School Shootings In Clown World

I was surprised to see a new school shooter in the news recently and this time it was apparently done by a wealthy black kid in Arlington, Texas.  Not only that, but unlike literally every other school shooter I’ve heard of, he’s out on bond

His defense attorney, Kim T. Cole, even had the gall to make the argument that this isn’t a “standard-issue school shooting.”  I don’t know what kind of magic Cole worked on the case, because the shooter is out on a $75,000 bond.  Bond is weird and different from region to region and always pegged to a combination of factors, including seriousness of the crime and likelihood of committing future crimes.  Still, it seems low because even if it’s just assault with a deadly weapon (though it should be attempted murder), there were four victims: the teacher he shot in the back, a fifteen year old boy in critical condition, a girl who got grazed with a bullet, and a pregnant woman who got pushed to the ground.

I know, I know.  I shouldn’t be shocked at the double standards in our day and age, but the gall of it is what I find so perplexing.  The white and off-white (I’m looking at you, Nicholas Cruz) shooters are always kept in custody, but this kid is let go?  It’s hard to see it as anything other than this kid getting special treatment. 

Granted, this school shooting was indeed different.  It’s four injuries without any deaths (though that could change if the boy’s condition doesn’t improve), but more attention is being paid to the claim that the shooter was bullied than the fact that one of his victims is critically injured.  In typical black family solidarity, the grandmother who helped raise him said “he’s a good child” and blames what happened on him getting bullied.  What’s even funnier is if you get to the end of the article, it points out the shooter’s family “prayed for him, those who were wounded and for Mansfield ISD to address the issue of bullying in schools.”  It just is funny because, since they’re blaming bullying for the shooting, it’s basically praying for the shooter at a 2 to 1 ratio compared to the victims.

I find it hard to believe a boy three years younger than the shooter, a pregnant woman, or a teacher bullied the shooter.  Additionally, by changing the narrative about bullying, it changes the context of the trial. 

Rather than focusing on whether he did or did not commit the crime, the focus is going to be on whether or not he was emotional and therefore couldn’t be held accountable for his actions or that others have culpability therefore his punishment should be lessened.  I’m not saying I think he’ll be completely off the hook (though that wouldn’t shock me in Clown World) but it’s going to be a trial focused on the crimes of the victims rather than of the perpetrator.

I don’t want to oversell that point.  Obviously, a defense attorney is going to try to minimize the blame of his client by creating excuses for his actions.  That’s not what I’m concerned about.  What I’m concerned about is this is very much like the treatment that happened a few years back when Vester Flanagan, that fat, black reporter, shot two of his ex-coworkers while they were recording a segment.  News sources pointed out there were “racial grievances” and that he had faced discrimination and harassment.  It seemed then like an attempt to victim blame and that’s certainly going to come out in this current case.  It’s more of this trend where black people cry “racism” to justify and, at least to some extent, get away with incredibly anti-social behavior. 

Regardless of what happens to the shooter, this is going to be another excuse to trot out critical race theory and anti-racism (anti-whiteness) and anti-bullying in schools.  I’m almost certainly preaching to the choir, but if it is at all possible, pull your kids out of the school system and homeschool or communal school with other likeminded parents.  You will minimize your family’s exposure to toxic environments and you will have to deal far less with violent members of outgroups.


  1. The enrollment at Mansfield Timberview High School is overwhelmingly majority-minority at 87% minority races – 46% black, 23% hispanic, 13% Asian, etc., and only 13% White (total enrollment: 1,879). This is not a school, it is a hellscape!

    We’re to believe, in spite of those numbers one supposes, that the shooter was “bullied” by the 13% White demographic, since of course only whites can be racist and bully their weaker peers. Meanwhile, anytime a story like this surfaces, the very first thing I do is to check the demographic makeup of the school in question, and I am almost never wrong in my initial assumptions.

    What always gets me above all else in any case is that the parents of roughly 244 students (approx. 50% of which are girls) enrolled in the school have *voluntarily* placed their kids in such a dangerous and hostile environment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not shocked by this – if COVID madness has taught us anything at all, it is that there exists a certain (White) demographic who firmly believe it their duty to their fellow man to sacrifice their children as guinea pigs for testing the safety and effectiveness of an experimental “vaccine.” Likewise do many of the same screwballs believe it their duty to place their children in these hostile school settings, where, there can be no doubt, a large percentage of that number experience actual bullying and harassment at the hands of the majority demographic on a daily basis.

  2. The absurd double standard and nonsense of the argument in defense of this “kid” aside, the viciousness of these school beat downs and fights if they were to occur in the streets clearly would justify lethal force to defend oneself. And these school fights do carry over into the streets where they obviously become lethal more often.

    As an aside, not that there were latinos involved here, but with other recent videos of black and brown not mixing in Texas especially, is hardly a new concern. Keep in mind that 17-18 is AVERAGE age for gang members with high schools showing huge increases in gang affiliation as urban demographics darken overall.

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