Promoting Literacy

It’s tough for a young mind to interpret text when the literal definition of words have been rendered meaningless. For instance, the “victims” are actually the “villains” now, but the words remain the same on paper. That’s got to be pretty confusing.

Senators don’t listen to the ADL. That’s why you need to call.

It’s another level complication to have these fake meanings constantly changed. Thus, modern terrorists are the same sort of people dispatched to fight retro-terrorists 20 years ago. Imagine trying to make sense out of that in a history textbook.

Yeah, I agree.

Where it gets really tough is how the parallels between these words that don’t mean what they say they mean are so out of whack that a young mind could get distracted by wondering if the people using them are nutjobs.

For example, understanding that the carnage of 9/11 is comparable to a MAGA rally last January will require fresh educational interventions for all students who aren’t also learning how to read a certain Satanic text written in a desert language.

So, my point is that kids need to learn how to read. But, they also need to grasp how the words they’re learning to read don’t mean what they’re learning what they mean. Moreover, they need to develop an understanding that elementary school mathematical concepts like proportionality don’t apply to these words.

Then, they’e be able to read Bush’s speech and understand how one woman getting shot in the throat for breaking a window is comparable to thousands of deaths from an airplane-induced skyscraper collapse.

I’d rather be strapped into an airplane and rammed into a skyscraper than labeled “a racist” but I’ve got to acknowledge that there are certain disparities in educational outcomes. What that means is that it’s going to be much more of a challenge to cram these concepts into the minds of black learners because they tend not to learn how to read much of anything, let alone the newspeak.

I’m not the only one out there with these sorts of concerns. Just in time, the benevolent George Soros has sponsored a special school for just this purpose. The curriculum is centered on the 1619 Project. It aims to train students who live in the violence, dysfunction and squalor of a black community to use the insights gleaned from this experience to understand how their ancestors built America.

In a repressive country like China, students are taught to read a newspaper and recognize how Mr. Soros is a “terrorist,” in the literal sense of the definition. But, remember that Chinese people didn’t build America. Black people did.

I’m eager to see how the curriculum performs. However, I’m a bit skeptical of black students embracing a rather convoluted teleology. After-school programs for them have traditionally been offered simply to provide a couple more hours of supervision after the bell rings.

If I were the principal, remedial courses would be taught such as How To Avoid Shooting A Family Member While You Smoke A Blunt And Make Threats On FB Live and Impulse Control: A Proven Anti-Incarcerator. Also, Why Industrial Equipment Wasn’t Made From Cotton. It’s too bad I won’t be getting any of that Soros cash. Best of luck to them.


  1. Ask Manuel Garcia about that ‘skyscraper collapse.’ He says Bush’s henchman Cheney directed the explosives-planting job. What a shame that Bush and Cheney haven’t been hanged by the neck until dead, just like their old buddy Saddam was.

    1. Sounds like a nut job, rightwing freak, tbh. Would you like some sunblock for that after-glow?

  2. Tbh? I can’t think of a single word in the English language which doesn’t require at least one vowel. Are you from California, perhaps? You must have wandered onto Identity Dixie by mistake.

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