COVID Hysteria: The Real Pandemic

Note: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice.

A weird trend is emerging where people who otherwise distrust the government or medical community treat both as sacrosanct.  The reason for this is obvious.  It’s fear. Whether it’s fear of the virus, fear of reprisals from the government (hello, Soviet America), or fear that things will never go back to normal, it is fear, not reason.  It is not reasonable to say in the same breath that the Sackler family and physicians across the country overprescribed opioids due to perverse incentives and created the opioid crisis and simultaneously that despite these perverse incentives in the medical community, it is irrational to distrust the medical community in regards to COVID.  Billions of dollars have been made over the pandemic by Big Pharma, and while some are trying to spin this as a good thing, what is indisputable is that we’re talking tens of billions of dollars of profit from the pandemic.  When that much money is on the table, of course greed is going to cloud judgment.

One of the main arguments made by the pro-vax crowd is that we need universal vaccination to prevent the virus mutating into something deadlier.  Even assuming for the sake of argument you could vaccinate 100% of the American people, this ignores the fact that 1) the disease still spreads, and therefore can mutate, amongst the vaccinated and 2) many countries don’t have the logistical capabilities of the U.S.  India is still the #1 public defecation capital in the world (though President Modhi has taken steps to fix that). The idea that they could somehow get all over 1 billion of their population vaccinated is absurd.  They would need to do this before a mutation, which obviously won’t work.  Then, people will say “oh, well we’ll need boosters,” which then repeats the very logistical hurdles of getting everyone vaccinated in the first place.  When you consider the new strains of COVID that have emerged in India, Brazil, the UK, and elsewhere, it becomes obvious that even if 100% of Americans got vaccinated, the amount of international trade and travel would mean the new variants get here, anyway.

The main issue about arguments over COVID is that it is impossible to produce a source that the pro-vax crowd will accept.  This is regardless of whether the source itself is right or wrong, due to how the medical community operates.  To practice medicine, you must be licensed.  You can also lose your license if you say things the medical establishment does not like (if you go against the “settled science”).  Therefore, any doctor who knew the reaction from the medical establishment over COVID is incorrect would be afraid of speaking out against it because the direct economic effect on their families would be that the breadwinner can no longer work as a doctor because they’ve had their license pulled. 

Additionally, any doctor who is willing to risk their family’s welfare by speaking out and losing their license would then be labeled as a quack and would therefore be disregarded by anyone you’re trying to argue with. When you have a licensure board that has complete control on the credibility/careers of those in the field, that board obviously can control the speech of those practicing under it (much like how the founder of the Weather Channel pointed out that the only way for climate scientists to get funding is to produce reports that support the establishment position).

Now, some of you reading this may say it seems silly to trust a discredited doctor who has lost their medical license over the medical establishment and, generally, I would say that is a fair position.  However, it should not be an absolutist one. You need to keep in mind why this appeal to authority is misplaced as an absolute.  Aside from the fact that those trusting the medical establishment are essentially creating a religion out of doctors, there’s the simple fact that the medical establishment is often stubborn to accept controversial truths.  The first doctor to advocate regularly washing your hands, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, was mocked by the rest of the medical community at the time, despite producing real results (this fellow died in 1865, so not long ago).  Doctors used to routinely prescribe what we know to be horribly addictive drugs (and still do through the above mentioned opioids).  Even more recently and obviously, we can look at how the WHO and the psychiatric community no longer classify transgenders as mentally ill (though playing video games too much is a mental disorder, apparently).  If doctors can’t admit that a man in a dress is mentally ill, do you really trust what they want to shoot into your veins?

At the end of the day, the question is simple.  Do you believe that the people advocating you to get the vaccine have your best interest at heart?  If they don’t, then why are you listening to them? That’s not to say a fact is wrong simply because of the source, but it makes no sense to take something unquestioningly from a source you already do not trust.  If the U.S. government was concerned about preventing the spread of deadly diseases, you would think California wouldn’t have gotten away with downgrading the knowing infection of HIV to others from a felony to misdemeanor.  That’s right, in California you committing biological warfare on people is just a misdemeanor, but don’t you dare go around without a mask and vaccine.   

Another thing you should keep in mind is noticing that all these politicians who talk about the necessity of masks, vaccines, lockdowns, etc. don’t practice what they preach.  For those of you who have watched Chernobyl, you may remember the scene where Legasov meets the chief miner who points out that “if these [masks] worked, you’d [the politicians] be wearing them.”  We see something similar with COVID.  The politicians only have the masks on when the cameras are on, but when they think they aren’t being watched, they do what they wish. If there was actually concern about COVID, Gavin Newsom wouldn’t have had a big dinner party, Barack Obama wouldn’t have had a big birthday (where despite everyone being vaccinated, 74 people tested positive for COVID after), and AoC wouldn’t have waited to put on her mask till the photo op.

We also are seeing how ineffective the vaccine is, as evidenced by the above mentioned Obama party and the recent cruise test, where a fully vaccinated cruise ship still had a COVID outbreak.  So the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread (admittedly, it does seem to slow it) and it apparently doesn’t help all that much with the Delta variant. It seems the reality is that no matter what we do, vaccinated or no, the virus will continue through the population and mutate, much like the flu (albeit 10-20 times more deadly).  I do not say this to be flippant, only to point out that nothing the establishment offers is actually meant to help, only meant to control you. It seems the new normal is either going to be living our lives as we did before with a more deadly flu season or living as slaves to a corrupt regime. 

We see that even more with how Biden is toying with banning people from interstate travel (not just flights, but travel) if you aren’t vaccinated.  I’m sure the bleating masses will love that as a way to “own” the unvaccinated, but several months after such a policy is implemented, the policy would be expanded to all travelers, vaccinated or no, due to the fact the virus would still continue to spread.  Of course, the vaccinated would then blame the un-vaccinated for this, rather than recognizing that this is all just a ploy to return mankind to a state of servitude to the elite.  Only, instead of an elite full of skillful warriors who defend their peasants, we get a cabal of feckless, degenerate merchants who exploit them.


  1. it is not the only “binary” that they released onto the world as prt of their “Olympic Games”…

  2. What did FDR famously say – the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Of course he was speaking to an entirely different set of generations of Americans then than the weak (in body, soul and mind) generations who inhabit the country in our day.

    An irrational fear of something is called a phobia, as you know. The word “phobia” is still defined that way in modern dictionaries in spite of incessant misuse of application, such as “Islamophobia,” “homophobia,” etc. I’m pretty sure I coined the word “truthophobia” years ago in reaction to persons in denial that e.g. homosexuality uncontrolled is a real threat. I propose that COVIDophobia is a fitting descriptive for the madness you describe in the post. Noah Webster once wrote on the subject of man’s ability to reason correctly that, ‘…but reason, unaided by experience and cultivation, is a miserable guide; it often errs from ignorance, and more often from the impulse of passion.’ In other words, emotion-driven “reasoning” is liable to err almost every single time. And when it’s not in error, it is simply a stroke of good luck.

    I liked reading your article so much that I thought I’d temporarily break from my current hiatus from online activity to tell you a quick and relevant anecdote:

    I’m an assistant coach for the little peewee football team my 11 year-old son, Josh, plays on. As such, we were at practive a few days back and I was conversing with a couple of the grandparents of the other players, both of whom I’ve known all of my life. The subject of COVID and the so called “Delta Variant” came up of course because apparently and unlike me, my interlocutors can’t get enough of it (on TV, on the radio, on social media and so on). Anyway, I made precisely the point in the conversation that you made in your opening paragraph of this article – that the pharmaceutical companies are making money hand over fist on this thing, and that that, in and of itself, constitutes what in a court of law would be deemed a “conflict of interests.” To which one of my interlocutors answered, “but if that is true, how come the vaccine is free?” I could tell by the look on his face resulting from seeing the look on mine when he said that, that I had been unable to hide my absolute disgust at the sheer stupidity of that statement. My answer to him was simply this, “I ain’t got the time, nor the inclination, to explain to you why the vaccine is in fact *not* free, anymore than I have time or inclination to explain why playing slot machines at the gaming casinos is a losing proposition to the players and a winning proposition to the casinos.”

    I have had many occasions of recent date to cite Carlo M. Cipolla’s, “The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity,” specifically his first and second laws. Which may be read, here:

    Excellent article, sir.

  3. It’s all a steamin’ pile of male bovine feces…fellow Rebs, resist the jab, resist the Yankee Empire’s lies…resist, resist, resist.

  4. Is plague a real concern that we should take very seriously?
    Yes, very much so, but it doesn’t look like COVID is going to be the Big One.

    Do I believe in vaccinations?
    Yes, vaccines are one of Western Man’s greatest achievements, but I’m not going to be first in line to take an experimental new vaccine unless I am very well compensated for the risk.

    Do I trust the advocates to give me a fair warning about the dangers or adverse effects in those vaccinated so far?
    Hell no.

    Will I ever get the COVID vax?
    Maybe at some point, but I’m in no hurry and today ain’t the day.

  5. Good observations except for the thinking the Covid Jab slows the ‘spread.’ The jab causes ‘shedding’, like all ‘vaccines’ do, thus turning the Jabee into a ‘super spreader.’ Fail to see where this ‘slows the spread’ of anything. As for me, I shant be participating in this kabuki dance.

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