Volunteering to Vax

Race is real. Everyone knows this even if they don’t admit it and the vaccination push is the latest evidence. We can observe a bifurcated approach based on melanin levels. While our counterparts have been subjected to a crass Vaxx These Blacks campaign that I covered last week, we’re getting hit with a different tactic.

However, the only thing that’s going to work on folks who haven’t already volunteered for injections is firing them from their jobs if they refuse, and here’s why.

It’s guaranteed to piss off anyone who doesn’t want the jab based on critical thinking skills, religious objections, or simply a rebel attitude. On one hand, they’re literally telling us that this is what the sophisticated people are doing. That’s because they feel that they’re an elite echelon of society that the rest of us cretins toiling aimlessly out in the hinterlands aspire to imitate:

Sophistication. It works like a magic talisman, you redneck imbecile.

In reality, the disposition runs on a scale of indifference to unbridled hatred. They think we want to party with Obama rather than drink beer in our trailers and be left alone. The notion itself is risible, and indicative an insular detachment from reality that’s been on full display ever since Trump launched his first campaign.

That would explain the other thrust (no pun intended) of the vaccine push, which is we should do it because that’s what all these gays did. Exhibit A is a video from some fruitloop and that shark-eyed bitch from the White House:

Never again will I question the dignity of these hallowed halls.

The toxic culture of the establishment equates sticking things up the rectum (or at least cheering it on) as a hallmark of sophistication. It seems they somehow think that anyone who’s dumb enough to be suspicious of the jab is also dumb enough to believe what’s promoted on TV without noticing the contradiction.

“Get a shot it doesn’t hurt at all”

The top of society isn’t populated with our best and brightest. That leaves me wondering what they’re going to do about all these Mexicans overrunning the place. Their voluntary compliance in this matter will become a big issue because there isn’t sufficient capacity to hold them at the border long enough for two injections. Furthermore, if they can’t be documented, they can’t be fired for not getting jabbed.

Will they be offered free tacos for their abuelas? Maybe a new leaf blower?


  1. That last video “Vaccinnate” was done by the SFGMC who also recently caught some flack for their “We’ll Convert Your Children.” Thank you for this article, even though the sight of the WH intern made me taste my coffee mixed with digestive fluids.

  2. Great article Tom.I will never get the Jew jab.Loved the beaner jokes at the end,had me smiling.God bless you.

  3. So they tell us the Delta variant is less lethal but at the same time hospitals are full due to COVID. The truth is hospital space has been lacking lately for two reasons, the first one is a proven fact while the second one is my opinion:
    1) Hospitals are “full” at least partially due to staffers quitting after the institution of vaccine mandates. There simply are fewer nurses to staff the available rooms.
    2) I can’t prove this but I strongly suspect many of the people in hospitals currently are not due to COVID itself but as a result of the deadly shot on their physical health.

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