cattle who are beneath them.

To deny their deities is an intolerable offense to the Bugmanist. That is why they see nothing wrong with doxxing people and harassing their employers over a joke made on the internet ten years ago. It’s not just that they find the joke offensive, it’s that they are on a jihad to defend their cult and destroy its enemies. There is no slight too small that it can remain unanswered, and the insulter must be sacrificed to appease the gods. Forgive and forget is not a philosophy applied very often to very many.

The Bugmanists have done an excellent job obscuring the line between science and The Science, often claiming scientists as “S”cientists when it suits them. What is fascinating to see is when science runs counter to The Science, and how quickly and violently the poor fool is cast into the void. One very timely example is the COVID-19 vaccines. The high priests of The Science tell us the vaccines are safe and effective. The doctors who provide data to the contrary are shunned, kicked off the internet, and if they work for hospitals, lose their jobs. In actual science, contrary evidence would be examined and the narrative would be adjusted accordingly. These doctors foolishly believed that they were dealing with other science people who simply had their facts wrong. They found out, however, they were dealing with cultists who would brook no opposition to their holy edicts. In past ages, such blasphemers would be tried for heresy. In our current rule by Bugmanist theocracy, we are not far off from a return to heresy trials.

Where we, the sane people, go wrong is trying to use science to argue against The Science. The warmongering twerp Ben Shapiro once snarkily said, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” He was right, shockingly. Being that it’s Benny, he’s also misleading his audience. He wants them to think they can “own the Left” or win an argument with a Bugmanist with facts. Facts are irrelevant to Bugmanists. While we try to argue data, they argue religion. To the ears of the Bugmanist, people who do things like point out Ivermectin’s effectiveness are just evil heretics. People who point out low female participation in STEM fields are blasphemers. There are other statistics that will give the good Bugmanist the vapors, but those are so obvious they don’t bear much repeating.

Wheeling back around, the question remains – why should we trust The Science? We shouldn’t trust it. It is a dishonest god of a disjointed, nebulous shadow religion most of its practitioners don’t even know they’re a part of. Practitioners of The Science demand trust and obedience. Practitioners of actual science encourage the questioning and examination of ideas.

One comment

  1. Spot on, “The Science“ is a deity to replace the God of Creation, of Heaven and Earth, it is an anti-Christ, that which is in the place of Christ. Just as with any zealot, arguing with them from logic is almost fruitless, but ignoring their religion, or ridiculing it to scorn, produces results in the sphere of the redeemable .

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