They Can’t Take The Small “L”

I’m not an expert in global strategy, but the culminating debacle in Afghanistan is obvious. The Taliban knew they were taking back the country and the U.S. knew this as well. However, a safe and orderly transition would’ve had to culminate in some sort of formal handover like the British did with Hong Kong. Prince Charles said it was the most humiliating thing he ever did:

This would’ve been much easier.

So, the geniuses in the Biden Administration bought into some of their own BS. They wagered it on the possibility that the Afghan puppet government could hold out until U.S. forces departed, and then as a goodwill gesture for leaving, the Taliban would allow the U.S. to save a bit more face by maintaining an embassy.

Instead of expecting them to fight to the death for a farce, a wiser decision would’ve been to take the smaller L to avoid the big one. There would’ve been a handshake and a flag lowering ceremony. The Afghans who wanted to flee could’ve gotten on a bus to some other godforsaken place rather than flown directly to our backyards. Not a proud day, but an easy one.

The underlying issue here is that they’re full of shit about Afghanistan along with everything else. They were terrified that once they admit it, the whole game is up and not just this particular side match. It seems that on a subconscious level, they understand that they’re doing bad things to people and that God is going to punish them for it.

They’re petrified that this wrath is going to come in the form of an army of rednecks who’ll put down their beer cans and stream out of the trailer parks towards DC to hang everyone from lamp posts. If you’re looking for an explanation to the surreal hysteria we’ve been experiencing since the first Trump campaign began, that’s basically it.

Historically, they have a pathological fear and contempt for Christian peasants. The notion they could revolt with some inspiration from cave-dwelling Muslim bandits is even more unnerving.

In other words, they’re terrified that the simpletons will smell the shit, and then they’re gonna pay because that’s generally how it happens. They’re calling us terrorists because they’re terrified of us. It’s not because of a criminal act that they pioneered and we have no desire to commit.

There’s a heartening lesson from Afghanistan. They can’t stomach a small L out of fear they will be exposed. But, this ends up in a much bigger one that exposes them even worse. This is part of an accelerating trend that began with the absurd pandemic. Next it was the peaceful BLM rampage, the unquestionable 2020 election, and now military retreat.

We can be sure of more to follow, and confident that they won’t make any concessions to slow it down. Hopefully this is proceeding like a set of dominoes that won’t crush us at the end but I don’t really know.


  1. The most important part of this Afghan debacle is that we betrayed our NATO allies. We didn’t even inform them about our bugout. That is a major blow to our alliance system.

    To make it worse, the Brits, French and Germans actually put special forces into the airport and are running rescue missions into Kabul while we sit on our thumbs. The American general in charge of the airport complained to the British SAS commander that the Brits were making us look bad. We finally got ashamed enough to run a mission of our own.

    The masks are off. Everyone sees us for the enfeebled wreck that we are, especially the Russians and Chinese. There will be hell to pay.

  2. All true. The problem that I am most concerned with, as always, is Southern disorganization. We can not take advantage of this disaster just like we never do with anything else. How do we plan to reclaim out home? The only interest I have in Afghanistan is how that translates into our home being free of invaders and returned to our people along with the restoration of our freedom.

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