Numbers for Narratives

We’re expected to accept the imposition of insane policies that are existentially dangerous while simultaneously taking comfort in the fact that this country is run with competence. It’s a tough sales pitch that requires numbers for pointing, not proving.

In a place like North Korea, the government tosses out digits without needing to provide any justification for how they were contrived. The U.S. isn’t more honest, just less arbitrary. The process for coming up with nonsense is usually disclosed somewhere obscure, not that the public would bother making inquiries in the first place.

Conservative outrage erupted this week when it emerged that the FBI is doing counter-terrorism investigations into parents who complain about tranny rapists and CRT. Terrorism is the most useful political slur, so it would seem like they should keep their powder dry instead of applying it to a massive chunk of Heritage America.

Oh, I’m sure he’ll do that right away.

It makes no sense unless one realizes this will boost the white supremacist domestic terrorism numbers, helping make the claim it’s the premier threat to our national security. It doesn’t matter that the cases cited are bogus because the MSM refuses to discuss the particulars and only dissidents take the time to look them up.

This chicanery has been going on long before the white terrorism hoax. It’s established practice to change the formulas and inputs for calculating GDP and inflation if unacceptable numbers are being produced. Likewise, if too many people are unemployed, the definition gets altered.

The unvaccinated are causing inflation.

One way to interpret the idiotic rhetoric above is that inflation jumped so quickly the administration wasn’t able to implement the usual adjustments for keeping the official percentage low enough. For all his credentials, Biden’s advisor probably couldn’t think of anything better than blaming the unvaccinated.

Numbers are part of science whereas questions about numbers are part of conspiracy theories. Thus, questioning whether or not a terminally ill cancer patient with COVID symptoms is a fair addition to the COVID death tally would be a conspiracy theory about a deadly pandemic which is obvious from the death tally.

For example, Colin Powell could only have succumbed to COVID rather than his cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and being well over a decade past the average life expectancy for a black guy.

Italy recently separated the Colin Powell cases from the ostensibly healthy Italians in their COVID death total and found that people like him (I’m not saying Italians aren’t white, calm down) constituted roughly 97%. This was immediately fact-checked on the grounds that they still had COVID.

Cancer. It’s one of those things you highlight rather than consider as a cause of death.

The beauty of fraudulent numbers is that at some point, everyone will get into math that’s over his head. For most of us, that was before we even got out of high school. I think that’s why the retort of “Oh yeah, are you a scientist? Do you do actual research?” is so effective at shutting down consideration of someone pointing out the clear logic of a simple fraud.

One comment

  1. Did ya read about the fbi kicking in the door of the house in Colorado, and cuffing a mother of 3 homeschooled children for 30 minutes while they ransacked her home. If she is married, her husband should take appropriate action to confront those responsible for this act of terrorism. Correct – these tax parasites are the terrorists in this case.

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